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  • The beginning of the long slide down for Cameron?
  • scotroutes
    Full Member

    My perception is that they are publishing a lot more pro-war tweets on their sites than anti, but maybe that’s just reflecting what they are receiving.

    Free Member

    There is a gulf of difference between covering your options and bases, and actually using the things.

    If Churchill was saving all of those chemical weapons for when Britain was invaded, then why didn’t he use them for when Britain was invaded? The Channel Islands and other British territory was occupied by fascist Germany. If Syrian territory has been invaded and occupied for years (the Golan Heights), what does that mean for the use of chemical weapons in Syria?

    Free Member

    There are a few closet plastic Commies on here. For its many faults at least our democracy isnt as deeply flawed as junkyards dream.

    Free Member

    If Churchill was saving all of those chemical weapons for when Britain was invaded, then why didn’t he use them for when Britain was invaded?

    Genuine guess here. But because the Channel Islands don’t mean squat in comparison to mainland Britain. The cost and risks associated with deploying them would not ave justified any potential gains.

    I don’t think there in Britain.

    Free Member

    And Churchill.

    How great he is depends on how blinkered you wish to be with his involvement with Britains Imperial past. And additionally how much navel gazing you wish to do.

    Man of his times that’s for sure. Regardless, I’d quite like to read a book about his life. If only for his little South African jolly.

    Free Member

    Read about him. Genuine balls taking a demotion fighting on the front KNOWING the odds from being in management previously.

    Free Member

    Churchill….awesome, we could do with another of his stature.

    Todays politicians are pygmies in comparison, nobody seems to govern on principle any more, running the country seems to be about monitoring the opinion polls for changes and responding accordingly with what they think the public wants.

    Free Member

    Isn’t that the point of democracy? To give the public what it wants?

    Free Member

    molgrips earlier

    But is a government, even one elected with a majority, ever expected to have the will of the pepole ALL the time? Surely that’s unreasonable?

    There are a few closet plastic Commies on here.

    I am not a communist[ not according to Marx anyway and I defre to him over you on this issue] but I do believe the wealth of the planet should be shared out equally so we dont have staving people- I can see why that makes you mock me though 🙄
    I dont think my political views could be described as in the closet either.

    For its many faults at least our democracy isnt as deeply flawed as junkyards dream.

    If you must stoop to a childish ad homs could you make it specific enough for me to know WTF you mean?

    Free Member

    Is it me or is the BBC being particularly hawkish on Syria? More graphic images, emotive tone and language than I can remember for a long time, although granted video phones allow access to more raw footage. Feels like there are a few over eager editors with agendas.

    Tony Blair’s military adventure into Iraq over 10 years ago was a badly planned disaster based on lies and misinformation. Iraqis are still dying at the rate of more than 30 a day as a consequence of this.

    But the only person who actually lost their job due to the blunders and failings that was the Iraq War, was the Director-General of the BBC. He was sacked because the BBC dared to suggest that what is now universally known as the dodgy dossier was “sexed up” by the government.

    The British government under Tony Blair was not prepared to tolerate the BBC challenging or questioning the lies and misinformation which they had used to justify going to war.

    They saw the role of the BBC as loyally disseminating government propaganda, not seeking the truth. The Director-General of the BBC paid the price and the BBC learnt a lesson it’s never forgotten.

    Today the BBC is a more timid organisation and more reluctant to challenge the government’s narrative on major international issues.

    Another disastrous and damaging legacy of Tony Blair’s premiership.

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