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  • Tesco torch help
  • Lummox
    Full Member

    Another one yes sigh

    Can someone please direct link me to a reflector to fit the tesco 3w AA to allow a wider spread of light, i can’t make sense of it.

    Same would be good for the C cell one as well

    Got caught up in the new fad and realised i knew bum **** about it all.

    Thanks for your help

    Full Member

    Oh dear…..here we go.

    I bought the C cell powered one. Realised that the beam was too focussed, so stuck a ball-end dremmel tool into the perspex lens block and rounded out the small convex lens part at the end of the hole. Result: wider beam focus.

    I also played around with manufacturing an orange peel reflector using a foil cake case. This created a wonderfully smooth light pool, but on the trail this tended to light the bushes on either side of the trail and not much in the middle.


    Full Member

    awesome thanks i’ll try the latter before the dremel job

    Full Member

    Take the lense out, wrap the foil tightly round the perspex block and carefully cut a hole where the LED will poke through.

    The problem with the foil cake case is that:
    1) there’s no glass, so the LED is open to the elements
    2) it’s metal and might short across the LED if you’re not careful (maybe a bit of tape to insulate it?)
    3) it’s fragile because of point 1

    The light created looks great in the garage (and is an improvement IMO on the basic use of it as a torch) but on the trail when bombing along you feel as though the light pool is black in the centre as there’s no penetration to the beam at all.

    The mod to the lens works well, don’t be afraid to be rough with the ‘machining’ as the majority of the beam focus is done using the outer egde of the lens.


    Free Member

    I was in Tesco’s last night and the AA 3w was seven pound something.

    Full Member

    still looking for a direct link to a new optic, or even if someone could say what LED is fitted in the tesco torch so i can go on led suppy and find the relevent optics.

    Direct link would be better though 😉

    Free Member

    Go to candle power forum and search on “sputter”, basically a few layers of hairspray in a fine mist to create an orange peel esq reflector.

    Free Member

    I’ve collected a few useful links for the Tesco Torch mods here:


    Admittedly they are tailored to my interest in replacing the optics of the C cell, and maybe running a different driver and battery pack. Hope they help.

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