Home Forums Chat Forum The best sound in the world ever….

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  • The best sound in the world ever….
  • Sandwich
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    Mrs Sandwiches dirty chuckle.
    Peregrine Falcons sounding off as the sun goes down in Llanberis pass.

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    Light Sabers

    Free Member

    Another vote here for ladynoises

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    Rich_s – Member

    Uncontrollable giggling from a 2 year old when being tickled.
    Or the pinging noise when I gave him that bell for the bike :D
    He looked proper pleased with himself little tyke ;)

    Free Member

    My house sounds like the tropics all the time with crickets chirruping away – that is until I feed them to my tarantula’s and then it’s all quiet :-)

    Best sound is also a Ducati MotoGP bike – or Vulcan on take off or Spitfire on a fly-past. Sorted.

    Free Member

    The battle of Britain flight flying over my grans house when all the blokes recognised the noise of many Merlins and rushed outside to see it

    Free Member

    La petite mort

    Full Member

    A loon on a remote Canadian lake in summer.

    Free Member

    The pawls in my freewheel clicking (Rohloff or Hope varieties equally acceptable)


    Free Member

    Calloway Corvette at Le Mans or Lister tuned Jag V12.

    Free Member

    Well played bagpipes (by me for instance!)

    My RB20 tuned Lambretta as it hits its powerband!

    Free Member

    Well played bagpipes

    Free Member

    The sound of most engines with >4 cylinders makes me go :-)

    A couple of others

    Big fat raindrops at the start of a summer storm.

    A big poo dropping into the pan

    Free Member

    My family having a quiet time and chatting together
    My son laughing at anything.
    Frying bacon, though this also has SMELL! (mmmmmmm, bacon)
    Anything in nature, especially if I am the only one there to hear it
    The sound you get when there are no cars, lorries, motorbikes or aircraft near you on the moors

    Free Member

    The glug of wine being poured.

    Plink plink fizz in the morning.

    Free Member

    The “ack ack ack” of a Ducati dry clutch at idle. I’m sorry, but no other V-Twin sounds the same. When combined with the Desmodromic valves, and a full set of Termignoni pipes, there is no better sounding petrol fuelled vehicle save for Rossi’s MotoGP Desmosedici.

    My old NC35 with a loud pipe, on the overrun (it used to pop and bang and backfire occasionally) was pretty good though too.

    DT240 freehubs… Not showy like Hope/CK/Superstar/everyone else. Reassuringly firm click, that lets you know just how robust the mechanism is, but not so loud as to draw attention to itself.

    A Perfectly engineering Kick Drum… As a House music fan, and a music producer, this is the Holy grail, and makes me go weak when I find it or manage to make one!

    The Vulcan Bomber at full chat doing a near vertical climb is less of an audio feast than it is a visceral one. Amazing thing, the noise level (rather than tone) is incredible, and it shakes the earth for miles around.

    The 1991 Le Mans winning Mazda 787B at full chat as it goes past sends a shiver down your spine. It’s pure evil! It must’ve been VERY tiring to drive for 24hrs compared to some of the much lazier engines fitted to the other cars competing.

    Senna’s 1988 McLaren MP4/4 at full chat. A complex mix of sonically beautiful V6, combined with the delights of massive boost pressures, a very peaky power delivery, and huge horsepower. The most successful F1 car in history BTW.

    There are others… But most of them are automotive based I’m afraid! :wink:

    Free Member

    Fratton Park singing Play Up Pompey.

    Students listening in my lectures.

    Free Member

    I’ve only heard it once, but the sound of a Merlin engined P51-D Mustang at 350knts and 20 feet over my head in a ‘airfield strafing’ attack simulation.
    Utterly, utterly brilliant and sadly never to be replicated as you simply can’t do that at an official show.

    Free Member

    Call me a hippie if you like but I find it a bit weird/sad that the sound of an ‘airfield strafing attack simulation’ would be someone’s favourite noise in the world. And for that matter that so many peoples’ favourite noises are those of war planes.

    Free Member

    Three pages of this and no one has mentioned a 6R4 or Stratos !

    Saw a display at Leuchars once, a P51 doing circuits with runs down the main runway from a shallow dive. Goosebumps.

    Had a Vulcan go over me as a kid, doing nap of the earth flying. Somewhat impressive in lots of ways.

    Free Member

    It’s not what it was doing in particular, that was a way of describing what was happening as I was standing in the middle of a gliding club (Husbands Bosworth) airfield at the time it went over my head, but the sound of that engine is utterly amazing, and as it wound up to a howl when diving, was incredible. You’ll notice that it’s all high powered engines that people seem to like the sound of? Somehow a Cessna 152 or Toyota Prius just doesn’t quite cut it.

    Free Member

    ANY well tuned or powerful engine, be it F1, rally, road car, motocross bike, Merlin, Griffon, jet engine, diesel locomotive (e.g. class 37 or even a 66)…

    Rain lashing down whilst your in the dry.

    Children playing and laughing.

    The sounds of nature.


    A nice voice.

    Free Member

    I remember being buzzed by about 10 Canada geese flying up and out of the valley one evening. Incredible sound.

    That and a nice wet lady.

    Free Member

    Call me a hippie if you like but I find it a bit weird/sad that the sound of an ‘airfield strafing attack simulation’ would be someone’s favourite noise in the world. And for that matter that so many peoples’ favourite noises are those of war planes.

    Hippie ;)

    I think as has been said before, it’s the awesomeness of the engineering and mechanics, rather than its morbid purpose, that’s evocative. I hate the bluntness of the weapon that is the Lancaster. But I still wonder in awe at the noise it makes.

    Full Member

    Small waves smacking against the bottom of a sea cliff mixed in with a few gulls when you’re hanging off the first belay in the sun.

    Free Member

    You’ll notice that it’s all high powered engines that people seem to like the sound of? Somehow a Cessna 152 or Toyota Prius just doesn’t quite cut it.

    I guess so – some people just seem to quite like ‘war’ generally though. Did you ever see that documentary about WWII re-enactors? Strange bunch.

    I think as has been said before, it’s the awesomeness of the engineering and mechanics, rather than its morbid purpose, that’s evocative.

    And your weird masturbatory war fantasies. Don’t forget about them. :P

    Free Member

    Lamborghini V12 before Audi got involved…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Billy Gibbons playing slide.

    Merc SL500 AMG laying rubber away from the lights. Rather less histrionic than the italian exotica.

    Bacon frying (rather beaten by the smell though!)

    Road tyres when cornering hard

    A properly sharp plane shaving hardwood off.

    The pulse of a freehub as you manual through a double.

    Hope floating rotors plinking as they cool down

    Free Member

    Mrs Sandwiches dirty chuckle



    Free Member

    enfht – Member
    Mrs Sandwiches dirty chuckle

    We’ve all heard it….


    Free Member

    You’ll notice that it’s all high powered engines that people seem to like the sound of?

    Personally, I think engines are pretty much the worst sound in the world ever. Each to their own eh?

    I love the sound of MTB tyres brrrrring across a bit of boardwalk.

    Free Member

    As many have said, a Merlin engined aircraft or Vulcan at full chat is pretty much impossible to beat!

    This video at 0:36ish sends shivers down my spine every time I watch – cant imagine how loud it would have been for the guy filming it. The sound of the turbines spinning up before all hell breaks loose is just glorious!

    Vulcan at Yeovilton

    Free Member

    I love the sound of MTB tyres brrrrring across a bit of boardwalk.

    Fill yer boots.

    Free Member

    Lazy x post….

    As I said in the thread about favourite sounds. I find it a bit weird/unsettling the way so many people (well blokes actually) seem to have such a hard-on for military planes etc.

    Genuinely interested in what is going on here. There can be no doubt (in my mind) that certain sounds trigger real, genuine emotional response. Too many people ar stirred by the sound of a Merlin powered aircraft for the response to be a peculiar male sexual peccadillo.

    The “military” aspect is irrelevant. To me it is the pitch and volume, especially the Doppler effect that you get when an aircraft turns towards you. Hairs stand up on the neck – a classic fight or flight adrenaline response.

    Same last week at the TT. There is a lot more to this. I don’t see how mal sexual fantasy play any part at all.

    As for the OP. Yes, can see the point. Just think of it as a historic parade. Focus is on BoB purely because UK has been very short sighted about preserving (and maintaining) a wider and more representative selection…

    Free Member

    Fill yer boots.

    Ok – my tyres :-)

    Full Member

    Lancia stratos

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    A child crying when they’ve been born- my wife and i have had the misfortune to hear silence.
    That is the very worst sound in the world……

    Free Member

    This was one of the best sounds ever- just like my ZXR except mine had an ART exhaust.

    I miss that bike :cry:

    Full Member

    Some very evocative offerings here and I wouldn’t disagree with any of them… but I give you a top fuel/funny car pass – shakes your very bones!

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