^^ What nickc said. A car is the only place some people feel in control.
A few months ago some skinny chav in an old ford escort took exception to me honking my horn at him after nearly taking me out on a roundabout (I looked at his faces and he didn’t even look at me). He did the whole road rage / up my a**e / etc for a few minutes. We got to some traffic lights, he got out giving me verbal and punching my window.
Having honestly resisted giving gestures / etc back I accepted his invitation to discuss it further, but he scampered back to his car locking the doors; but ffs didn’t he have his little daughter in the car, crying her eyes out? I walked up to and tapped (very politely!) on his window, he rolled the window down a bit and I genuinely thought he’d burst into tears. I just said “Why? and with your daughter in the car too?”. He just looked at the floor. Didn’t know what to do / say so got back in my car.
Never felt so sorry for someone in ages. Until the lights went green and he started the road rage all over again for the next few junctions 😐
Was I right getting out? I suppose not, but [internethardman]flashing / gesturing is one thing but the moment someone gets out, starts pounding on my window and threatening me then thats not on[/internethardman]. IMOTBHYMMVOMGBBQ, etc