Oddly this is now illegal. You actually need to keep it locked up.
Not true.
I thought crossbow ownership was now illegal, sure I remember an amnesty several years ago.
Also not true. The only restrictions on crossbows are that a) it is illegal to sell one to anyone under the age of 18, b) persons under the age of 18 may not own a crossbow or any crossbow parts, and c) anyone under the age of 18 may not use a crossbow unless supervised by someone over the age of 21.
The only issue with any sort of weapon, be it shotgun, sporting rifle, air rifle, crossbow or whatever is that they are not inherently dangerous. It is only the user that is potentially dangerous.
I spent years shooting air rifles, shotguns, practical pistol (both before Dunblane and after) and I have also represented England twice in field archery. I have never once witnessed any dangerous occurences or behaviour with anyone who is actively involved in these sports. The only danger comes from the inbred sub 100 IQ **** who use airguns and crossbows as penis extensions
Great Britain has some of the most stringent firearms legislation in the world, which is why we have one of the lowest rates of firearms crime.