Of course, because a thread entitled “Susan Tully” is very clearly a complaint about adverts.
Ironically, anyone who sees ads would know that’s what it was about as it was all over the site!
I do not believe for a moment that any regular poster is unaware how to report potentially problematic advertising.
You can not believe all you want – but I’m a regular here and I seem to recall there’s a different process for reporting ads from reporting posts, and its not visible on the page when the ads are displayed (at least on a mobile device). So what you are expecting is the users to remember where some hidden features is and go look that out for “you”?
Mark’s email is common knowledge. Tech’s email is common knowledge.
Is it? I think you overestimate the attention level of your users – I’m sure I could find it if I really wanted to.
There’s a ‘help’ button on literally every page on the website. And there’s an FAQ on the forum.
There is. It literally doesn’t mention advertising at all. It mentions technical problems – and a form to report them. I know STW is small but I assume that the “technical team” are not making the decisions on which levels of scummy advert are acceptable.