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  • This site is spooky.
  • redthunder
    Free Member

    @ernie_lynch – Member

    “FFS ……… all I seem to get are perverts “

    You must be talking to someone here then 😉

    Free Member

    Turkish Perv…

    Stranger: hi there
    Stranger: asl?
    You: Do you singletrack
    You: I have ADSL
    Stranger: yeah always
    Stranger: I have tooo
    You: Where do you ride ?
    Stranger: around here
    Stranger: u?
    You: Here and there…mainly UK#
    Stranger: asl?
    You: 19 F UK
    Stranger: 22 m turkey
    Stranger: have u ever been to turkey?
    You: No. Friends have a place in Bodrum
    Stranger: reaally
    Stranger: you should visit too
    Stranger: there are many english people in bodrum
    You: So do you singletrack?
    Stranger: but sure there are alot of different place to be seen
    Stranger: msn or yahoo?
    You: Whats MSN and Yahoo ?
    Stranger: we can continue to talk there
    You: What do you look like ?
    Stranger: you can see me if u add me to your list
    Stranger: we can talk on the cam
    Stranger: if you like
    You: Are into mountain biking ?
    Stranger: sometimes
    Stranger: why ?
    You: What do you ride. Hartail or Susser ?
    Stranger: bianchi
    You: Roasie.
    You: Roadie
    You: Gonna to watch the TDF then
    Stranger: doyou like naughty things?
    You: Like what?
    Stranger: playing on cam?
    You: Like football or tennis ?
    Stranger: bye

    Free Member

    This one slammed the door on me 😐

    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Hi
    Stranger: yo
    You: do you know about the L A feeling ?
    Stranger: never heard of it…
    You: Loving Awareness
    Stranger: oooh
    You: Do you feel it ?
    Stranger: Im feeling it… you?
    You: Yeah it’s good …..
    Stranger: quite
    You: There’s not enough love in this world
    Stranger: no… there’s way to much hate too
    You: Spread a little love ……
    You: Jesus loves you …..
    Stranger: will do~
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    unless someone has a very low boredom/thrill threshold I just had a long conversation with someone from Russia!

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Hello
    Stranger: hello random ****
    You: Is it me you’re looking for?
    Stranger: depends on how many inches you can take
    You: I can see it in your eyes
    Stranger: spit or swallow?
    You: I can see it in your smile
    Stranger: shut the **** up you stupid emo whore
    Stranger: spit or swallow?
    You: You’re all I’ve ever wanted
    Stranger: dick is all youve ever wanted
    You: My arms are open wide
    Stranger: your legs are wide open whore
    Stranger: i can smell you from here
    You: Cos you know just what to say
    Stranger: damn straight bitch
    Stranger: make me a sammich
    You: And you know just what to do
    Stranger: kitchen…now
    You: And I want to tell you so much, I love you
    Stranger: you truely are pathetic
    Stranger: kill yourself
    You: I long to see the sunlight in your hair
    Stranger: im gonna cum in your hair
    You: And tell you time and time again, how much I care
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Not a Lionel fan then. Amazed I reached the second verse.

    I had a brilliant serious conversation on climate change earlier with a guy in Portugal. Started out being foolish, but he broke me down. We had a very interesting conversation. Then I was just really embarassed for being a pillock first off. Over the embarassment now and back to being a pillock. Go on ASL? me I DARE YOU!!

    Free Member

    Ok after messing about on this instead of working…

    I found myself conversing with young lady in Europe for 3 hours.

    To the point of me offering her love life advice, marketing advice, bichemistry and metabolism, anorexia and career moves and virginity/her Bf.

    Swapped emails and twitter websites and she MSM me waving with on her webcam. She’s also hot as hell and I’m working near her country next week even thought I could visit and she it would be fun and asked if I have a GF!

    I have a GF. But bloody hell this lady is smoking.

    Banned myself from going on there again!

    Reading this back-slaps face…get on with your work Zaskar!

    Free Member

    What does asl mean then?

    Free Member

    age sex location

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: egg
    You: cheese
    Stranger: egg
    You: cheese
    Stranger: egg
    You: cheese
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    I’ve had egg man 8 times now!!

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

    Dear Lisa,

    Its been a long time since we met. How is life treating you? How are the kids I hope everything is working out just fine.
    I went to the mountains with George last weekend we had a very nice time.

    See you soon!



    You: Jane, life has not been kind to me. I am living in a cardboard box on the streets of bogota. I sell my body to eat. I lost everything in the crash of 98. I am glad you had a nice time in the mountains. Lisa
    Stranger: hahahahahahahahahahaha
    You: You laugh at my misfortune? I thought we were friends. By the way, I had George first.
    Stranger: i am lol
    Stranger: very loud
    You: Has a little bit of wee come out?
    Stranger: no
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Anyone had the paedophile message yet?

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: why is everyone so filthy round here!
    You: no real friends! 🙁
    You: ur quiet, i like u
    You: erm…..too quiet.
    Stranger: rgg?
    Stranger: egg*
    You: i know
    Stranger: holy crap the man knows
    Stranger: oh dude
    You: sick of it tbh
    You: gets everywhere
    Stranger: who
    Stranger: whoa
    Stranger: i dont really want to talk to you anymore…
    Stranger: Attention Omegle® user, we have recieved reports that the stranger you are chatting with is a known pedophile (IP address
    Please exercise caution when chatting with strangers online and remember to never share personal or sensitive information with anyone online.
    Thank you for your time and we hope you continue to enjoy using Omegle®.
    You: ooh
    You: exciting
    Stranger: seriously
    You: maybe
    Stranger: you touch kids?
    You: thought u didnt want to talk to me?
    Stranger: grim
    You: this aint anonymous really you know, they know where u are!!
    You: are you scared, biatch?!!
    Stranger: egg
    You: i know
    Stranger: egg
    You: i know
    Stranger: egg
    You: ur real exciting
    You: so glad i came on here.
    Stranger: so, been to any playgrounds recently?
    You: well i am only 12.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: hi
    You: egg
    Stranger: 19
    You: 19 eggs?
    Stranger: ye
    You: That’s going to bung you up
    Stranger: where re ufrom
    You: UK, you?
    Stranger: turkey
    You: Turkey eggs? I’ve never had one
    Your conversational partner has disconnected

    It was all going so well

    Free Member

    Stranger: I speak fluid Ostrich
    You: cause you have your head in the sand?
    Stranger: no
    Stranger: cuz i have a pet ostrich named kevin
    Stranger: and he taught me
    Stranger: jealous??
    You: why is he a fluid ostrich you melted him or something?
    Stranger: NO
    You: fluentlly

    Free Member

    Stranger: 16 male gay
    You: do you singletrack?
    You: it involves lycra, mud and rubber 😉
    You: and many men often in groups
    Stranger: ahhaha
    Stranger: no
    You: why not? You might like it?
    You: When I go I have 6″ in the rear
    Stranger: hahahah
    Stranger: heheh
    Stranger: i think i like it : )
    You: I have to control the rebound in the woods or it makes my eyes water
    Stranger: mm
    You: What rubber for the best traction in the mud?
    Stranger: hehehe
    Stranger: i dunknwo
    You: I often use maxxis, but you need a bit of white grease to get it on
    You: what lube do you use?
    You: I like finish line, makes everything so loose. No friction.
    Stranger: i dunknwo
    Stranger: but teach me
    Stranger: im avirgin
    You: Its better when it’s a bit wet. It gets a conjealed in the dry
    Stranger: hehe
    Stranger: okaii
    Stranger: teach me more
    You: often men that go downhill prefer 10-12 inches in the rear
    You: and at least 8″ in the front
    You: dog walkers look at us funny
    Stranger: hahahaha
    Stranger: hehe
    Stranger: continueee
    Stranger: r u a top
    Stranger: though
    You: they dont like our tight lycra tops and the speed we ride
    Stranger: mm
    Stranger: hahahaa
    Stranger: im abottom
    Stranger: can u **** me
    You: what i thought this was about singletracking?
    Stranger: hahahah
    Stranger: wat is that
    Stranger: i du nget it!
    You: in the woods with men, mud and lycra
    You: riding
    Stranger: hahaha
    Stranger: okaii
    You: google it, you’ll like it
    Stranger: hahhaha
    Stranger: no thanks
    You: go on i dare you
    You: http://www.singletrackworld.com/
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: later okaii
    You: no now
    You: go on, you can be a new recruit in our fun fun sport
    Stranger: HAHAHHA
    Stranger: niceee
    Stranger: ur good
    Stranger: totally fooled me

    Free Member

    Come on, who is the I am Legend nut job????

    Free Member

    I just got egg man!!

    Free Member

    Me too hobo.

    Free Member

    Egged just now!

    Free Member

    plenty of “egg” and only one normal conversation so far

    Free Member

    the ‘egg’ thing is something started by 4chan to try and conquer the site.

    i’m starting each chat with ‘singletrack’.

    see you there.

    Free Member

    USA drafter currently…

    Free Member


    Free Member



    Enjoy your ride round Loch!

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: got stw?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    Free Member

    This one went on longer than expected.

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi there
    Stranger: wat
    You: I said hi there
    Stranger: wat do u want
    You: Information
    Stranger: o
    You: You wont get it
    Stranger: ok
    You: By hook or by crook we will
    Stranger: aight
    You: What is your number? I am number 2
    Stranger: 1
    You: I am not a number, i’m a free man
    Stranger: mee2

    You: Do you drive a Lotus 7
    Stranger: yeaa
    You: I escapd but then some blokes in monkey suits captured me
    Stranger: cool
    You: Do you want the truth
    Stranger: yeap
    You: You cant handle the truth
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: then y did u ask me
    You: Son we live in a world with walls. Those walls need to be protected by men with guns
    Stranger: yessir
    You: I have a greater reponsibility than you can fathom
    Stranger: nice
    You: My existence, whilst grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives
    Stranger: yea..cool
    You: You want me on that wall
    Stranger: yea
    You: So what do you want?
    Stranger: nothing
    You: I oughta give you a code red
    Stranger: ok?
    You: Santiago didnt like gettin a code red
    Stranger: i dont care
    Stranger: ur point is
    You: You cant handle the truth
    Stranger: ask me if i care
    You: Slack toothed faggot. This stuff will turn you into a sexual tyranosaurus, just like me
    Stranger: not my problem…
    You: It will be when i get ‘little painless’ outta the bag
    Stranger: i dont care if u get painless outta the bag
    Stranger: find some friends
    Stranger: do u have friends??
    Stranger: i dont think so
    You: Macs my frined
    You: friend
    Stranger: b quiet
    You: we served in Nam together
    Stranger: b quiet please???
    You: He didnt have time to bleed
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: hello
    Stranger: m or f?
    You: i liked chas better!
    You: he was the evil one
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    this is getting annoying!

    Free Member

    Try again……

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: bonjour
    Stranger: hi
    Stranger: o **** french
    Stranger: male/female ?
    You: non
    Stranger: je n’ais pas francais
    You: me neither, let’s try english
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    This is very frustrating.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    Stranger: asl
    You: Singletrack?
    Stranger: what
    You: You? I the woods? Singletrack?
    You: In*
    Stranger: you male and female
    You: Male AND female?
    Stranger: you male
    You: No both actually
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    So rude, they dont even say goodbye!

    Free Member

    Last one

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Hi there
    Stranger: Blue?
    You: No i’m fine
    Stranger: ok
    You: You blue
    Stranger: Who’s red?
    You: Professor plums a kinda red colour
    Stranger: Hmm….
    Stranger: If you want me, I’ll be with my boyfriend in the bedroom with a lead pipe
    You: Lead pipe you say. You dont wanna be getting that stuck anywhere
    Stranger: Like where?
    You: In yer trumpet
    Stranger: I won’t be putting a clue piece in my trumpet any time soon, it’ll sound awful
    You: You could get your boyfirend to blow on it
    Stranger: Sounds like a plan 😀
    You: so i take it your female
    Stranger: Male
    You: so how do you have a boyfriend
    Stranger: I’m gay 😉
    You: wow, a real life gay
    Stranger: Yup. 🙂
    You: Well i hope lifes good for you
    Stranger: It is 😀
    You: Me too
    Stranger: I don’t get **** 24/7, but I’d say that’s a good thing
    You: surely your bum needs a rest
    Stranger: Yup, lol
    Stranger: Well…. I’ll be off then 🙂

    Free Member

    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: hi
    You: who are you?
    Stranger: who r u
    You: I’m you
    Stranger: im u
    You: no you’re stranger
    Stranger: no u r stranger
    You: I hear the seagulls
    You: and see dead people
    Stranger: gr8 ur a weirdo loser
    You: but mainly the seagulls
    Stranger: bye
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    There were some seagulls outside!

    Free Member

    Thought I held my own quite well here 😀
    Mange tout, Rodney. Mange tout.

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: R U french ?
    You: mais oui
    Stranger: un gars du 15-18 ?
    You: non.
    You: 20-23
    You: et vous?
    Stranger: 15-18
    Stranger: je devine que vous n’etes pas français
    You: Bof! Le sange est dans l’arbre
    Stranger: ecrit les paroles de la marseilleise alors
    Stranger: Allons enfant de la patrie le jour de gloire est arrivé .
    You: do do do do do do do dooooo do do
    You: do do do do do
    You: do do do dooo
    You: 🙂
    Stranger: xD
    Stranger: c’est sa en plus
    You: Ma francais est bon, non?
    Stranger: tres bon même
    Stranger: bye
    You: bye
    You: au revoir
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Hang on what’s with all the French all of a sudden? I just had a conversation as a French person too!

    Free Member

    i’m getting the hang of it now:

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hello
    Stranger: heey
    Stranger: asl ?
    You: 42 – male – interpol peudo division
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    Free Member

    Right i tried a different approach to see what ‘it was all about’ and now i think i know!

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hello
    You: hi
    You: are you feeling ok?
    Stranger: yes
    Stranger: you?
    You: not bad, hips giving me gip!
    Stranger: aww
    Stranger: you male or female?
    You: yer, well when you get to my age
    You: female
    Stranger: nice 🙂
    Stranger: do you have any pictures? 🙂
    You: of my hip?
    Stranger: of you silly 😛
    You: well Eileen took some on our last trip to the beach
    Stranger: how old are you, anyway?
    You: i’m 84 dear, how old are you?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hey
    You: doo doo doo
    Stranger: asl?
    You: da da da
    You: that’s all I want to say to you
    Stranger: it means ?
    You have disconnected.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Every breath you take
    Stranger: hey
    Stranger: asl?
    You: Every move you make
    Stranger: gimp
    You: Every bond you break
    Stranger: dumb
    You: Every step you take
    Stranger: eww
    You: Ill be watching you muah ha ha ha hahahhahah
    Stranger: im hamzah qasim
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    I overdosed last night on it. Dont have any inclination to use it again. My conclusions were

    Everyone on it is barking mad
    50% of the people on are gay
    25% are only after sex (Blokes)
    10% are young kids
    15% are STW users

    I didnt manage to strike up a single sensible conversation even when i tried.

    Free Member

    Poor buggers – subjecting them to Sting just isn’t on!

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