No, it’s not an advert for Oil of Ulay, or Olay, or Marathon or Opal Fruits.
Since beginning reading the Breath book people were raving about on the Wim Hof thread I seem to have ‘solved’ a DOMS issue that i’ve had for years. Thought i’d share it in case there’s anyone else that has the same. I looked online heaps of times but didn’t find anything conclusive – ice, stretching, massage made absolutely no difference.
I started cycling for exercise a few years back because running was causing me serious quad pain. If I ran the trails I like most it was agony for days – I couldn’t often run more than once a week. I’d almost be in tears trying to go up or down stairs. Sometimes walking would cause the same pain.
Anyway the weather has been so bad here that i’ve barely been able to ride the trails the last few weeks so figured i would sacrifice the ability to walk just to get my nature fix. But it seems that simply solely nosebreathing has enabled me to run so much better. I’ve done two fairly intense runs this week. While i’m running I can get quite sore, but instead of the pain getting worse after I finish, it’s actually disappearing throughout the day. It’s **** weird to be honest.
So, yeah. Nosebreathing. It’s a thumbs up from me (not up the nose obvs).