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  • These religion threads…
  • molgrips
    Free Member

    …are beginning to get pretty nasty. Lots of abuse and seriously offensive language. Can the mods step in perhaps?

    Free Member

    Why not just start another one.


    Full Member

    agree, i tend not to even read them now.

    Free Member

    I bet Karl Marx would feel a bit silly if he was alive now. Opiate of the masses? I have never seen people overact so much.

    Free Member

    What ?

    Another thread expressing complete intolerance towards other people’s religious beliefs ?

    Surely not ……

    Free Member

    It begins…

    Free Member

    what if you have a deeply held belief in attacking religion?

    Free Member

    what if you have a deeply held belief in attacking homosexuality ?

    Free Member

    what if you have a deeply held belief in attacking multicultural society ?

    Free Member

    As much as I welcome and appreciate intelligent discussion, many ‘religion’ threads seem to end up with people slagging off others’ beliefs.

    And I notice it’s often the ‘atheists’, who appear the most vociferous.

    It’s good that we can discuss religion in a relatively civil, mature and open manner, though. Even though there are one or two who seek to hijack such discussions with their own agendae.

    Free Member

    what if you have a deeply held belief in attacking equality for disabled people ?

    Free Member

    Ernie; then you should feel able to express your views openly and without feeling oppressed.

    You may quite possibly be wrong, however…

    Free Member

    as for homosexuality and disability, those are not voluntary, whereas religion is a choice (if it is to have any meaning)

    Free Member

    what if you have a deeply held belief in attacking over-paid IT wallahs who ponce about on over-priced kids bikes ?

    Free Member

    Then you shall be perfectly justified, in your vehement abuse of such infidels…

    Free Member

    BTW SFB, unless it’s rape, there’s an element of ‘choice’ in homosexuality.

    Free Member

    Yeah, but if you are homosexual, then you are defined and bound by your sexuality.

    Same as if you’re heterosexual. I fancy ladies, and I don’t consider I have any ‘choice’ over the fact. If I were Gay, I’d fancy blokes, and have a similar lack of ‘choice’.

    Free Member

    BTW SFB, unless it’s rape, there’s an element of ‘choice’ in homosexuality.

    choice what you DO, not choice to BE

    Free Member

    Ernie; then you should feel able to express your views openly and without feeling oppressed.

    And be prepared to defend such views with conviction. No one likes a bandwagoner around here… 😉

    Free Member

    You don’t have to shag other men though.

    What if you have a deeply held belief that being homosexual was fine, but that that having sex with other men was vile, foul, disgusting and perverted. Could you start a thread up about that, eh ?

    Yes it’s about choices. Everybody has the right to make their own choices (including religion) without fear of abuse.


    Free Member

    I’ve eaten a whole pot of prawns in less than a minute.

    Where did it all go wrong…?

    Ear; Ernie; d’you like ‘The Sweeny’?

    ‘Put yer trousers on, yer nicked!’

    I’d make a great copper, I reckon.

    I’d instinctively know who was up to no good…

    Free Member

    Everybody has the right to make their own choices (including religion) without fear of abuse

    no, you can make your choices and get slagged off for it. Particularly if you choose to abuse children or microwave fluffy kittens. Killing people is more acceptable if you do it in other countries…

    I’d instinctively know who was up to no good…

    mainly because it would be YOU!

    Free Member

    What if you have a deeply held belief that being heterosexual was fine, but that that having sex with women was vile, foul, disgusting and perverted. Could you start a thread up about that, eh ?

    I reckon quite a few folk might be a tad perplexed….

    Free Member

    mainly because it would be YOU!

    It’s so painfully true…

    Free Member

    What if you have a deeply held belief that being heterosexual was fine, but that that RudeBoy having sex with women was vile, foul, disgusting and perverted ?

    most people feel this…

    What if you have a deeply held belief that being heterosexual was fine, but that that having sex with Anne Widdecombe was vile, foul, disgusting and perverted ?

    as above, except that just being in the same room is almost as bad

    Free Member

    Simon. Religion is often not a choice. young children are brainwashed into believing this superstitious stuff and told that if they dont really really really believe, then they will go to hell.

    Full Member

    Have I missed something in my life? I always thought homosexuality was a state of mind or cant think of the word, inate or hard wired whateverNOT an act?

    Free Member

    My point was that people don’t need t be quite so nasty about it. Come on – you may really disagree with someone’s point of view but there’s no need to be so flippin offensive. You’ve managed to offend me and I’m an atheist.

    If you want to have a theological debate then fine – I love those. But put the effort in to choose you words carefully. Otherwise it’s just abusive, offensive and extremely prejudicial. People can believe what they like, you don’t have to wade in and slag them off for it without any regard for their feelings, so why do it? Just trying to make yourself look big and clever?

    It is absolutely morally wrong to make sweeping assumptions about someone’s intelligence based on how YOU THINK they think. It’s even worse to rant about how stupid they are on some public forum when all you are displaying is your own ignorance. Not to mention downright rude and very bad manners.

    Jolly poor show.

    Free Member

    “what if you have a deeply held belief in attacking multicultural society”

    I can not think of a single country that is mulicultural. The UK certainly is not. Different faiths live in their own communitys and tolerate others.

    Free Member

    no one on here is religeous, who wants to waste biking time sat in church on sunday morning? i suppose confesion could be good when you give a motorist the finger and kick his wing mirror of though. mind you if you knew osama you could get a plane flown into his house……. sorry getting away from the point.

    Free Member

    GG give rudeboy’s account back to him.

    Free Member

    Wot molgrips sed. It’s not about any kind of reasoned debate or discovery for some people, it’s just intellectual wieners really going to town on something because they think they are RIGHT. I guess they do that for most things though, not just religion. What do they achieve? A moral victory? A semi?

    Free Member

    People can believe what they like, you don’t have to wade in and slag them off for it without any regard for their feelings, so why do it?

    Belief is almost entirely irrelevant, particularly as it may include the belief that you don’t have to be truthful about your beliefs. What matters to other people is what you actually DO, regardless of your claimed reasons

    also, it makes no sense to be offended about criticism of your beliefs, as a belief is inherently an arbitrary unfounded act of faith, based on nothing more than whim and liable to change without notice.

    Free Member

    Have I missed something in my life? I always thought homosexuality was a state of mind or cant think of the word, inate or hard wired whateverNOT an act?

    Damned right. Looks folks, hard as it is to understand on times – I never ever ever made a choice one day “Oo, I think I’ll be gay from now on.” I grew up fancying my sisters’ boyfriends thinking that everybody was the same as me. I thought the reason that boys made out they liked girls was a front, exactly what some people think about gay people. But fortunately I looked about and grew up, realising that we’re all different. And that is good.

    Women are wonderful people. I like them loads. I just don’t want to go near their bits! Sooner kick-start a jumbo jet! 😀

    Free Member

    I thought the reason that boys made out they liked girls was a front

    Interesting, I’d never realised it would be like that!

    Free Member

    Do people actually still think that people choose to be gay?

    Free Member

    I can recollect a couple of god bothers religous people on threads on here in the past that expressed the view that being gay is a lifestyle choice. I won’t expand my views on them, as this is meant to be the ‘nice’ thread 🙂

    Free Member

    Do people actually still think that people choose to be gay?

    In a word, yes.

    As an example When I used to do Religion I happened across many people who thought that way, because thats what they had been told.

    The world is truly full of ignorant people, religious and non religious alike.

    An awful lot of them have internet access, Which generally gets used as a tool to spread their ignorance rather than using it to enlighten themselves.

    Free Member

    I thought the reason that boys made out they liked girls was a front

    I prefer spending time with blokes but wouldn’t want to touch one. Girls can be annoying but I like their wobbly bits. I hear about blokes becoming girls so maybe that’d work?

    Free Member

    Whats wrong with being gay as a lifestyle choice? All your friends would have good taste, have better decorated houses and impecable manners. Also they’ed all be on the telly and be miles more entertaining to have around for dinner parties.

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