Pratchett, but for the little ‘uns.
– Read lots of Point Horror, but by the time I was 11 I’d moved on to Stephen King.
– Loved the TV show, so read the book.
Read the Hobbit when I was eight (partly down to having the text adventure on the Spectrum), and I’d worked my way through The Lord of the Rings by the age of nine. By the age of eleven my dad got me my own copy – before then, I’d been repeatedly getting the three books out from the library.
When I was 4-8 I read a lot of Enid Blyton – the fact there were characters called Fanny and Dick was a source of never-ending amusement for my brother. Some really nice short stories though, demonstrating why you should be nice to blind people. And earwigs.
There was also a fantasy series I read as a kid, but I can’t for the life of me remember the author, or the title. I vaguely remember it had the sons of Seth and the Sons of Cain as two opposing factions, and that the ‘bad guys’ looked a bit crooked like vultures. One of the hero’s gang was of the bad guy’s race, but an outcast. In one of the later books they got to where they’d been trying to get to, and found a load of others of the same race who were also good…