Home Forums Bike Forum Talk to me about …………..Nail-guns? Brad-nailers

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  • Talk to me about …………..Nail-guns? Brad-nailers
  • tymbian
    Free Member

    I was thinking of getting one of these

    I already have batteries and a charger and have seen them for around the £165…

    Is it tat or a useful bit of kit?

    What can it do what can’t it.. ( oak or other hardwoods..cladding, architrave etc. )

    How good is the depth adjust?

    Anything better for the same ££££’s?

    Free Member

    Might be worth putting it in the chat section.

    Free Member

    They are great, used mine a lot.

    Edit: I would want to see it before buying, as the tabs which hold the batteries, often get a bit sticky as do all these 18V Dewalt tools after a lot of use.

    Free Member

    righog….I was thinking of getting a new one so tabs should be good..

    Full Member

    definitely useful really good value if you already have the batteries. the nails for them are more available now (stock was a bit patchy when i first started using one) both dewalts own brand brads are distributed more widely and takwise make ones to fit for less bucks

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