Home Forums Bike Forum Superstar Components hate campaign….. Pike?

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  • Superstar Components hate campaign….. Pike?
  • CaptainFlashheart
    Free Member

    You sir, are a silly billy.

    Sorry but one week on your page has three likes… that’s not a crusade, its just a guy going for a walk with a one imaginary friend and one mop with a face drawn on it badly, in crayon.


    Free Member

    I found this very very funny at first but the more I hear from pike the more I’m concerned that superstar isn’t even close to being the biggest problem in his life.

    Seriously, forget superstar, move on, calm down and find someone to talk to.

    Full Member

    I have no useful contribution to make, just so I can say i was there 😮

    Free Member

    Never had any probs with ssc. Had headset, bars, seatpost clamps, grips.

    FWIW You might want to try considering whether or not an aggressive attitude will win over the “fookers” on here.

    Free Member

    Chill out mate. Ignore the posters on here as alot seem to form a vicious mob when they’ve found a good victim, and then proceed to bully/rip the piss/whatever you want to call it.

    Doubt you’ll change peoples minds about superstar though, they’re generally cheap and good.

    Free Member

    [/url] Match made on stw[/url] by tangwyn[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Full Member

    Free Member

    What davidtaylforth says is true.. Although anyone that takes themself a bit too seriously is leaving themself open to ridicule..

    That’s just a fact of life

    Free Member

    Chill out mate. Ignore the posters on here as alot seem to form a vicious mob when they’ve found a good victim, and then proceed to bully/rip the piss/whatever you want to call it.


    As I said on the other thread, if you reword your website so you are just stating the facts then you will not be giving people ammo to throw back at you. As you do come across like someone who has had their dog run over, as opposed to getting some rubbish service and some **** wheels. Yes I know you feel you have been ripped off, but the very worse scenario is you have to get a new hub laced into the rim. This won’t ruin cycling for you, it won’t make your house explode, but yes it is a poor show from SS…..if what you say is accurate.

    As also mentioned, have you tried to get your money back via your used payment method?

    Full Member

    Would Mr Pike behave like this if he walked in a new pub and wanted to make friends?

    Just seems a really odd approach to win people over to your way of thinking?

    Free Member

    Can I break with what seems to be tradition on this (and the other) thread and be objective?

    I’ve only ever ordered brake pads from superstar, loads of sets. One pad split and half the material came off the backing. Could have been nasty, but wasn’t. One-off failure could happen to pads from any of the big brands. I will continue to order pads from superstar.

    I would order other stuff like grips and other lower ticket items from them. Their initial customer service seems fine, but I’ve never had cause to test the returns side. I would think twice about ordering higher end items from any outlet that began life under-cutting large retailers on low ticket items. Under-cutting legitimately of course. For example, I wouldn’t buy a LCD TV from Aldi, even though they do stock them. I view this as common sense.

    I have had good and bad experiences with other retailers. R53 Sport did eventually send me some spares FOC, but only after a mildly fraught sequence of emails. But they did sort me out in the end. I was a bit miffed about a gushingly positive thread that appeared on here about them a couple of days after. In that case, the retailer was trying get a large ticket purchase, so probably went out of their way to help. I would put that experience as ‘neutral’ in the end.

    On One were absolutely flippin marvellous a couple of weeks back, swapping a frame that had probably been courier damaged practically without quibble, although i did have to drive to Rotherham to do it.

    Whatever the outcome of your good (and bad) experiences, it is very important to keep things in perspective. It really is not the end of the world when you get turned over like this. Annoying, yes. But not something to become a convulsed ball of rage over. Please take a couple of days off from being so annoyed, it will do you good, I promise!

    Free Member

    Would Mr Pike behave like this if he walked in a new pub and wanted to make friends?

    Just seems a really odd approach to win people over to your way of thinking?

    There’s no doubt allsorts of reasons that plenty of people can’t just go into a pub and make friends. Probably not the time and place to discuss it though!

    Full Member

    Maybe not but walking in shouting and swearing isn’t going to be high on anyone’s list of ‘good things to do’?

    Free Member

    Please take a couple of days off from being so annoyed, it will do you good, I promise!

    Please don’t, I’m just popping out for octopus biscuits

    Full Member

    Regardless of whether the wheels were faulty or damaged, being that angry and bitter about anything doesn’t do the person any good whatsoever. I’d go so far to say that he’s doing himself more harm to his mental health than commercial loss to SS. He really needs to just move on and get over it.

    Free Member

    As someone that has suffered from mental health issues for a while, I’d really urge you to speak to mind or such like Pike. Seriously man they were my first port of call early this year….9 months on and I’m really starting to turn my life around. The kind of irrational thought processes that you seem to be going through are similar to how my mind operated earlier in the year. Trust me, ranting on stw is not the outlet that you need.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I have an unused packet of SS sintered brake pads in the shed.
    Now i dont know whether i should crush them in my stw issue record bench vice, jizz on them and set them on fire or pretend ive never seen this thread and carry on my normal daily life.

    Free Member

    Footflaps, that is spot on.

    I’m not pretending that I haven’t completely lost it on occasion when trying to get a stupidly tight tyre onto a rim, or bleed a set of Hayes brakes, or get a Hope free hub body off, to name but a few things that really boiled my piss.

    I even remember having to get a pair of pliers out of my lawn using a screwdriver to dig them out having wanged them down with such force.

    But I realised at the time, and do now, how ridiculous getting into such a state was and is. It really doesn’t do anyone any good. Carrying it around for weeks on end is just going to make it worse.

    Quick story about someone losing their rag and paying the price. My brother in law is a golf pro. One of his contemporaries was regarded as a bit of a hot-head. He was playing in some tournament or other that was quite important. He missed a simple putt, and threw his putter javelin-style at his bag. Unfortunately his throwing was better than his putting and the putter sailed perfectly into the bag. And knocked the bottom out of it. He didn’t have a caddy, so he had to then carry his clubs around the rest of the course in a sort of bear hug type way.

    Hopefully he learned a valuable lesson. He probably didn’t, though, for that is the way of things.

    Full Member

    Excellent! This place is a like a bicycle soap opera & someone round here has quite clearly spent all the Christmas club money & is now smashing everything up in a rage.

    Full Member

    kaesae, is that you? We have missed you.

    I love this sort of thread.

    I want to read the court case details, please fix the link. You lost the court case didn’t you?

    Free Member

    That’s a pathetic lesson dannyh.. My stepdad had rage issues and was always in a foul mood..
    One day after his breakfast time row with my mum, he stormed out of the house, kicking the plate glass in the back door after he had slammed it shut..
    Oh how we all chortled at his partially severed foot, and how gleefully we tormented him over the following six months that he spent in plaster

    Free Member


    I think what folk are trying to tell you is that they wouldn’t have got into the mess you’re in anyway because:

    a) They have a sense of perspective;
    b) They would not buy expensive stuff off Superstar;
    c) If they did buy expensive stuff they wouldn’t expect it to be brilliant for half the money.

    Business is business. No one has died, and you’ve made yourself a victim. You’re being reminded of the old adage of “buy cheap buy twice”.

    Free Member

    Say what you like about the OP but it doesn’t detract from the fact that Neil is a total **** ****. **** his 31 and he still lives at home.

    Free Member

    Say what you like about the OP but it doesn’t detract from the fact that Neil is a total **** ****


    Full Member

    …..and goodnight everyone. Sleep tight.

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