Is it me or is the BBC being particularly hawkish on Syria? More graphic images, emotive tone and language than I can remember for a long time, although granted video phones allow access to more raw footage. Feels like there are a few over eager editors with agendas.
Tony Blair’s military adventure into Iraq over 10 years ago was a badly planned disaster based on lies and misinformation. Iraqis are still dying at the rate of more than 30 a day as a consequence of this.
But the only person who actually lost their job due to the blunders and failings that was the Iraq War, was the Director-General of the BBC. He was sacked because the BBC dared to suggest that what is now universally known as the dodgy dossier was “sexed up” by the government.
The British government under Tony Blair was not prepared to tolerate the BBC challenging or questioning the lies and misinformation which they had used to justify going to war.
They saw the role of the BBC as loyally disseminating government propaganda, not seeking the truth. The Director-General of the BBC paid the price and the BBC learnt a lesson it’s never forgotten.
Today the BBC is a more timid organisation and more reluctant to challenge the government’s narrative on major international issues.
Another disastrous and damaging legacy of Tony Blair’s premiership.