I caught a few minutes of it when i popped in to see my folks, my father (aged 64) was at the table having his tea after spending all day at a main UK-ireland gas pumping station contorted on his back into a teeny space whilst welding gas supply pipes – his response to the twunts on the program would get me banned after repeating a few words if the swear filter was switched off but i’ll try and remember some of it, he ranted for quite a while so this is probably a very abridged version.
**** ****………… i’d like those preened **** poofs to spend one **** day at my job, i’d have them cowering in the **** corner dribbling piss and shite down their legs within 60 seconds of getting in the door, **** waste of sperm conceiving **** like that i’d give my weekly wage to slap them up and down the **** workshop before handing them over to big al who’d rip their balls off and stuff them in their **** mouths…that’s if they’ve got any **** balls.
That was pretty much his response and i tend to agree wi him – the program must be a piss-take surely?, i’d pay good money to see them attempt to work wi him or his crew – that’d make far better viewing.