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  • The Annual Running thread – beginners/ultras/whatever
  • colonelwax
    Free Member

    @MSP I was pole-curious too so bought some Alpkit ones £35 (might have got them with a bit off in a sale actually), these ones https://www.alpkit.com/products/compact-ultra-II-twins

    Z pole and a sliding bit at the top. Not used them loads but pleasantly surprised at the difference they make going up things (last tried them on Snowdon). Still feel a bit self conscious as they’re not fell-runner approved but they do seem good. Would be tempted by fancy carbon ones at some point in the future

    Free Member

    Those look great colonel, I’ve been looking for a pair for some walking duties.

    Free Member

    What a great thread. Lots of inspiring stuff. My other half has run for years but the injury rate has put me off. But the social/friendly vibe has overcome that for me and I am loving it. Plus I get to appreciate the improvement you get at the beginning which I never did on the bike.

    I have entered a couple of duathlons so am running a bit more now. It has been fine as all my runs are super slow but now I am slowly introducing a bit of effort its a tough juggling act.

    So far I have tried a few parkruns which have been brilliant (Blandford, Pomphrey Hill and Thornbury) and a duathlon at castle combe which was prob my favourite race in ages. Bombing around the race circuit was very very cool.

    Free Member

    Does anyone have recommendations for trail running poles?

    Urgh, something else to carry??

    Why the need ? Are you climbing hard or steep sections?  I can see the need for them in that environment, but not for the running I do..

    Let is know how you get on, there are a few folks I know who go over to the Alps who run with poles, but they only use them on the steeper climbs then just strap them together for the descents..


    Free Member

    Poles aren’t going to be much use running round parks down south I guess, but help on long steep uphills in proper hills and mountains. Or if you’ve got a pack or running a long way.

    They are something else to carry and I suppose you need to weigh up how much use you’ll get from them – you’re not going to use them running down hill so will need to find somewhere to stash them.

    Dunno, I think they are beneficial to performance (not a huge advantage at my level!), but not essential. Wouldn’t take them fell running in the Peak District, or for ParkRun or my jog home from work but would in Snowdonia/Lakes etc.

    Full Member

    Urgh, something else to carry??

    Why the need ? Are you climbing hard or steep sections? I can see the need for them in that environment, but not for the running I do..

    Let is know how you get on, there are a few folks I know who go over to the Alps who run with poles, but they only use them on the steeper climbs then just strap them together for the descents..


    That is kind of the plan, I can add some steep stuff to my runs around here, although the height gain will only be a couple of hundred meters, that should be more than enough to make use of them, but perhaps not enough to tell the how much affect they have in saving the legs, I would like to do some alpine races next year, so getting used to them or at least experimenting with them seems a good idea.

    Free Member

    Old friend of mine is off to start the GB Ultra, the 214 rough bounds of the southern upland way. She’s an inspirational lass, and will smile the whole way, I’m really looking forward to watching her live track!.

    Free Member

    Nice tailwind at the moment!

    Free Member

    I’m a total convert to poles for proper mountain running. I wouldn’t bother for regular trails but for big steep ups and downs I find them a massive help. Never raced with them but I will be using them in next month’s Glencoe Skyline.

    Free Member

    Oh and I’ve got Black Diamond carbon distance z. Lovely poles but the wrist loops are rubbish.

    Free Member

    Interested to hear where you run with poles?

    Are you guys in the mountains then ? Lakes/Wales/Scotland ??

    Im off to Lake Lugano in a couple of weeks, looking forward to get some clear mountain Swiss Air in my lungs. Driving down, stopping off in my mates Challet in the Vosges for a few nights and can’t wait to get lost in the forests..

    Gonna be awesome 🤠

    Free Member

    Did the Ochils 2000 race yesterday having ridden to it from inverness over 6 days on a bike packing tour. I then rode to Perth and got the train back to Inverness because I liked the idea of getting to and from a hill race without a car.

    Not surprisingly I’m now pretty busted!

    Free Member

    Last weekend I went and ‘ran’ (in the loosest possible sense of the word) the ring of steall route for the skyline mid race next month with a friend

    A brutal day out, not helped by not getting enough distance runs before or food in on the day. But very much aiming for an average time of 6-6.5hours if I do race next month! Was considering taking poles which should make a huge change.

    Free Member

    Was considering taking poles which should make a huge change.

    I’m sure you know this but make sure you get lots of training days with them before the race. It’s a great day out, I did the race 2 years ago.

    Free Member

    Paisley 10k this morning, far from ideal prep, we staying at friends, forgot my usual breakfast, carb free dinner the night before, slept in and not very well hydrated, and had a mole at the counter within the first 3k!.

    Still, managed to knock nearly 2 mins off my PB, and managed a 5k PB too!.

    Lesson learned, if I want to go sub 40 I have a lot of work to do.

    Winner was a young local lad from kilbarchan in 30.40 – fantastic.

    Free Member

    May as well pop my head into this thread having decided to have another bash at running.

    I tried to do some running 2 years ago and in true beginner fashion did too much too soon and injured myself.

    I’m a little wiser this time around I think. I’ve finished my XC racing for this season so it’s not the end of the world if I do injure myself again. That being said I’ve been to a reputable running shop and bought some half decent running trainers after a lengthy analysis and fitting session.

    Ita early days yet (literally 4 runs so far). I’ve decided to listen to my head and follow a steady couch to 10k plan. My lungs want me to carry on but my tendons and ligaments will take a little more work!

    No issues so far other than some / a lot of expected DOMS. I’m lookig forward to being able to run and not have to worry about being able to walk the next day!

    Free Member

    Best of luck r8jimbob88.

    Free Member

    Aye, best of luck, keep us posted on your progress.

    Free Member

    Good luck. It takes a bit of care starting up when you’ve got the lungs from cycling but not quite the legs/ligaments for running.

    Full Member

    Complete pole convert here, at least for distances over 25km. It’s pretty mountainous round here, and they make a huge difference for any kind of uphill – I’m not so keen on them for the downhill bits, but I have to admit my French mate uses them on the downhills and usually beats me to the bottom…

    Free Member

    Good afternoon fellow runnists 👍

    As I’m a little bored I thought I’d update you on my ON Running Shoes experiences to date.

    I took a little jump of faith changing to ON from Salomon, but felt the time was right to try some other runners.

    As you maybe aware I only run trails, rarely on road and if so it’s just to link up trails on a loop.. therefore I only look for grip and whether the shoe will last whilst covered in mud or backed on mud. I have cleaned these a few times with mild detergent and a scrub from a kitchen sponge but not thrown them into the washing machine (though I have with my SpeedX3’s)

    Wear rate is looking good, these have covered just under 1300ks and are not showing much wear yet (treads still pretty good) Wasn’t 100% sure about the clouds design at first, I did think they’d fill with mud and become a squeak fest or I’d loose the cushion effect.. but nope so far the mud has just cleared out of the clouds and they’ve remained stable and spongy.

    The shoe has a large toe box, and open heal cup. This means there is plenty of space for larger socks, and yet the heal cup is very effective even though there is a large cut away.

    The dry spell we had showed just how breathable the upper is, as it’s mostly thin mesh with inner straps that lead from the sole to the laces, this provides lots of breathing but does mean the sweat that’s escaping gathers dust and they do go grubby quickly.

    The sole grip is interesting in itself, the clouds tend to mould to the terrain but they’re not the best grip on damp roots or rocks.. and honestly pretty dangerous on damp decking 😜

    Hope you find my lunchtime musings interesting whilst tucking into your lunch..

    Free Member

    Well I too am back on the wagon – have been for a couple of weeks, and only just cleared phone to get strava back on there to keep a record. The nice bit is I still have *some* fitness, so the target by Christmas is to run to work, which is near as dammit 10k, over a gert big hill…

    Free Member

    Did 30k at the weekend up in the hills n moors near Dunkeld, dreich and poor visibility, made a few navigational errors which led to an hour of bludgeoning through bog and deep heather, eventually emerging soaked and legs all cut to hell, could barely stop to wring out my socks or eat a snack as there were crazy swarms of clegs. A definite ‘type 2’ fun kinda day

    Free Member

    At the other end of the distance spectrum I will be running my first race for a year this evening. Just a 5k and I dont expect to go much under 20 mins but with a couple of months training under my belt, enjoying being injury free for a bit.

    Set a marker tonight then look to bring it closer to 18 mins over the autumn/winter. Then look to get in some O/50 scraps 🙂

    O/55 only 14 months away :0

    Free Member

    I think I’m going to rock up at my local 5k park run this weekend.  What’s the worst that could happen…!

    I’m really just looking to set a benchmark as a newcommer.  Something I can guage my progress against over the coming months.

    Free Member

    Parkrun is great for benchmarking your progress.

    Free Member

    1st 5k Parkrun done this morning. Also happens to be the first time I’ve ran more than 2 minutes without walking for a bit!  My 7th run in 2 years. So much for taking it steady…. guess my inner racer kicked in! Slowly reeling in other runners was great fun.

    Set off quite conservatively and picked up the pace throughout. Eventually managed a 22:27.

    So that’s the benchmark set. Looking forward to seeing that come down over the coming months.

    Free Member

    Had great plans to parkrun this morning. Woke up at the back of 9 so didn’t

    Rode 30k to coffee shop for lunch and 30k back

    Found there was no food in the house so decided to run into the village via the farm.

    Managed a solid 10k. Not fast but also not hard. No pains in my calves feeling really good running recently. Put it down to new shoes(nothing fancy just decathlon specials)

    Free Member

    My planned parkruns outnumber my actually ran ones 2-1 :-/

    Did the Aberdeen half marathon today, first race in a while that didn’t go to plan, started too far back and had to work through slower crowds, then once clear banged it but overcooked it (ended up setting a 10k pb) then the wheels fell off at around the same time there was a lot of head wind and had to really hang on and grind through the last half hour, pre-crampy twitches and jolts in all kinda leg bits. Still a reasonable result at 1’34 but had hoped to break 1’30

    Free Member

    The Ben Nevis race is next Saturday, anyone else doing it?

    I ran the Ben via the race route on Friday and amazed myself by doing 1:58 which is only a minute slower than my pb set in the 2016 race.

    Bodes well for the race but of course it could all still go tits up on the day!

    The Ben race marks the start of what I’m calling Mad September. Glencoe Skyline 2 weeks after the Ben and 3 peaks cx 2 weeks after that.

    Free Member

    first race in a while that didn’t go to plan,

    Ive given up a little on trying to plan and predict a good race. Other than a general feeling that more racing (up to a point) tends to lead to good form.

    Free Member

    Trapped nerve in my lower rib cage in my back 🤮

    I knew something wasn’t right after Thursday evenings hack. Sore on Sat, sore yesterday and this morning a bit of a lump and the shudders in that area.

    It will work itself out, happened many times before.

    So feet up for a week or so, and a beer or two.

    Enjoy the Autumn 😜🍁🤣

    Full Member

    Doing the Hull Marathon as a relay team of 4, I’m 59, wife is 56, then we have two old lads who do Parkrun with us. One is 79 and had never run till two years ago and is now running sub 30 mins 5k. The other guy is 77 and is at the other end of his running career having done a sub 3hr marathon in his time.

    i reckon we must be the oldest team there, I bloody hope so anyway and as long as we don’t get overtaken by a giant banana jobs a good un!

    Free Member

    You know those days when everything just comes right?

    Took about 9 mins off my Ben Nevis PB and came in at 1:48:20 (watch time, no official results yet). Delighted 🙂

    Free Member

    Sorry, never seen this yesterday Spin, brilliant time, you must be proper chuffed! bravo sir.

    Wee question – Anyone joined a (whisper it) running club? There’s a fair few locally, I’m not really a club type person, local biking club really reinforced my views a few years back – full of eternal commitee type folks, snobs and the odd person that was actually awrite.

    But…. I reckon my running would really improve in a club structure, training and track nights etc, especially through the winter.


    Full Member

    Anyone joined a (whisper it) running club?

    Yes and no… I’m in a mountain running club, but mainly for the insurance and the discount you get for races. We do meet up every now and then to go for a run, but it’s not what you’re presumably after. I’m also in a (whisper it) triathlon club – and that’s a lot more like what I’m guessing you want. We do a proper training session twice a week, run first then swim. The running bit has definitely improved my running – apart from the motivational aspect, don’t underestimate how useful the technique part can also be. So yes, I’d recommend it.

    Free Member

    Good effort Spin, I couldn’t do that in a month of Sunday’s with 2yrs training 😜

    Running Club ? Yes, I run with a few guys out of Karibu (Sth Downs based) Sam is amazing, he’s got a link to Salomon so if you turn up unprepared you can use some of his gear..

    Free Member

    And now I’ve picked up a hernia 😜💪

    Felt a bit “off” since I whacked my groin with a windsurfing boom a week last Sunday, woke Saturday to find a lump on my abdomen and feeling all bloated and sorry for myself.

    Doc says “ultrasound Sonny Jim” so hey..

    I’d like it sorted quickly, if that’s ok 🥀🤷‍♂️🤣🤣

    Free Member

    And now I’ve picked up a hernia

    Aye, me too, a wee inguinal lump since about late february. Doc has told me to leave it if it’s not bothering me, which it isn’t.

    Free Member

    Well done Spin, fabulous time. Out of interest, what was the split up/down?

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