Home Forums Chat Forum The Revenant – what did you think?

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  • The Revenant – what did you think?
  • Frankenstein
    Free Member

    I don’t know what to think.

    Great filming and acting.


    Blood bath, Empire Strikes Back meets Bear Grylls meets Dances with Wolves?

    Free Member

    short answer , was boringly crap imo.

    Free Member

    What he said ^^^^^

    Full Member

    Amazing cinematography and camera work. Decent to great performances. Slightly thin story stretched out a bit too far.

    But I’m a sucker for the way a film looks, so I loved it regardless of its shortcomings (see also Moulin Rouge, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and many others).

    Free Member

    Should have been about half as long

    Full Member

    I enjoyed it.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You have to give Leonardo an Oscar for actually doing all the sub zero stuff.

    Unfortunately the bear could have made the entire film less drawn out by finishing him off in the first 30mins.

    Free Member

    I spent most of the film wondering how it got a 15 certificate.

    Free Member

    I enjoyed it but was also left slightly underwhelmed. Sure, the landscapes and stuff, but the story was a bit thin for the length of film and the plaudits it got.

    Free Member

    Saw it at IMAX and glad I did as its about the big screen cinematography. A vehicle to win DeCaprio an oscar. Some great moments but too long and imo less interesting and kess entertaining than Hateful 8. My thoughts are the Academy did not want to give Eddie Redamane two Oscars in a row andTom Hanks was better in Bridge of Spies. Plenty of silent moments from DeCaprio and pained looks but not worthy of an Oscar imho.

    Free Member

    Frankly a ridiculous film – I left after he survived the bear fight!

    Free Member

    The bear bit was pretty amazing though. I guess if anyone really wants to see what a bear attack would be like… watch that scene.

    Full Member

    Depending on your interpretation of the Hugh Glass account, the bear attack is close to the true life story.

    He was close to death and scalped etc.

    Cinema should always allow for being cinematic. It’s not a doc.

    Free Member

    Best film I’ve seen at the cinema in as long as I can remember.

    On a technical level I’d put it with stuff like The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

    Free Member

    I liked it, I don’t know if I will watch it again in blu-Ray when it’s released as a lot of the landscapes will be lost on a small tv and for me it was those landscapes and cinematography that made the film. The plot was thin but I didn’t really feel it was too dragged out but the film could have been a bit shorter or carried another storyline (I know it’s based on one account but maybe flesh out some of the characters back stories)

    Full Member

    Thought it was great. Can see that it’s not for everyone; it’s a beautifully filmed event film, rather than a twisty turny keep you guessing thriller.

    As for getting upset because surviving the bear attack is unrealistic; that’s an odd argument. People survive bear attacks all the time. More people survive bear attacks than die from them. And IT’S A FILM! Lol.

    Full Member

    Liked the scenery and all, but actually as storyline went I thought it was all mouth and no trousers, style over substance and all that.

    Free Member

    What Drac said. I liked it enough to start a thread. I don’t need other people to tell me what to think 😛

    Free Member

    So’s that 🙂

    Free Member

    Ah didn’t know it came out so long ago.

    Read the other thread. Interesting views on the movie.

    Free Member

    I actually turned it off part way through.

    Will give it another try just in case but I just found it dull.

    Free Member

    I love a good screenplay… the less that happens the better IMO… don’t need spectacle and drama and twisting delirious plotlines but this film delivered all sorts

    Free Member

    Amazing cinematography and camera work. Decent to great performances. Slightly thin story stretched out a bit too far.

    Pretty much this.

    I’d go as far as to say that several scenes were groundbreaking in terms of cinematography. In particular the first big fight with the native American tribe, it was truly immersive and took my breath away like no cinema experience since the opening scene in Saving Private Ryan.
    The director is a visionary and I love the fact guys like him and Nolan have taken the baton and are genuinely going in new directions.
    The final edit was possibly slightly too long – probably intended to emphasise the length/time of journey Leo had to undertake.
    Must have been great in IMAX. Will reserve full judgement till 2nd viewing.

    Free Member


    It would have played much better in a cinema.

    Full Member

    slimjim78 – Member
    I’d go as far as to say that several scenes were groundbreaking in terms of cinematography. In particular the first big fight with the native American tribe, it was truly immersive and took my breath away like no cinema experience since the opening scene in Saving Private Ryan.

    Absolutely. Loads of times watching it the Media Studies teacher in me was quietly geeking out. All the ‘single take’ stuff and the very distinctive way the camera swings around effectively create a first person perspective putting the viewer right in the middle of the scene. Simple trick but I’ve never seen it done as effectively before.

    Free Member

    I thought it was a very good film. Never found it to be too long either.

    …and what colournoise and slimjim78 said

    Full Member

    thought it was quite long, but also fantastic. kind of film i like.

    as for the bear attack, i have a mate who was in the british police, now a mountie in canada. they had a bear attack in their area last summer. bloke survived it.

    Free Member

    Brilliant film. Beautifully shot, perfectly edited and some fine performances. The pacing, and the duration perfectly conveyed a long and arduous ordeal but also allowed the viewer to feel like they were in the environment. Loved it.

    Oh and plenty of people survive bear attacks.

    Full Member

    I read the original story many years ago. It’s a true story, so it’s not going to wrap up so nicely as fiction (ie plot deficiencies) If anything, the film character wasn’t as badly damaged as the real guy.

    I think the film did a good job within the constraints of being a film.

    Enjoyed it on the whole.

    Free Member

    I watched it last night. Great scenes. Clunky story at times and at the point that I realised it would be a good old good and bad I lost interest alittle. I enjoyed/glad I watched it (glad I didnt make the efcort go go to the pics though).

    I’d give it 7/10. Tomorrow Im off to see Bourne at the flicks. Is it as good as the spin off Bourne??

    Free Member

    I liked it. There’s a few times during the film where a.n.other director might have hurried the story along a little, but once in a while it’s good to watch something with a bit of time to notice/appreciate, y’know, the cinematic watsit… ‘Flair’ maybe?

    Full Member

    Kept my attention – good performances, great to look at.

    I wonder how many other best actor Oscars have been won with so little actual dialogue. Lot of agonised grunting, but that doesn’t count!

    Full Member

    I thought it was excellent

    Full Member

    I enjoyed it, probably because I saw it at the cinema on my own at the 19:00 showing. Yes it was a bit long but that’s part of the vibe. The opening scene with its big single-take was a directorial success.

    Free Member

    Bump my thread, it was better.

    Free Member

    We can’t find it 😉

    Free Member

    was boringly crap

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