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  • This site is spooky.
  • naokfreek
    Free Member

    thought this was gonna be a little odd but alas not…..

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: i am listening to public enemy
    Stranger: have u a delicious pussy?
    You: i have a cat
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: what kind of cat?
    Stranger: come on
    You: a tabby called maserati
    Stranger: where are u from?
    You: london
    Stranger: yes
    You: well yea
    Stranger: i like british accent
    You: it is good
    Stranger: whats u name?
    You: dan
    Stranger: how old?
    You: 35
    Stranger: pardon me! for my first sentence.
    You: err what was it?
    You: ahh
    You: you should cut that shit out
    Stranger: dan what do u do there(london)!?
    Stranger: u job
    You: i’m a cycle courier messenger
    Stranger: so good
    You: yea it rocks
    Stranger: no no
    You: yes yes
    Stranger: i’m from IRAN
    You: so
    You: a guy i grew up with in my teenage years is from iran……he’s cool
    Stranger: WHAT was his name?
    You: kashier
    You: or kash
    Stranger: u married?
    You: he and his family have been here since the 60’s
    You: no
    You: you?
    Stranger: u type very slowly!
    You: yep!!
    Stranger: ehsan
    Stranger: 21
    Stranger: student
    You: what do you study?
    Stranger: visual art
    Stranger: oil painting
    You: ahhh nice…..i paint too!!
    Stranger: awesome
    Stranger: for how many years?
    You: ages i’ve been painting since i was maybe 4/5
    Stranger: oil paint? pastel? …. which one?
    You: oil, acylic whatever i can get…
    You: r
    Stranger: perfect
    Stranger: so i have a question
    You: go on
    Stranger: its is an economical question
    You: hmmm
    Stranger: how much get an ordinary high school teacher monthly?
    Stranger: dan!
    You: i.ve no idea really maybe £20000
    You: gonna go for a piss back in a min
    Stranger: i know here, it is 700 $
    Stranger: ok
    You: what a year?
    Stranger: no monthly
    You: ahh thats not to much dude…
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: you are a good guy dan
    Stranger: i have to go
    You: cool
    Stranger: wish u the best
    Stranger: in job
    You: and u
    Stranger: in love
    Stranger: and in the life
    You: smae
    You: same dude
    You: laters
    Stranger: laters
    Stranger: bye
    You: word
    Stranger: what?
    You: its a brit thing
    Stranger: slang?
    You: yea
    Stranger: means what?
    You: all good etc
    Stranger: ha
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: bye
    You: bye
    Your conversational partner has disconnected

    and i’m still listening to public enemy…..

    i don’t know if my frame is up to it …..


    Free Member

    this site is ‘quite spooky’……

    i like it

    Free Member

    It’s funny!

    Full Member

    This was a bit strange…

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    You: do you singletrack?
    You: You know stw? rubber, lycra, mud…
    Stranger: WHEN I WAZ
    Stranger: A YUNG BOY
    Stranger: MY FATHER
    Stranger: TO SEE A MARCHING
    Stranger: **** SUCK COCK
    Stranger: PISS
    Stranger: SHIT
    Stranger: TITS
    Stranger: MASTER
    Stranger: OF
    Stranger: PUPPETS
    You: What tyres for innerleithen this weekend?
    Stranger: has anyone even gone as far as to say about?
    You: I was thinking 2.5 minions but it may be a bit dry.
    Stranger: this conversation isnt making any sens
    You: thats because sens isn’t a real word. Do you mean sense?
    Stranger: yeah, typo
    You: Well it started a bit randomly but we seem to have got through it.
    Stranger: goddammit -_-
    You: I know – must try harder
    Stranger: will you disconnect if i start telling you about the jar that i shoved up my anus 1 minute ago?
    You: Yes
    Stranger: OH **** IT JUST BROKE
    Stranger: HOLY SHIT
    Stranger: BLOOD IN MY ASS
    Stranger: OMFG
    Stranger: IM CHOKING
    Stranger: MY HAIR IS ON FIRE
    You: Excellent. But seriously – what do you expect. This is a form of natural selection
    Stranger: OH **** YOU
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: would you like to have consensual sex in the missionary position?
    You: thats what real people are for
    You: not the internetzzz
    Stranger: i can has sex with you
    Stranger: i have a fleshlight adapter for my pc
    You: no thanks im all booked up today
    Stranger: fffffffffuuuuuuuuuu
    You: u wish
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    That site is so addictive!

    Free Member

    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: I like poo
    You: i like pook
    Stranger: I like pookaki
    You: do you like singletrack?
    Stranger: Prefer eight-track
    You: me too
    You: its my wide girth
    Stranger: You a bit of a fattie are ya?
    You: larger than life
    Stranger: Say thanks to your dad for me
    Stranger: Where are you from manwhore?
    You: ??l???sn?
    You: ¿oo? u??l???sn? no? ???
    Stranger: Meeeeeeeeeean, how do you do that?
    Stranger: Sorry mate Im on the other side of the ditch
    You: ??o? o? ?u?o? s? s??? ?u??? ?,uop ?
    You: I’ll stand up side down
    Stranger: Its fun!
    Stranger: Whas yo name?
    You: Jim
    You: you?
    Stranger: Is your nickname ‘Big Jim and the Twinss’?
    You: no. Its FallOutBoy
    Stranger: Do you fall out of ur pants a lot?
    You: no. I work with radioactive-man
    Stranger: Do that make you a hit with the ladies?
    You: I glow in the dark
    Stranger: So they have a free glow stick?
    You: sometimes its a soft glow
    Stranger: More soft than harsh i bet?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hey
    You: thank you for calling, your call is on hold
    Stranger: yepp
    You: you are in a queue
    Stranger: really?
    You: your call is important to us
    Stranger: why?
    You: please continue to hold
    Stranger: Okay
    You: Hello?
    Stranger: ye’
    Stranger: What r u doing?
    You: Hi sorry for the wait, what can I help you with today?
    Stranger: Just chatting
    You: ur not interested in our discount 3 for 2 offer on toothpaste?
    You: best brand
    Stranger: oh
    Stranger: I don’t know
    You: never to be repeated offer
    Stranger: sell?
    You: u want to buy? very good price.
    Stranger: How to buy?
    You: just send me 10 dollars and ill send you lots of toothpaste good good offer
    Stranger: It’s difficult for me
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    I feel a bit sorry for them now!

    Free Member

    I expect you are all talking to each other still, but just on another website.



    Full Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: is your name mark?
    You: yes!
    Stranger: really or are you just joking?
    You: it is
    Stranger: where do you live?
    You: uk
    Stranger: damn
    You: why?
    You: looking for someone?
    Stranger: i’m looking for a certain mark
    Stranger: ah well,
    You: ha, you might be some time
    You: where’s mark from, maybe i know him?
    Stranger: he’s from australia
    You: and you?
    You: wait, mark… from Australia?
    Stranger: do you play an instrument?
    You: flute
    You: and trombone
    Stranger: awesome, my friend just started learning flute
    You: skin flute?
    Stranger: i don’t know

    Free Member

    I haven’t found another STW’er, they all just go “eh?” or “stw?” when I mention it.

    Free Member

    just be carefull which stupid conversation you go allong with, your IP and conversations are visible to everyone! And if you know what your doing you can choose who wou talk to!

    Apparenlty my IP is now being watched by P_J as a potential sexual predator! Cant remember the exact details of the conversation, but it certainly was no more daft than the “Do you singletrack” ones posted above.

    Free Member

    just be carefull which stupid conversation you go allong with, your IP and conversations are visible to everyone! And if you know what your doing you can choose who wou talk to!

    How are conversations visible to everyone?

    And how can you choose who you talk to?

    Free Member

    not a secure connection (would say https at the top if it was)

    Free Member

    I see.

    I dont know what Im doing.

    Free Member

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Hi. I'm a Male, You?
    You: oh
    Stranger: yeah?
    You: not sure
    You: I don't think so
    Stranger: you dont know if you are a guy or a girl?
    You: I'm a hemaphrodite
    Stranger: oh.
    Stranger: thats nice
    You: it can be entertaining
    You: some days it changes
    Stranger: i bet…
    Stranger: how?
    You: odour
    Stranger: oh.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Stranger: ARE YOU A BIEBER FAN ?! heyheyhey (:
    You: it is Igor from Russia
    Stranger: ohh thats nice
    Stranger: BYE pedo.

    Free Member

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: hi
    You: do you singletrack?
    Stranger: singletrack?
    Stranger: means?
    You: i wanted advice
    You: could you recommend tyres for a dry trail through roughly 30/70 percent trail/tarmac and the trail is woodland?
    Stranger: no no no i am sorry~ i am not good at it
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    Free Member

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: heyy sweety
    You: bonjour
    Stranger: french ****
    You: french kiss first?
    Stranger: of corse baby;)
    You: do you singletrack?
    Stranger: yeah
    You: ha ha! who are you?
    Stranger: u from raritan new jersey?
    You: Manchestershire England

    Free Member

    Holy thread resurrection batman 🙂

    Free Member

    I just befriended a 21yo biological science undergraduate from San Paulo. How cool is that!

    Full Member

    ?u?d?? u?op?p?sdn ??? ???l ?uu?p ????

    Free Member

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: What pornstar should I masturbate to right now?
    You: A fat one, with a beard
    You: Your choice dude
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    You: hi
    You: where has all the love gone?
    Stranger: who knows :S
    You: not me, what about the chickens?
    Stranger: ohhh the chickens…… wait…. no idea
    You: they're clucking mad, what have you done to them?
    Stranger: did they not tell you?
    You: FOX!
    Stranger: :O
    You: I know, he's ginger see, enough to make anyone mad.
    Stranger: hahaha
    You: So,
    Stranger: where are you from?
    You: West side.
    Stranger: nice
    You: Just beyond the big tree.
    You: You?
    Stranger: surrey! :O
    You: Nice, Surreal?
    Stranger: no
    You: are you sure?
    Stranger: yeh
    You: are you really really sure?
    Stranger: i am really really really sure
    You: What do you thinks MC hammer's got to say about it?
    Stranger: dont really care!!!
    You: You're loss, he can be pretty wise.
    Stranger: can he?
    i didnt know?
    You: well he's gone now, what's the time Mr Wolf?
    Stranger: dinner time
    You: nah, that was 3 hours ago.
    Stranger: what u on about !!
    its all about eating at 11 o clock
    You: only if you like cheddar cheese.
    Stranger: but i dont
    You: or prawn cocktail crisps?
    Stranger: no
    You: why are you eating at 59 mins to midnight then, you crazy or summin?
    Stranger: not crazy just hungry
    You: wait a minute MC Hammer says it's Hammer Time!
    Stranger: ohh great!
    You: Can't touch this!
    Stranger: ohh yes i can!
    You: no, don't touch that, I'll tell mu mummy.
    You: MUMMMY, there;s a man on the internet trying to touch it!
    Stranger: wwell your wrong there coz i aint a dude
    You: Yeah right, what's a girl doing talking to a crazy computer?
    Stranger: im not sure really

    You: hurry, hurry she's from surrey, how old are you?
    Stranger: hahah!!
    You: everyone's 17 on here, you're too young to be talking to a crazy computer!
    Stranger: well does it count that im 18 tomorow?
    You: happy birthday, you should be out drinking 20:20 not chatting to a machine.
    Stranger: thats happening tomorow!!
    You: you at college then, I'm studying strangers on the internet, doing A-levels in it and everything
    Stranger: right!
    yeh second year
    You: That fox is back again, get away you ginger fiend!
    Stranger: shout at it :O
    You: I'm going to bark at it, rrrrggghhhhh….
    You: ruffff, rufffff.
    Stranger: that should do the tricjk
    You: it has, fox's are scared of polar bears
    Stranger: gdgd
    You: polar bears don't understand gdgd?
    Stranger: ohh well they should learn
    You: we eat penguins, not learn text speak.
    Stranger: do u have much of a socail life¬¬¬
    Stranger: lol
    You: there's a few polar bears about, but we generally end up fighting. says you 17 year old girl talking to a polar bear on the net?!
    Stranger: ghahahaha you have a point
    You: Where?
    Stranger: over there
    You: I can't see it. I'm starting to believe that you actually are a 17 year old girl.
    Stranger: well u would be right
    ohh oloook its over ther look keep looking
    ohh its gone 🙁

    Full Member

    classic thread, on of the best.
    do you STW?

    Free Member

    Freaky but clever

    Free Member

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: heyo
    Stranger: asl?
    You: f 22 boston
    Stranger: nice, i'm m 19 london
    You: london bridge falling?
    Stranger: yeah thats the one
    You: kool
    Stranger: you got a webcam?
    You: yeh
    Stranger: are you horny?
    You: got website 2
    You: always
    You: can't get satisfied tho
    Stranger: got msn?
    You: bostonbabe20?hotmail.com
    Stranger: sweet, shall i add you?
    You: yess
    Stranger: ok 😉
    You have disconnected.

    Free Member

    Damn! I'll never get to sleep now

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Hey I'm a gay 14 m looking to chat.
    You: no you're not
    Stranger: Why not?
    Stranger: I am.
    You: you singletrack don't you?
    Stranger: What?
    You: what headset for a hardtail
    Stranger: I don't understand what either of those msgs mean.
    You: I was thinking Chris King, maybe FSA
    Stranger: Who's that?
    Stranger: And what's FSA?
    Stranger: What the **** are you saying?
    You: Tioga you say? Nah they're rubbish
    Stranger: troll.
    You: gay
    Stranger: touche
    Stranger: bye bye, darling
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    This one was actually quite good

    5617 users online

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: hello, STWer?
    Stranger: ???
    You: Never mind, I know a lot of STWers are playing tonite
    Stranger: i have no idea what that is lol
    You: singletrack world
    You: .com
    Stranger: oh
    You: go there and see http://www.singletrackworld.com
    You: it's about bikes
    You: Mountain Bikes
    You: you should should give it a go
    You: do you want to talk bikes
    Stranger: k
    Stranger: i need one lol
    You: what is k
    Stranger: "ok"
    You: what? two letters is too long!!?
    Stranger: iknow thats why i use "k"
    You: ah,k
    You: where are you
    Stranger: home
    You: good answer
    You: where in the world then
    Stranger: westrn hemisphere
    Stranger: lol
    You: why so coy
    Stranger: the united states
    You: I got back from there last week
    You: Steamboat Springs
    You: Colorado
    You: It was **** freezing!
    Stranger: new york
    You: Ahh, it's cold there too I hear. My friend lives in NY
    Stranger: yesh snow everywhere
    You: We don't get snow here
    Stranger: lucky where are u?
    You: Channel Islands
    You: All it seems to do is bloody rain
    You: Well lately anyway
    You: I went to NY ages ago, watched a NYKs game.
    You: But I'm British so don't really understand Basketball
    Stranger: i dont like basketball much lol\
    You: They are a group of small Islands in the English channel BTW
    Stranger: oh
    You: Where it rains a lot
    Stranger: so u bike while the rain
    You: Of course, it's only rain. Why do New Yorkers ride expensive mountain bikes around central park?
    Stranger: i guess to show off lol
    You: Are you just a slow typist or watching TV as well? What's on?
    Stranger: im watchin tv too
    Stranger: im watchin a movie
    You: Oooh which one. I could tell you the ending
    Stranger: blood in blood out
    You: Oh. I've not seen that one
    You: anygood
    Stranger: reall good lol
    You: Adventure/Action/Romcom/Zomromcom
    You: That last one is a rom com. but with Zombies
    Stranger: ohhh
    You: That makes me sound weird
    You: Wouldn't it be funny if you were the friend from NY that's coming to visit next week
    You: That would be weird
    Stranger: that be hilarious lol
    You: What's the film about then?
    You: Sorry. Movie
    Stranger: it is abou this mexican dude whos white
    Stranger: and he keeps in gettin in trouble
    Stranger: his cousin who was a gang member became a cop
    You: Who is in it?
    Stranger: ummm
    Stranger: damian chapa
    Stranger: benjamin bratt
    You: Is he famous, I've never heard of him
    Stranger: back in the day yea
    You: Is it a funny film.
    You: Sorry, movie
    Stranger: non serious
    You: Non serious? So the director tried to make a funny film.
    You: But failed?
    You: Sorry, I mean movie
    Stranger: nonon its serious
    You: why do the english and americans have different names for the same thing.?
    Stranger: like?
    You: Let's try to think of some. It might be funnier than you film…I mean movie
    Stranger: k
    You: k, you say sidewalk. we say pavement
    You: Film/movie
    You: Obviously
    Stranger: oh
    Stranger: i dont know it just happend
    You: And why, when I am in the US do people think I'm Australian?
    Stranger: maybe the accent
    You: And why are all British actors cast as bad guys? In american films?
    Stranger: again accents
    You: But I though americans thought British accents were cool.
    You: They did when I was there
    You: After I'd explained I wasn't from Australia
    Stranger: idk movies they do that
    You: You're getting bored now aren't you.
    Stranger: nononono im focusing on the movie lol
    You: Is it an old movie.
    Stranger: yea it came out 93
    You: Oh good, it will probably open here next week then.
    You: Channel islands are a bit 'backwater'
    Stranger: really?
    Stranger: then again i never heard of those islands
    You: They are tax havens in the English Channel. New Jersey was named after one of them.
    Stranger: wow! i didnt know that
    Stranger: dude gtg it was nice talkin to you k
    You: ttfn
    Stranger: k peace

    Free Member

    Dunno if anyone has posted in the last eight pages, but a nice feature is that you can open it up in multiple tabs, so relay the conversation.
    Text based Voyeurism!
    Interesting to see where it goes (at work so can't spend the time to fnid out).

    Free Member

    So the 19 yr old Sweidsh girl looking for cyber sex that sent me some jpegs…. has she given my computer a virus?

    Free Member

    This is truly awesome…wish it wasn't blocked at work

    Free Member

    Surely the novelty has worn off by now?

    Full Member

    you'd think wouldn't you but we keep coming back here dont we 🙂

    Free Member

    Thread resurrection was because I linked to this last night…

    Just had another go.

    Stranger: Hello Stranger!
    You: Shhh. He'll hear you.
    Stranger: *whispers* What are we hiding from?
    You: SFB. He's outside.
    Stranger: What's SFB?
    You: It's a scary thing. Quite scary.
    Stranger: Oh :S
    Stranger: When will he leave?
    You: Can I just check, do you own a duck?
    You: This is very important.
    Stranger: No, sorry 🙁
    You: OK, you're safe. SFB likes ducks.
    Stranger: Good for me then

    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Full Member

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: kimbley?
    Stranger: no
    You: janine?
    Stranger: no
    You: salome?
    Stranger: no
    You: simonfbarnes?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Full Member

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Stranger: Hello Stranger!
    You: Shhh. He'll hear you.
    Stranger: *whispers* What are we hiding from?
    You: SFB. He's outside.
    Stranger: What's SFB?
    You: It's a scary thing. Quite scary.
    Stranger: Oh :S
    Stranger: When will he leave?
    You: Can I just check, do you own a duck?
    You: This is very important.
    Stranger: No, sorry
    You: OK, you're safe. SFB likes ducks.
    Stranger: Good for me then
    Stranger: Hello.
    Stranger: WHAT?

    Free Member

    If you think thats weird try chatroulette.com

    This is really really not worksafe at all, and you're likely to get some erm, disturbing images

    Free Member

    If you think thats weird try chatroulette.com

    This is really really not worksafe at all, and you're likely to get some erm, disturbing images
    My advice is leave it alone. I tried it and saw a nasty man who was stroking his Jake.

    Free Member

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: 😉
    You: ROAR!!!
    Stranger: Wow
    Stranger: you scared me
    Stranger: 🙂
    Stranger: :O
    You: did u shart ur pants?
    Stranger: nopee
    Stranger: nearly though
    Stranger: seruisly
    Stranger: yiou should calm down
    Stranger: you might kill someoen
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Full Member

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: im a lonely bisexual male lookinq for his siqnificant other
    Stranger: i hate black jews mexicans and asians
    Stranger: im a member of the kkk
    Stranger: and i love cowboy butsex
    Stranger: lmao
    You: are u on singletrack, u sound ideal
    Stranger: i do?
    Stranger: omq thank you
    You: just the right demographic
    Stranger: what race are you?
    You: really, u should sign up http://www.singletrackworld.com
    Stranger: ok
    You: i don't race, i'm more of a xc mncer
    You: mncer=mincer
    Stranger: oh
    You: more nobby nics than maxxis minions
    Stranger: cool
    You: anyway it's been lovely, maybe see you on the forum
    You have disconnected.

Viewing 40 posts - 281 through 320 (of 325 total)

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