My mind got to musing on this on my ride to work this morning. Do we have a full list of STWisms anywhere? If not, why not?
So, let’s begin…
Fixie thread – Sister’s jeans
“What is this” thread? – Baby robin
Any dating/relationship thread – Getting a mention of “Back doors”
General retribution – Pwnage (sic) with Bombers
end of a bell and the foreign equivalent
Fist pie
Top Gear 🙄
Cpt apapearing on a footy thread just to let us know he does not like footy/
Dose someone do this on F1 or Rugby threads? No interest in either sport/thread is it an STW thing?
Help me decide… I’m not sure what I want to decide, so it could go either way. But if the “STW Massive” could point me in the direction of a decision that needs making, I could be tempted to decide to have a go at making that decision, but I’ve not decided yet.
I’ll probably ask for help with that decision when I decide the time is right to decide. But again, I’m not completely sure yet.
What does everyone think?