I remember ’83 and ’87, but this feels worse.
I was a kid then, but I do remember lots of people being very miserable and poor..
I remember the constant power cuts, etc etc and that was under Labour. I was VERY young yet I remember my parents- the stress, the constant buying of candles (for just incase) etc. This lasted into the 80’s. Even today when I look at candles I shudder.
Lets not forget Labour **** up in the 70s and yet again in the 00s.
Or are we forgetting the recession that Bliar and Brown caused?
Trust me- I didn’t vote for the Tories last night. I spoilt my paper and voted green on the local elections as someone sacked all the lollipop ladies around 4 schools in my area ‘to save money’ (but is: http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/trafford-council-approves-4m-loan-8921422 )
So I voted green to ‘spoil’ my local vote.