Home Forums Bike Forum Swapping levers on XTR disc brakes

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  • Swapping levers on XTR disc brakes
  • whippersnapper
    Free Member

    Just bought an XTR disc brake set front and rear, unfortunately levers set up for europe/america. Is there a clever way of swapping the levers over with out too much fuss or do I need to replace all the hose fittings (olives, washers, etc if they have them) etc. Bleeding them will be necessary too I take it?

    ta in advance.

    Free Member

    you should be able to just swap them over as long as you’re not shortening the hoses. You’ll need to bleed afterwords.

    Full Member

    You can just swap them over. Before yoy start, remove the pads and pump the pistons out against the rotors. Then swap the hoses over, then lever the pistons back in to the calipers then you wont have to bleed them.

    Free Member

    You can just swap them over. Before yoy start, remove the pads and pump the pistons out against the rotors. Then swap the hoses over, then lever the pistons back in to the calipers then you wont have to bleed them.

    I would give them a bleed anyway, it’ll only take minutes, it’s inevitable some air will get into the system and you don’t want to find this out when your lever pulls to the bars on a fast descent. IMO obviously

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