I’m really struggling with the whole tubeless concept at the minute. Stans and their ilk, seem like the Emperors new clothes. Tried it myself, and for every tyre that goes up with little or no fuss, three more will take mad pumping, and all sorts of half baked schemes…Then there’s the huge elephant in the room that as far as puncture resistance goes, they don’t seem to be hugely better than tubes…last two rides I’ve down with Stan’s equipped riders both have had punctures, that required about the same faff time as replacing a tube, plus once it goes beyond a certain point, the chances of getting it back up again are pretty much nil. Last summer did 3 rides and flatted all 3 times with Stans equipped tyres. Latex is petty foul stuff to work with as well. It restricts your choice of tyres, and makes changing tyres for the conditions, a chore rather than the 10 minute job it should be. One thing that is good is the low pressure angle, running tubeless has taught me not to put too much air in my tyres
Now, I’m sure I’ll get flamed by the lovers of tubless, many of who will make it work just fine, and can’t see what the problem is. Fine, happy for you, me, happy to be a luddite, happy not to have to think about it, happy with tubes.