Home Forums Chat Forum This site is spooky.

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  • This site is spooky.
  • backhander
    Free Member

    You: hey
    Stranger: hi
    Stranger: are you a furry
    You: how did you know?
    Stranger: no seriously
    You: i am furry as can be
    Stranger: are you one or not
    You: furry bum furry balls furry head
    Stranger: **** you

    WTF is a furry?

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Hola
    You: you spanish?
    Stranger: que?
    You: there is too much butter on those trays!!
    Stranger: que?
    Stranger: i clean now
    Stranger: ? o.O
    You: go and clean in there!
    Stranger: alright **** this. You bore me peasant. BRING THE NEXT ONE IN!
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    i just dinosaured someone and got this straight back:
    ………………………………. ………………………………….,-~~”””’~~–,,_
    ………………………………………….. …………………………….,-~”-,:::::::::::::::::::”-,
    ………………………………………….. ………………………..,~”::::::::’,::::::: :::::::::::::|’,
    ………………………………………….. ………………………..|::::::,-~”’___””~~–~”’:}
    ………………………………………….. ………………………..’|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
    ………………………………………….. ………………………..|:::::|: : :-~~—: : : —–: |
    ………………………………………….. ……………………….(_”~-‘: : : : : : : : :
    ………………………………………….. ………………………..”’~-,|: : : : : : ~—‘: : : :,’–never Gonna
    ………………………………………….. ……………………………|,: : : : : :-~~–: : ::/ —–give You Up!
    ………………………………………….. ……………………….,-”’:: :’~,,_: : : : : _,-‘
    ………………………………………….. ………………….__,-‘;;;;;:”-,: : : :’~—~”/|
    ………………………………………….. ………….__,-~”;;;;;;/;;;;;;;: :: : :____/: :’,__
    ………………………………………….. .,-~~~””_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’,. .”-,:|:::::::|. . |;;;;”-,__
    ………………………………………….. /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;. . .”|::::::::|. .,’;;;;;;;;;;”-,
    …………………………………………,’ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;. . .:::::,’. ./|;;;;;;;;;;;;;|
    ………………………………………,-”;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’,: : __|. . .|;;;;;;;;;,’;;|
    …………………………………….,-“;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;’,;;;;;;; ;;;; . . |:::|. . .”,;;;;;;;;|;;/
    ……………………………………/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;. .|:::|. . . |;;;;;;;;|/
    …………………………………./;;,-‘;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,’;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;; ;;;|. .:/. . . .|;;;;;;;;|
    …………………………………/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;”,: |;|. . . . ;;;;;;;|
    ………………………………,~”;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;,-”;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|.|;|. . . . .|;;;;;;;|
    …………………………..,~”;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;,-‘;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’,;;;;;;| |:|. . . . |;;;;;;;|
    ………………………….,’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;/;;;,-‘;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;| |:|. . . .’|;;’,;;;;;|
    …………………………|;,-‘;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-‘;;;,-‘;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;| |:|. . .,’;;;;;’,;;;;|_
    …………………………/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-‘_;;;;;;,’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;; ;|.|:|. . .|;;;;;;;|;;;;|””~-,
    ………………………./;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/_”,;;;,’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ,;;| |:|. . ./;;;;;;;;|;;;|;;;;;;|-,,__
    ……………………../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-‘…|;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;| |:|._,-‘;;;;;;;;;|;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;”’-,_

    Free Member

    WTF, very disturbing

    Full Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: I Love chocolate !
    You: spank rims look ace in chocolate, although the gold ones are spiffy
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    not a fan of wheels then!

    I think I’m going to loose an evening on this

    Free Member

    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: hi
    Stranger: 22 male
    Stranger: you ?
    You: 35 female
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think.

    Stranger: OMG!
    Stranger: fricking pple!
    Stranger: u sware
    Stranger: yall are the same!
    Stranger: i*
    Stranger: i made mistakes yes! but idc!
    Stranger: gaaaaaaawwwww
    Stranger: -screams-
    You: calm down dear, its just a waste of time
    Stranger: dear?!!?!
    Stranger: dont call me dear!
    Stranger: i aint any ones dear
    You: but i love you
    Stranger: WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
    Stranger: I HAVE A GF!!!
    You: thats no moon..
    Stranger: what?1
    Stranger: ?!*
    You: its a space station…
    Stranger: …
    You: i’ve got a bad feeling about this!
    Stranger: ive had a bad feeling sence the day i was born!
    You: sence?
    Stranger: the day i was born!!
    You: what happened?
    Stranger: nothing!!!
    Stranger: UGH!
    Stranger: your scaring me
    Stranger: -hides-
    You: i can still see you
    Stranger: no you cant
    You: and i would forget about doing that if i were you..
    Stranger: doing what?
    You: fitting highrollers with a cork screw
    Stranger: what?!
    Stranger: IM A GUY!
    You: well thats a relief
    Stranger: your freakier then me -.-
    You: then?
    You: btw is fitting a 50mm stem a bit much for xc?
    You have disconnected.

    this could run for some time…

    Free Member

    Clearly some people just don’t understand us or maybe i didn’t explain very well!!

    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: heeeeeeeey
    You: how are u
    Stranger: fine, you?
    You: yip good
    You: do u singletrack?
    Stranger: omg can u explain me what that is?
    You: well involves lots of people, who all enjoy getting very sweaty, very dirty, wear alot of lycra, love the smell of rubber and wearing helmets is compulsary
    Stranger: thanks
    Stranger: but no
    You: oh ok then

    Free Member

    What is the demographic of people using this site? Just I got “17,f,italy”, and it seemed possible it was genuine – I assumed the place was full of 14 year old boys. Failed to use my best chat up lines (though didn’t get an instant disconnect).

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hello there
    You: ust?
    Stranger: what
    You: or tubes?
    Stranger: or what
    Stranger: what the f-
    You: ghetto tubeless?
    Stranger: what the hell are you talking about, man
    Your conversational partner has disconnected

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: OH NO
    You: me lady
    You: you likey lady
    Stranger: omfg i just licked you
    You: you likey singletrack
    Stranger: DID YOU LIKE IT
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Helo
    Stranger: hello
    You: Now then, now then, jangle, jangle, jewellery, jewellery…
    Stranger: What?
    You: Now then young man, what can I fix for you ?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: i just sharted
    You: gotta go
    Stranger: dubai?

    Free Member

    Just got the same person twice in a row!

    Free Member

    Thought i’d caught 1 of you out, but know she really was a slapper!!

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: 18 f uk
    Stranger: me
    Stranger: nicole
    Stranger: wet
    Stranger: hirny
    Stranger: horny*
    Stranger: need a dik
    Stranger: 😮
    You: do you singletrack?
    Stranger: ?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected

    Free Member

    you: do you singletrack
    you: cool wanna singletrack with me
    Stranger: i have to be honest i have no idea what your on about
    you:what you riding?
    stranger: what is singletracking
    you: it involves getting dirty and sweaty and lots of heavy breathing
    you: and you can do it on your own or in large groups
    stranger: lol
    your conversation has beeen dissconnected

    Free Member

    Not an exact transcript but they all seem to go:

    Stranger: boy?
    You: yes
    Your conversational partner has disconnected

    Free Member

    This is a hoot.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: hi
    Stranger: asl ?
    You: I’M BRIAN BLESSED!!!!!!!
    Stranger: cool ‘-‘
    You: 70 something /male/top of everest
    You: have you seen any of my films?
    Stranger: i don’t know who are you ‘-‘
    You: Really….. try this one:
    You: GORDON’S ALIVE!!!!!!
    Stranger: nothing ‘-‘
    Stranger: really
    You: where are you typing from then?
    Stranger: are you famous ?
    Stranger: i’m from the hell ‘-‘
    You: know ye nothing of Sir Brian of Blessed?
    Stranger: i’ve never listened nothing about this ‘-‘
    You: I’m astounded. Google me and see what you missed!
    Stranger: no ‘-‘
    Stranger: i don’t wanna know ‘-‘


    Free Member

    you: i’ll be your dog
    you: woof

    your conversation has been disconnected

    Full Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: hey
    Stranger: where are you from?
    You: peru
    You: you?
    Stranger: denmark.
    Stranger: what time is it in peru?
    You: now in england, was left at paddington station
    You: i live with the browns now
    Stranger: oh
    You: I still see my aunt lucy
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Clearly not a paddington bear fan

    Free Member

    Borrox, my attempt to conduct a Rod Stewart-chat failed.

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi =]
    You: I am sailing, I am sailing,
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi!
    You: ????? ??
    Stranger: how are you?
    You: ¿ no? ‘s?u??? ll?? ???? ?,?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Full Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: pingu
    You: mwah mwah mwah
    Stranger: pingu?
    You: pingo
    Stranger: pingo?
    You: pongo
    Stranger: pongo?
    You: stinky
    Stranger: stinky?
    You: its just a jump to the left
    You: then a step to the riiiiiggggghhtttt
    Stranger: i like doggy style sorry
    You: put your hands on your hips
    You: and bend your knees in time
    Stranger: hokey pokey u can kiss my ass


    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: can you suck me d**k for me PLEASE? i havent goten any in three years. i havent had a wet p***y around my d**k in five years. (i turned gay around two years ago, but now im straight) i really want my d**k to go in you. slowly at first. then fast. i want someone to **** for hours until you scream and cum squirts out your c**t at 54 miles per hours. i want you to be breathless and than we’ll do it again. sound good?
    You: which lube
    Stranger: mhmm i want someting spicey that makes my dick tingle
    You: erm, rock and roll extreme, probably sting a bit, that do?
    Stranger: YES PLEASE!
    You: take a while to set up, give me a min or 2…
    Stranger: take as long as you want baby
    You: how did you know my age?
    You: Right, you ready to lube
    Stranger: even better babies p****s are tight
    Stranger: mhmm;) go ahead
    You: where’s the chain
    You: Oi!
    Stranger: under the bed
    Stranger: you found it?
    You: its no good there
    You: we can’t lube without the chain
    Stranger: well GET IT OUT!
    Stranger: im already in possision
    You: Hang on, looks like you might need a new cass and rings,
    Stranger: whatever it takes;)
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    thread hi jack sorry
    i just got sent this link through omegle. some swedish band that have been going for about 4 day’s.


    Full Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Hello
    Stranger: if yourrrrrrrr
    You: its just a jump to the ledt
    Stranger: happy and you know it clap your hands
    Stranger: if yourrrrr
    You: monkey
    Stranger: happy and you know it clap your hands
    Stranger: if your happy and you know it
    Stranger: and you really want to show it
    Stranger: if your happy and you know it clap your hands
    Stranger: 😀
    You: can only clap one handed you selfish bastard the dog ate the other one
    Stranger: Yay this is so gay
    Stranger: 😛 sorry you are now offically gay
    You: you are only gay if you take bitch
    Stranger: lmfaoooo
    You: we are the nights of the round table
    You: ni
    Stranger: I am King Author
    You: author? what you writing
    Stranger: Arthor
    You: ah stephen king author
    Stranger: Yes that one
    You: bonus write one about a monkey
    Stranger: I’m writing a book about this guy I met on Omegle
    Stranger: He was gay. And he finally realized it after a long time of thinking
    You: really? sounds like a good start
    Stranger: Yes and he was always talking about monkeys
    You: monkey lover
    Stranger: lol
    You: your gonna watch me sapnk my monkey
    Stranger: Hell no
    Stranger: That’s sick dude
    Stranger: You need to stop abusing that monkey
    You: it likes it, don’t worry
    Stranger: *vomits*
    You: his name is bubbles
    Stranger: Okay Michael Jackson
    You: he can see you
    Stranger: You need to refill your prescription
    You: he is an attack monkey
    You: flies too
    Stranger: 😛 your a wack job
    Stranger: Probably hit on the head as a infant
    You: monkey did it
    Stranger: Yes you love monkey dug


    Free Member

    unless it was one of you lot, just had a nice chat to a bloke in Brazil after making him jump with the Dinosaur. At least he had a sense of humour. Hours of merriment!

    Free Member

    Stranger: asl
    You: no
    Stranger: yes
    You: no
    You: its so gay.
    You: asl..
    You: asl..
    Stranger: ys
    Stranger: am lesbo lol
    You: cos men hate you
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Full Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Shit faced mother ****. Man. Shit faced mother ****. . .
    You: ………………………………. ………………………………….,-~~”””’~~–,,_
    ………………………………………….. …………………………….,-~”-,:::::::::::::::::::”-,
    ………………………………………….. ………………………..,~”::::::::’,::::::: :::::::::::::|’,
    ………………………………………….. ………………………..|::::::,-~”’___””~~–~”’:}
    ………………………………………….. ………………………..’|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
    ………………………………………….. ………………………..|:::::|: : :-~~—: : : —–: |
    ………………………………………….. ……………………….(_”~-‘: : : : : : : : :
    ………………………………………….. ………………………..”’~-,|: : : : : : ~—‘: : : :,’–never Gonna
    ………………………………………….. ……………………………|,: : : : : :-~~–: : ::/ —–give You Up!
    ………………………………………….. ……………………….,-”’:: :’~,,_: : : : : _,-‘
    ………………………………………….. ………………….__,-‘;;;;;:”-,: : : :’~—~”/|
    ………………………………………….. ………….__,-~”;;;;;;/;;;;;;;: :: : :____/: :’,__
    ………………………………………….. .,-~~~””_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’,. .”-,:|:::::::|. . |;;;;”-,__
    ………………………………………….. /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;. . .”|::::::::|. .,’;;;;;;;;;;”-,
    …………………………………………,’ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;. . .:::::,’. ./|;;;;;;;;;;;;;|
    ………………………………………,-”;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’,: : __|. . .|;;;;;;;;;,’;;|
    …………………………………….,-“;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;’,;;;;;;; ;;;; . . |:::|. . .”,;;;;;;;;|;;/
    ……………………………………/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;. .|:::|. . . |;;;;;;;;|/
    …………………………………./;;,-‘;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,’;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;; ;;;|. .:/. . . .|;;;;;;;;|
    …………………………………/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;”,: |;|. . . . ;;;;;;;|
    ………………………………,~”;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;,-”;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|.|;|. . . . .|;;;;;;;|
    …………………………..,~”;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;,-‘;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’,;;;;;;| |:|. . . . |;;;;;;;|
    ………………………….,’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;/;;;,-‘;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;| |:|. . . .’|;;’,;;;;;|
    …………………………|;,-‘;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-‘;;;,-‘;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;| |:|. . .,’;;;;;’,;;;;|_
    …………………………/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-‘_;;;;;;,’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;; ;|.|:|. . .|;;;;;;;|;;;;|””~-,
    ………………………./;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/_”,;;;,’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ,;;| |:|. . ./;;;;;;;;|;;;|;;;;;;|-,,__
    ……………………../;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-‘…|;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;| |:|._,-‘;;;;;;;;;|;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;”’-,_
    Stranger: Best
    Stranger: troll
    Stranger: ever.

    lovin it

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: which tyres for the alps?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    seems fimilar…

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hihi
    You: Hi Hi Hoi
    You: Ne
    Stranger: how’re you?
    You: Im Okay an u
    Stranger: good
    You: what you doin
    Stranger: eatin dinner, what time is it for you?
    You: 23:21
    You: but I had cheese for tea again
    Stranger: ah
    You: what did you have for dinner
    You: Do you like cheese
    Stranger: yes
    Stranger: mussels
    You: Big ones?
    Stranger: decent size
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Hi
    Stranger: where are you from?
    You: England, and you?
    Stranger: Brazil
    Stranger: WHAT
    Stranger: DO
    Stranger: U
    Stranger: THINK
    Stranger: ABOUT
    Stranger: BRAZIL?
    You: Not a lot,
    You: DO
    You: You
    You: tthink
    You: about
    You: stockton-on-tees
    Stranger: wut?
    You: stockton-on-tees?
    You: google it?
    Stranger: yes
    Stranger: I googled it.
    You: Are you really from Brazil?
    Stranger: I’ll see da photos
    Stranger: Yes
    Stranger: Why?
    You: Get out of here!
    You: Bet you live in tamworth!
    Stranger: omg
    Stranger: You city likes cool
    Stranger: What?
    You: Where in Brazil?
    You: Do you like Ronaldo?
    Stranger: Yes
    Stranger: Santos, SP.
    You: I had a lot of cheese for tea, do you have cheese in Brazil
    Stranger: The biggest garden front beach
    Stranger: Yes, I have.
    Stranger: But I don’t like so much.
    You: What is the staple diet in Brazil?
    Stranger: What?
    Stranger: I’ll translate
    Stranger: lol
    Stranger: U use **** slangs
    Stranger: The staple diet is MCDonald’s
    Stranger: lol
    You: Gotta do something with all those cows you raise on the ex-rainforest I guess Hu?
    Stranger: I didn’t that.
    Stranger: E brilha muito no Corinthians.
    You: no lo creo
    Stranger: tu hablas spañol, cabrón?
    You: maricnes?
    You: maricon
    Stranger: viadón
    Stranger: sujo
    Stranger: pobre
    Stranger: gat
    Stranger: gay*
    You: have you ever had sex with a real person?
    Stranger: stfu
    You: MTFU!
    You: Bitch
    Stranger: /b/
    Stranger: I’m from /b/
    Stranger: Now u r ****’d.
    You: Have you got a gun?
    Stranger: Guy, I’ll woke with bugs in your face.
    You: How will you put the bugs there?
    Stranger: You got **** and I found your IP. Maybe the Anonymous will like it. See you in your next life.

    Full Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Hello, i m male 29 year and i search girl for cam 🙂
    You: Bad news then
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    You: Clipped in or flatties?
    Stranger: 21 m here u

    Full Member

    some scary people on there this time of night, frightened me so I gave up

    Free Member

    I’ve just lost 2 hours of my life talking absolute rubbish to strangers on the internet.

    another day on STW then.

    Free Member

    Strange site.

    Full Member

    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: are you the farmer?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    not a fan then!

    Full Member

    Stranger: hey,
    Stranger: asl?
    You: did you hear micheal jackson had a heart attack?
    Stranger: wtf? really?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Viewing 40 posts - 81 through 120 (of 325 total)

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