Thanks for the responses – not sure it helps me get to a decision but at least I know it’s not just me.
I had a pair of the original grey plastic ATACs and they were still going until I bent the axle after about 10 years.
Then I tried Eggbeaters and Mallets, before settling on Z Controls for most of my off road riding (Shimano DX flats for the rest).
The ATAC mechanism is brilliant – simple, sheds mud, floats, kicking the pedal as you enter it both pushes mud out and positions the pedal properly to hook the front – just spot on.
Bizarely though I have found out that although the mechanisms look the same, they aren’t. There’s a blow up drawing on the Time website if you persevere. The ROC uses the original mechanism where the retention bar is part of the spring. The XS uses a pair of floating octagonal retention bars (one end of the octagon pokes out of each side of the pedal) and seperate springs.
Why? The original mechanism worked. Now they appear to have two products, about the same weight (material for material) covering roughly the same price points. It makes no sense and confses the buyer – ie me. I love French logic, it has a certain charm.
Oh well, I’ll just pick a price and a weight and see which one that equates to.