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  • This site is spooky.
  • alwyn
    Free Member

    Stranger: hey
    You: Bonjour
    Stranger: ooh, la la
    You: 😉 😉
    Stranger: asl ?
    You: wtf?
    Stranger: asl ?
    You: ??
    Stranger: age/sex/location
    Stranger: so i know im not talkin to a creepy old man
    You: 95, lots, in your hedge

    Full Member

    i know it was done earlier but its funny

    Stranger: asl?
    You: adsl? 4mb line i think
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    I’m on my 7th but my record is only 2 in a row.
    anyone beat that?

    Free Member

    You: Hi
    Stranger: hey
    Stranger: i find it is so hard to meet one who can chat with me
    You: why?
    Stranger: so upset
    Stranger: they are doing other things
    You: I know what you mean!
    You: I am currrently baking fruit scones
    Stranger: and when they hear that where i come from they leave
    You: I’m not surprised!
    Stranger: u meet someone like they before?
    You: are you always this sloooow at typing?
    Stranger: maybe..
    Stranger: i am not very good at it
    You: oh dear my scones are ready…..gotta rush!
    Stranger: because i type chinese before
    You have disconnected.

    Free Member

    I have new game, try to answer every line in context with a line of lyrics from a song. So far I’ve managed Mama Mia and Fresh price of Bel Air.

    Free Member

    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Hello random stranger – weird name tho
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    seems I need to hone my social skills a little more

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hii
    You: BOOOO
    Stranger: age,sex??
    You: 95 LOTS
    Stranger: 95??
    You: well, not quite, chicks digg older guys right?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    I promise you I’m going to be the best thing that has entered your belly…

    That’s the best line so far – I’ll keep this going and see where we get.

    Not somebody on here?

    Free Member

    my longest conversation so far is with a 14 year old girl :-S

    Free Member

    curious orange haha! that conversation you posted was reet funny

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Whos wants an argument
    Stranger: YESS
    You: five pounds only
    Stranger: ..?
    You: i gave ypu fives pounds for a argument !
    Stranger: what.
    You: yes i did…
    Stranger: i use dollars.
    You: heres five dollars
    Stranger: (you know, the cool kind of currency)
    Stranger: what am i to do with 5 (virtual) dollars
    You: it’s for a argument… argue with me !
    Stranger: hmm, okay, first off, guy or girl?
    You: girl
    Stranger: okay, what are we arguing about
    You: did i give five dollars ?
    Stranger: i think you gived five dollars
    You: no i never !
    Stranger: EXCUSE ME??
    Stranger: i think you deinately gived me five dollars
    Stranger: i was there, trust me
    You: definitly did’nt… I’m sure of it !
    Stranger: i miss billy mays.
    You: whos’ billly mays ?
    Stranger: OHHH. right. where are you from?
    You: What about the 5 dollars you owe me ?
    You: from the UK
    Stranger: billy mays is some popular dude from the usa. he died 🙁
    You: red neck ?
    Stranger: yeah kinda
    You: oh. sort of deliverance like ?
    Stranger: .. yeah kinda
    Stranger: really loud voice
    You: anyway… back to this argument… this five dollars you sent. where is it ?
    Stranger: in my pants.
    You: no it is’nt. I can see you on your webcam.
    Stranger: i see your face on your webcam. i threw up.
    You: lol
    You: Wheres my fiver.
    Stranger: in my pants sillyy.
    Stranger: (really though, i have a 5 in my wallett in my pants)
    Stranger: not trying to be a creep
    You: of course Pants are different in the UK. Seriously pants are Underwear not trousers.
    Stranger: what?? really! haha trousers..
    Stranger: thats what old people call them here
    You: This is serious now: confirm on Google if you like. Fanny in the US is Bottom in the UK. Whereas Fanny in the UK means a females private parts.
    Stranger: hahahah 😀 that made my day.
    Stranger: i dont think anyone says fanny here.
    You: What part of teh US are you from ?
    Stranger: NE
    You: UK for Elevator is Lift.
    Stranger: bonnet in the UK is hood in the US
    You: In the UK a pencil eraser is called a Rubber 😉
    Stranger: well, a rubber here is.. well 😛
    Stranger: have you seen the show TopGear?
    You: I’ve got to go. Bye bye fro now… This site is a bit barking. Also. you owe me a fiver.
    You: Yes. Topgear is good. Do you watch it ?
    Stranger: yeah! i love it
    You: Did you see Jeremey Clarkson have a close shave in Carolina tormenting the locals ?
    Stranger: haha! yes i did:P
    You: Are they really like that there ?.
    You: Anyway, I’ll b e annoyed if got tormented like that.
    Stranger: well, there are places where people are dumb like that, but not usually
    Stranger: yeah, it can get annoying, whenever we go on vacation (to the bigger cities) you always have SOME people who are dumb like that
    Stranger: you learn to deal with people though
    You: I thought that. The US looks a terrific place to visit. Tonnes of Moutain biking terrain there 🙂
    Stranger: oh yeah! you like mountain biking?
    You: Well into it 🙂
    Stranger: haha, its quite fun! i reccomend you come visit, there are some awesome places
    You: Do you cycle ?
    Stranger: haha (here its called bike) yes i bike
    You: Singletrack, Cross Countr, Downhill ?
    You: Cross Country
    Stranger: mostly cross country
    You: I’d ride a Specialized FSR … Carbon Mmmm
    Stranger: haha, mmmmm, delicioussss
    You: Whats your steed (bike)
    Stranger: you call them steeds?
    You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teMlv3ripSM
    You: For an Argument…. Monty Python.
    You: Are you there ?
    Stranger: yeah! sorry, looking for a new song!
    You: Got to go soon… dinners ready.
    Stranger: its 2 PM here 😛
    You: 19:00 here.
    Stranger: 19:00. so 7, wow, thats late for dinner
    Stranger: i guess not too bad
    Stranger: but okay, bye!
    You: Check the link.. Safe and funny.
    You: Cheers for now. from the Uk
    Stranger: have a good day, from the USA
    Stranger: i rhymed.
    You: Cool.
    You: TTFN
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    or save this log or send us feedback.

    Free Member

    You: Do you Singletrack
    Stranger: Uhm, no
    You: Why not?
    Stranger: I don’t know,
    You: Have you ever thought of trying it?
    Stranger: noo
    You: Not even for the Friday A&A?
    Stranger: Uhm…
    Stranger: Nop
    You: Much you have to learn, Padowan.
    Stranger: Okaay, well maybe I’m going to try it then.
    You: Success! And now, I must leave you, my hovercraft is ready to depart and I can’t keep those otters waiting any longer!
    Stranger: okaay 🙂

    And another….

    Stranger: ello!
    You: Do you Singletrack?
    Stranger: no
    You: Why not?
    Stranger: well, never heard of it
    You: Are you quite insane? Surely everyone knows Chipps?
    Stranger: enlighten me
    Stranger: i am insane

    Free Member

    Stranger: hello there
    You: Do you Singletrack?
    Stranger: no

    Free Member

    Start everything with “Do you Singletrack?”

    I’m sure it’ll become the number one searched item for oddballs around the world!

    Free Member

    We are foreign 🙂

    Stranger: hahah
    You: Do you Singletrack?
    Stranger: i dont talk to forigners

    Free Member

    me to.. trying to get more that three lines.

    Free Member

    Stranger: hi
    You: Do you Singletrack?
    Stranger: asl
    You: Asl is that a full suspension bike ?

    Free Member

    can I live in you bellybutton?

    Free Member


    Do you live in Carolina ?

    Full Member

    Everyone on there seems to think it’s a top spot to chat people up. My huge list of pirate phrases really isn’t working.

    Free Member

    I was in there 😉

    Stranger: i have a vagina
    You: So do I.
    Stranger: wanna cyber with me?
    You: yea
    Stranger: u start
    You: Do you Singletrack?
    Stranger: idc
    Stranger: just tell me what u wanna do with me babe
    Stranger: u there!?

    Free Member

    This is most odd….

    Stranger: ………………………….. ………………………_,-~”¯¯”~-,
    ………………………………………….. …………….__„-~”¯¯:::,-~~-,_::::”-
    ………………………………………….. ……….„~”¯::::::::::::::”::::::::::::::::::\
    ………………………………………….. .__„„„-“::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,
    ……………………………………__-~”::,-‘::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::~-,
    ………………………_______~”___-~”:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::”-,
    ………………….,~”::::::::::::::¯¯:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,: |
    ……………….,’::::::::,-~~”~”_::’,::|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,~ ‘:\’-,::’,”-\::”:”::::::::\|:|/
    ……,’:::::::,’::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :,-‘/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,–‘::::::/”~’
    ./:::::::::::::::|:::::::::::::::::::”-,:::::::\:::|¯¯¯”””~-,~,_/::::::::,’:::/ — ARE YOU A GIRL?!
    :::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,_::|::\: : : : : : |: : \::::::::/:/
    :::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::”,:::::::::::::”-‘:::\: : : : : : |: : :\::::::|::|\
    :::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::”,::::::::::::::::::\: : : : : : \: : : |:::::|::|;;\
    ::::::::::::::::::”-,:::::::::::::::”,:::::::::::::::/|\ ,: : : : : : : |::::,’/|::::|
    :::::::::::::::::::::”-,:::::::::::::::”-,_::::::::::\|:/|,: : : : : : : |::: |’-,/|:::|
    ::::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,_::::::::::::::”~-,_:::”-,/|/\::::::::::: \::: \”-/|::|
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,__:::::::::::’,”-,:::”_|/\:|\: : : : \::\”:/|\|
    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,_:::::\:::\:::”~/_:|:|\: : : ‘-,\::”::,’\
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::”-,_:’-,::\:::::::”-,|:||\,-, : ‘-,\:::|-‘-„
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::,-,'”-:”~,:::::”/_/::|-/\–‘;;\:::/: ||\-,
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :/…’-,::::::”~„::::”-,/_:|:/\:/|/|/|_/:|
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |……”-,::::::::”~-:::::””~~~”¯:::|
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |………”-,_:::::::::::::::::::::::::/
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ …………..”~–„_____„„-~~”

    Full Member

    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey, Chim chim cher-ee!
    Stranger: Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey, Chim chim cher-ee!
    You: A sweep is as lucky, as lucky can be Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey, Chim chim cher-oo!
    Stranger: A sweep is as lucky, as lucky can be Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey, Chim chim cher-oo!
    You: Good luck will rub off when I shakes ‘ands with you!
    Stranger: Good luck will rub off when I shakes ‘ands with you!
    You: Yay!
    You: Thanks for singing along

    Oddly singing Mary Poppins songs works better though.

    Free Member

    hours of fun ahead….will give it a shot a little later…

    Full Member

    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: ………………………….. ………………………_,-~”¯¯”~-,
    ………………………………………….. …………….__„-~”¯¯:::,-~~-,_::::”-
    ………………………………………….. ……….„~”¯::::::::::::::”::::::::::::::::::\
    ………………………………………….. .__„„„-“::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,
    ……………………………………__-~”::,-‘::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::~-,
    ………………………_______~”___-~”:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::”-,
    ………………….,~”::::::::::::::¯¯:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,: |
    ……………….,’::::::::,-~~”~”_::’,::|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,~ ‘:\’-,::’,”-\::”:”::::::::\|:|/
    ……,’:::::::,’::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :,-‘/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,–‘::::::/”~’
    ./:::::::::::::::|:::::::::::::::::::”-,:::::::\:::|¯¯¯”””~-,~,_/::::::::,’:::/ — Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey
    :::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,_::|::\: : : : : : |: : \::::::::/:/
    :::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::”,:::::::::::::”-‘:::\: : : : : : |: : :\::::::|::|\
    :::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::”,::::::::::::::::::\: : : : : : \: : : |:::::|::|;;\
    ::::::::::::::::::”-,:::::::::::::::”,:::::::::::::::/|\ ,: : : : : : : |::::,’/|::::|
    :::::::::::::::::::::”-,:::::::::::::::”-,_::::::::::\|:/|,: : : : : : : |::: |’-,/|:::|
    ::::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,_::::::::::::::”~-,_:::”-,/|/\::::::::::: \::: \”-/|::|
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,__:::::::::::’,”-,:::”_|/\:|\: : : : \::\”:/|\|
    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,_:::::\:::\:::”~/_:|:|\: : : ‘-,\::”::,’\
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::”-,_:’-,::\:::::::”-,|:||\,-, : ‘-,\:::|-‘-„
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::,-,'”-:”~,:::::”/_/::|-/\–‘;;\:::/: ||\-,
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :/…’-,::::::”~„::::”-,/_:|:/\:/|/|/|_/:|
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |……”-,::::::::”~-:::::””~~~”¯:::|
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |………”-,_:::::::::::::::::::::::::/
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ …………..”~–„_____„„-~~”
    Stranger: You again??!!
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    haha, this is genius

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: hi
    Stranger: whats up?
    You: nothing
    You: you
    Stranger: same
    Stranger: asl?
    You: do you singletrack?
    Stranger: ?
    You: singletrack, do you do it?
    Stranger: i dnt know what that is
    Stranger: lol
    You: shame
    Stranger: what is it?
    You: it’s special
    Stranger: ok
    You: like some sort of amazing psychadelic trip
    Stranger: really?
    You: yeah
    You: got to be careful though
    Stranger: y?
    You: can really mess with your head
    Stranger: is it a drug?
    Stranger: im assuming
    You: its new
    You: well, i say new, got really popular around christmas time
    Stranger: hmm
    Stranger: nvr heard of it
    Stranger: sounds like fun
    You: more popular in england
    Stranger: r u from england?
    You: it attracted the attention of the evilzone
    You: they thought they were bad enough for it
    Stranger: im kinda lost
    Stranger: …..
    You: they totally got pwned
    Stranger: u lost me buddy
    Stranger: lol
    You: so you done any drugs
    Stranger: ya
    You: you a cook kid then
    You: cool kid
    Stranger: i dnt think drugs make me cool
    Stranger: i just do it cause i like it
    You: you should try singletrack some time
    Stranger: mayb
    You: it’s teh good shit
    Stranger: where r u from?
    You: the north
    Stranger: north where if i may ask?
    You: you’re english is very good
    Stranger: thanks
    Stranger: was that sarcasm?
    You: no
    You: if i was being sarcastic I’d have said, “You’re English is amazing, I really like the way you type”
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: i guess
    Stranger: but really, where r u from?
    You: somewhere in time
    You: well at least that’s what it feels like, I’ve been on singletrack all morning
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: i figured
    Stranger: get what away?
    Stranger: just push him?
    Stranger: that too
    Stranger: lol
    You: BYE
    Stranger: bye

    Free Member

    You: Hello
    Stranger: Guten Tag!
    You: Hi
    Stranger: hey there
    You: I gave you five marks.
    Stranger: sehr gut
    You: yes i did..
    Stranger: where you from stranger?
    You: Falklands
    Stranger: wow really?
    Stranger: i’m in Scotland
    You: really. Penguins have been a pain today 🙁
    Stranger: my uncle faught there
    You: Argentine was he ?
    Stranger: no Brittish
    You: Commadoes or Para ?
    Stranger: Royal Marine
    You: Marines.. Respect.
    Stranger: indeed
    Stranger: tuff old bugger for sure
    You: Do you singletrack ?
    Stranger: so what do you do in the falklands?
    Stranger: i’m not familiar?
    You: Mountain biking.
    Stranger: ah, no fraid not
    You: I’m a beachcomber in the Falklands.
    Stranger: hows that pay?
    You: It’s has it ups and downs.
    You: Dolphin trainer in the off season.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Is this a new record?

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Elizabeth, I Love You
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    You: You Are Not Alone
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: do you like drum’n’bass?
    Stranger: you mean… right now?
    You: Who Is It?
    Stranger: or all that god’s stuff
    Stranger: oh
    Stranger: this is brian
    Stranger: he’s just…
    Remember The Time
    Stranger: licking my *****
    You: I Just Can’t Stop Loving You
    Stranger: oh..
    You: Just Good Friends?
    Stranger: but you never ate my *****
    Stranger: if you could…
    You: Bad
    Stranger: **** my ***
    Stranger: it would be different
    Stranger: brian does
    You: its The Way You Make Me Feel
    Stranger: and i’m happy
    You: Speed Demon
    Stranger: stop that shit dude
    Stranger: are you going to give me **** pleasure or not?
    You: I Wanna Rock With You
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    Free Member

    The wierdest so far……………………………

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: so you dont no who i am
    You: not the foggiest
    You: ever played guess who?
    Stranger: yeah
    Stranger: with the board
    You: yup
    Stranger: then you flick them down
    You: yup
    You: I’ll start
    Stranger: its rubbish
    You: lol
    You: ok
    Stranger: but this sounds fun
    You: asre you wearig glasses?
    Stranger: im the best at this
    Stranger: arse ? don’t you mean are
    You: lol, yea
    Stranger: but no
    You: maybe
    Stranger: my go
    You: fire away
    You: ……………..
    Stranger: have you ever sexually abused children
    You: suprisingly enough
    You: no
    You: that was never a question when i playd quess who
    Stranger: ok your turn
    You: do you have curly hair?
    Stranger: ok i will go again
    Stranger: no
    Stranger: do you currently have an sti or std
    You: nope
    You: do you have a beard?
    Stranger: no
    Stranger: my go?
    You: yup
    Stranger: if you saw a girl naked in the road would you take her home treat her nicely or rape her
    You: treat her nicely
    Stranger: ok
    You: kettles just boiled, tea? theres jammie dodgers in the pot byt he stove
    Stranger: my go?
    You: you havent said if you want tea yet
    Stranger: oh sorry love
    Stranger: yes
    Stranger: please
    You: milk and suggar?
    Stranger: milk one sugar
    Stranger: haha
    You: there ya go
    Stranger: your attracted to your grandma how would you take her out on a date
    You: ok, this is gettign a little wierd
    Stranger: oh
    Stranger: isit
    Stranger: ok are you 5ft?
    You: taler
    You: are you one of those men my parents warned me about?
    Stranger: well it would help if i was a man
    Stranger: im a man
    Stranger: and you’re a man
    Stranger: you go
    You: dam rite i am
    You have disconnected.
    or save this log or send us feedback.

    Free Member

    You: you say tomayto
    Stranger: I say tomato !!
    You: you say potayto
    Stranger: I say potatoe
    You: tomayto
    Stranger: Tomatoe
    You: potayto
    Stranger: Potatoe
    You: let’s call the whole thing off
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    this thread is the best in ages

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: ………………………….. ………………………_,-~”¯¯”~-,
    ………………………………………….. …………….__„-~”¯¯:::,-~~-,_::::”-
    ………………………………………….. ……….„~”¯::::::::::::::”::::::::::::::::::\
    ………………………………………….. .__„„„-“::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,
    ……………………………………__-~”::,-‘::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::~-,
    ………………………_______~”___-~”:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::”-,
    ………………….,~”::::::::::::::¯¯:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,: |
    ……………….,’::::::::,-~~”~”_::’,::|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,~ ‘:\’-,::’,”-\::”:”::::::::\|:|/
    ……,’:::::::,’::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :,-‘/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,–‘::::::/”~’
    ./:::::::::::::::|:::::::::::::::::::”-,:::::::\:::|¯¯¯”””~-,~,_/::::::::,’:::/ — Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey
    :::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,_::|::\: : : : : : |: : \::::::::/:/
    :::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::”,:::::::::::::”-‘:::\: : : : : : |: : :\::::::|::|\
    :::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::”,::::::::::::::::::\: : : : : : \: : : |:::::|::|;;\
    ::::::::::::::::::”-,:::::::::::::::”,:::::::::::::::/|\ ,: : : : : : : |::::,’/|::::|
    :::::::::::::::::::::”-,:::::::::::::::”-,_::::::::::\|:/|,: : : : : : : |::: |’-,/|:::|
    ::::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,_::::::::::::::”~-,_:::”-,/|/\::::::::::: \::: \”-/|::|
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,__:::::::::::’,”-,:::”_|/\:|\: : : : \::\”:/|\|
    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::”~-,_:::::\:::\:::”~/_:|:|\: : : ‘-,\::”::,’\
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::”-,_:’-,::\:::::::”-,|:||\,-, : ‘-,\:::|-‘-„
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::,-,'”-:”~,:::::”/_/::|-/\–‘;;\:::/: ||\-,
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :/…’-,::::::”~„::::”-,/_:|:/\:/|/|/|_/:|
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |……”-,::::::::”~-:::::””~~~”¯:::|
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |………”-,_:::::::::::::::::::::::::/
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ …………..”~–„_____„„-~~”
    Stranger: HOLY F@%KBOMB!
    You: yea you know it
    Stranger: is that a dinooooosaur?!
    You: no its my fricken cat!!
    You: he just did steroids
    Stranger: my uncle vincent once got eaten alive by one of those!!! im staying away from youuuu!

    Free Member

    it’s the adult conversations i like

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: HEY JAPANESE!
    Stranger: HANDS UP!
    You: baby hands up
    You: gimme your heart gimme gimme your hart gimme gimme
    Stranger: FAIL
    Stranger: FAIL
    Stranger: FAIL
    You: ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****? ****?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: asl?
    You: do you singletrack ?
    Stranger: what’s that?
    You: you never heard of it ?
    Stranger: nope
    You: narrow trails in the woods
    Stranger: sex in the woods?
    You: better than that

    Free Member

    i enjoyed this

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: Hey
    Stranger: What’s your name?
    You: bob
    You: nah, i’m kidding, can you keep a secret?
    Stranger: Erm, yeah sure
    You: i’m not dead
    Stranger: Lol! neither am i
    You: no, really, it’s in all the papers, but they’ve got it wrong
    Stranger: so your saying your name is Micheal Jackson then?
    You: well, i’m not saying that…….oh shit, where did i put blanket?
    Stranger: Lol!! okay then
    You: no really, i got on a plane and went to Dubai……..HEE hee, shamon, it’s so good to get this off my chest
    Stranger: Lol! Well. im happy to listen 🙂
    You: I’m bad, i’ll moonwalk up and down your ass, check check da koney

    Free Member

    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: please don’t say asl
    You: please!
    Stranger: asl
    You: arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Stranger: damn
    You have disconnected.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi asl?
    You: hi .6 months. yes. under your bed
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    or save this log or send us feedback.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: i do i don’t
    Stranger: what u mean
    You: not sure
    Stranger: why u not sure
    You: can’t remember
    Stranger: )))
    Stranger: u all right? i can speak with u if u want.
    You: albatros?
    Stranger: not
    Stranger: u?
    You: no, i’m not one, but would you like some albatros?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Free Member

    Connecting to server…
    You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: frank?
    You: yes
    Stranger: YES
    You: blunt even
    Stranger: haha
    You: sometimes positively rude
    Stranger: nice.
    Stranger: you are clever also
    You: well top end of the evolutionary ladder
    You: you?
    Stranger: so you must be a woman?
    You: of course
    Stranger: i knew it. me too.
    You: so why are you one here?
    Stranger: because i am bored and i need to stimulate my brain by entertaining myself with others idiocracies
    You: I am looking for people who Singletrack
    Stranger: what is that?
    You: do you?
    You: involves rubber, lycra and mud – kinda fun
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Viewing 40 posts - 41 through 80 (of 325 total)

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