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  • The best sound in the world ever….
  • samuri
    Free Member

    Nothing at all apart from the agonised screaming from my own tortured psyche.

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    a football stadium in full voice

    i like the deep guttural gollllllllllllllllllllllllll that you get at spanish grounds when they score, that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

    I am always so impressed with the Welsh national anthem at the Millenium stadium. Its such a powerful, passsionate anthem and when the roof is closed the sound is amplified. Truely breathtaking for me and I’m not Welsh.

    Full Member

    Thunder. From the sky-ripping bit at the start to the last rumbles bouncing off the mountains. Epic.

    A grid of 917’s belting up the pit straight between the grandstands at Le Mans, and a handfull of GT40’s, Lola T70’s and daytona coupes at full chat through the forest a couple of yards from the catch fence just after the end of mulsanne.

    Whistle of a camping kettle on a big old camping gaz stove. And the hiss of a tilley lamp.

    Free Member

    Paul Kossoff, Randy Rhoads, Gary Moore, Alex Lifeson, Angus Young, Peter Green, Tommi Iommi, Ritchie Blackmore, Doug Aldrich, My daughter’s laughter and the words ‘day off’

    Free Member

    The singing at the Millennium, I agree. Breathtaking.

    Merlin, Vulcan and Lightning? Oh yes….! (Always remember that they had to stop the Vulcan party trick at Finningley of a full throttle climb from low level, standing on the tail and roaring up…. It was ripping the runway apart!)

    And, the simple sounds of nature. A trickling stream in the woods, birdsong in the trees, etc. Love it.

    Free Member

    The wails of despair from my crushed enemies women, and the sound of rain when I’m in bed…

    Free Member

    Rain on a caravan roof. Went on holiday to Norfolk when I was about 10, snuggled into my sleeping bag, only sound was this gentle drumming, dad made me toast and tea, I was just so content…

    Opening bars of a song (any song) that you so want a band to play when your at a gig..

    +1 princejohn though :oops:

    Free Member

    Rain on a caravan roof. Went on holiday to Norfolk when I was about 10, snuggled into my sleeping bag, only sound was this gentle drumming, dad made me toast and tea, I was just so content…

    Ooooh, can I add another then? The sound of a storm lashing at a tent in the mountains. I remember camping out in the wilds somewhere North West of BYC some years back as a storm hit. Battened down the hatches (Terra Nova Quasar) and just listened. That smug feeling of being safe, warm and dry with the ever so slight sense of “what if….” that comes from knowing how little is between you and the elements.

    Full Member

    Waves on the beach is probably best but honourable mentions for kettle going on and Triumph Trident.

    Free Member

    are you guys for real? so much testosterone in the room..

    Free Member

    Rockabilly radio. Nuff said.

    Free Member

    And my tuppence worth:

    The pop of a mushroom stalk being snapped off.


    Free Member

    Honda 6 cylinder 250 sounds awesome

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    A Gardner 6LW on tick over

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    The B&M howl.

    Free Member

    A telecaster played through a deluxe reverb

    Free Member

    nature… waves, thunder, rain, silence, babies laughing, trees falling, leaves rustling, puppies playing, waterfalls, whales singing in the ocean, birdsong….

    then the sound of my tyres crashing though it all :twisted:

    Free Member

    The wails of despair from my crushed enemies women

    “Conan! What is best in life?” “To crush your enemies — See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!”

    Zulu 11 has to win the prize for apparently being the most ridiculously cliched macho man in the world. He loves guns, chainsaws and fighter planes, but hey he has a sensitive side too. :lol:

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    Free Member

    A road or touring bike on tarmac.

    The silence you get when bunnyhopping with a tail wind.

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    Andy Gill making his guitar scream in pain.

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    My family laughing :)

    My Triumph Daytona at 9000 via a Scorpion can :) Sadly I sold her yesterday :( I WILL get another one day……..

    Free Member

    An open A chord on a Les Paul through a loud British-voiced amp.

    Free Member

    This – at about 5-6pm on a Friday

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    The sound of the school bell at the end of the day!!

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    Standing on Pennines moors with the wind rattling around you, its what brought me to Rossendale

    Full Member

    Oyster Catchers at night

    Free Member

    Loud freehubs.

    Free Member

    The sound of waves on the beach

    yes,but more so the muffled boom of big waves breaking which you can hear before you get to the beach/ over the dunes for a surf- the anticipation mixed with trepidation (how big are they??!)is ace…

    Loud freehubs.

    I just don’t get this…I love to ‘run silent’ on a bike.

    Free Member

    My own heartbeat. It’s just kind of reassuring to hear it…

    Full Member

    Oyster Catchers at night

    good call

    The sound of the garden gate closing,home.

    My son playing guitar .

    The music that stops me in my tracks ,and time travels me back.

    At night,camping near signpost corner ( IOM ),and hearing all the wannabees giving it a go .

    Free Member

    open e on my sg2000, marshall jmp 100 watt preamp to 11

    Full Member

    Ahh, the Vulcan standing on its tail party piece; wonderful to behold.
    Curlew’s, definitely, rain on the roof on a stormy night, and ear splitting thunder a fraction of a second after the lightning.
    Had that happen so close one night as I was watching out of my bedroom window that the air crackled around me like touching an old CRT tv tube, and my hair stood on end! Actually struck a house around 100 yds away 8O Scary close.

    Free Member

    Randy Crawford singing “A Rainy Night in Georgia”

    Cicadas on a warm night somewhere sunny

    The whooshing/whirring noise a really good set of road bike wheels make when at speed

    A V8 engine

    The sound of complete silence- its so rare

    Free Member


    Free Member

    No way. not motherfrigging sodding noisy bastard crickets. Especially not right outside your window at 3am.

    However, the sound of a sweetly-struck cricket ball, especially when you’re the one holding the bat – that’s a nice noise…

    Free Member

    Not many crickets in the UK because it’s too bloody cold!!!

    Free Member

    500cc 2 stroke mx race

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    0:39 secs in:

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