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  • Tipping the Bin Men
  • genesiscore502011
    Free Member

    Is it not about Christmas tipping those that might have a lower income than others???

    Free Member

    So where are my tips.

    Full Member

    Is it not about Christmas tipping those that might have a lower income than others???

    Part of the reason I tip but it’s also as a thank you, that and I’m not a miserable git who thinks I don’t get one so why should anyone else.

    Free Member

    Part of the tip is being deserving of a tip, the guys at Braza get tipped for amazing food and service, the old staff at weatherspoons Bolton got tipped for great service, remembering the kids names and rembering preferences, also one night when a mate has a turn – collapsing and wandering off, following every step on CCTV, the pub/shops security radio net and liasing with the Ambo’s, the security lads got a tip. And so forth

    Bin men who are employed to empty wheeled bins that have been pre sorted for recycling, where you make sure the bin handle faces outward, where you try and make sure it’s a reasonable weight and so on, when they either can’t be arsed full stop, or when they do, leave the bin hap hazzardly often yards or hundreds of yards away from where they picked it up, usually a danger to pedestrian traffic, ill not tip.

    Full Member

    I never really understood Xmas tipping and don’t know anyone who does tip at xmas…

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator

    that and I’m not a miserable git who thinks I don’t get one so why should anyone else.

    You hero you.

    Full Member

    I know.

    Free Member

    Ours have a sticker in their truck saying “I am voting to leave the EU”, so, quite frankly, they can get to ****.

    Free Member

    “The general public don’t tip me, so I don’t see why I should be expected to tip others.”

    Only patients who survive until Christmas can tip.

    Full Member

    So who is in a job that does get tips?

    My summer “taxi” job of picking up and dropping off cyclists in the Scottish Highlands saw me with about £250 in tips last year. Often, it’s the spare fiver/tenner when the customers hand me notes. Occasionally there’ll be a wee surprise at the end of the journey. It’s still fairly unexpected and gratefully received though. Americans are generous. Swiss not so much 🙂 British passengers only usually tip if it’s a large group and they have a bit of a whip round.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t say that Americans are generous, it’s just that they have been conditioned to expect the salary of anyone in the service industry to be so low that if they do not tip at least 20% that person will not be making enough money to live…

    The American federal government requires a wage of at least $2.13 per hour be paid to employees that receive at least $30 per month in tips. If wages and tips do not equal the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour during any pay period, the employer is required to increase cash wages to compensate.

    From wiki…

    Not withstanding that many places now restrict low paid workers hours so that they don’t have to provide health insurance…

    Free Member

    ^ That doesn’t prove that they’re not generous, it merely explains why they are generous.

    Free Member

    I get tipped all the time, maybe you’re just not very good at your job?

    So your’e either a waiter or a gambler. 😉

    4. Salary

    Starter: £15,000 to £19,000 (collectors)

    Experienced: £20,000 (drivers)

    Highly Experienced: £25,000 (managers)

    These figures are a guide.

    For 19K, what would you rather be, a binman or a prison officer?

    A prison officer starting now would eventually be on 25K. I’d rather be a bin man(ager). Prison officers don’t get tipped either, just the odd ‘tipoff’

    Full Member

    I dont tip the binmen after they knocked my motorbike over with their truck and were caught putting it back up by the next door neighbour who they refused to give the name of the driver, they then tried to give him a false reg number….to be honest I didnt tip them before either, maybe I should have!

    Free Member


    ive opted for Amstel, 30 tins of (on offer in supermarket), to be split three ways (black, green, blue – the different lorries)

    They always take the correct recycling, they always put the wheelie bin back so it doesnt block the drive, they will always take anything that didnt fit in the bin if its the correct ‘sort’, they never accidentally knocked my car over, i dont care how they vote because unlike the politics nazis on here thats a freedom i protect.

    do they need it, no
    do they deserve it, IMO yes, its a tough job and not properly appreciated, particularly in terms of payment

    Free Member

    If they’re employed by the council they probably shouldn’t be accepting tips.

    Free Member

    “Well what did you get for Christmas ebygomm?”

    “Well I got a letter from the council assuring me that all the local refuse collectors had been suspended without pay pending an investigation into illicit monies received.” 😀

    Free Member

    Since when is it so wrong to give a gift to someone?

    Some right Ebeneezers in here.

    Free Member

    Since when is it so wrong to give a gift to someone?

    As long as it isn’t booze or cash. That’s bribery. In Barrhead anyway.

    Free Member

    I used to work for a local authority, and all the staff had the same policy, no gifts allowed.

    It’s not an unusual policy.

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