Well, this really will send the nay-sayers into a right old tizzy.
“It’s Tesco so I MUST object”
“But that’ll make me look like I believe in God”
“Arrgghhh whatdoIdonoooowwwww???”
Personally I think it’s ace. Lovely old buildings being looked after. Love how they’ve managed to get the store in and leave the original features intact.
McDonald’s are apparently doing something similar to an old pub in Farnborough. The place was falling down and damp when it was open, it’s even worse after being boarded up for 4-5 years, in a right state. Nobody gave a shit about it when it was falling down, but, of course, now an ‘evil multi national’ is actually going to use it there’s protests, Facebook groups, knitting circles, and other general outrage.
Cut’n’paste Internet opinions, don’t ya just LOVE em? 🙂