Home Forums Bike Forum Superstar Grips

  • This topic has 17 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Pook.
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  • Superstar Grips
  • mikey74
    Free Member

    Any good? I’m looking at the half-flange (fnar fnar) ones at the moment.

    Free Member

    Yes, they’re good, I have a pair, they help you grip the handlebars. They cost next to nothing. Is there any need to seek verification from others? Go buy them.

    Free Member

    Wow a stereotypical STW answer so quickly. **Blessed**

    Of course, there are variables, such and diameter of the drip, how long the grip itself lasts, how comfortable the grip is to, erm, grip, do they stay in place etc. but if you can’t be arsed to give a proper answer then that’s fine.

    Free Member

    Had them on a previous bike, other half has them on her Ragley, they’re good….although i tend to use the On-One lock on grips now, much less choice of colour (red, black, brown and white i think) but they’re nice and narrow so i can get my small hands wrapped right round them and they’re sticky grippy….cheap too.

    Free Member

    Thanks Deviant.

    Full Member

    SS grips are better quality than the o-o ones. When they wear out, just get replacement sleeves

    Free Member

    Been running them for years, but am realising I’m wearing through the cartridges at a fair pace. They’re dirt cheap to replace, but how long do fancy brands like ODI last by comparison? I might consider something else. Though they have to provide Haribo with them, or no sale 😛

    I’m not one for really caring about the feel of the grip itself. They are fairly much similar to me, especially as my gloves tend to be a little padded so don’t really notice the grip. In fact I can run with very worn Superstars for ages without caring. I only really replace them because they just look worn out, not for how they feel. I know some people say the grip transforms their ride though. Maybe a bit more comfortable, but ‘transform’, really? 😯 😀

    Free Member

    Cheers folks. Set ordered.

    Free Member

    Trail rider was correct then. Lol.

    Free Member

    Trail rider was correct then. Lol.

    Maybe so, but I need a little more than “yes” to convince me to part with my cash 😀

    Free Member

    but how long do fancy brands like ODI last by comparison?

    I wondered this…. Been running Renthal kevlars for about 18months now, and they still look like new!

    Free Member

    ODI Rogues for 2 years, fancied a change, tried some Superstar, had worn them out in under 6 months, put the Rouges back on and still going strong another 12 months later
    Don’t get me wrong the superstar where great, liked the feel of them but they didn’t seem to last at all
    As a result also found out their lock collars do not fit ODI grips very well at all

    Of all the grips I’ve tried it’s either Rogues or Sunline for me, the Sunlines can usually be picked up really cheap

    Free Member

    Well I’ve just practically worn out a set of ODI Troy Lees during two weeks in Whistler, but then again that is about a years worth of UK riding, condensed into two weeks. However, these are for my hardtail that doesn’t get as much use (and less money spent on it too lol).

    Free Member

    FFS double post

    Free Member

    They’re ok to an extent. I find that they chafe a lot between my thumb and index finger if I’m on the bike all day. Chinned them off and went back to ODI Vans grips.

    Worth a punt for the money though, and if you get on with them then bonus 🙂

    Full Member

    ODI Rogues for 2 years, fancied a change, tried some Superstar, had worn them out in under 6 months, put the Rouges back on and still going strong another 12 months later

    Amateur! :-). I have a set of ODI Rogues I have been using for at least 8 years…

    Free Member

    I prefer ODI Ruffian grips but they’re about twice the price. I’ve had several sets of the SS grips on various bikes and prefer them to the Renthal Lock On Kevlar grips I’m currently using. The half waffles are good and wear well. Not the hardest, not the grippiest but have replaceable parts (unlike Renthal), come in a variety of colours and work well.
    Many people rave about SS while others hate them with a passion but apart from a Laser chain guide and some early brake pads all the stuff I’ve had from them has been brilliant.

    Tom kp

    Full Member

    I’ve run some for about a year. They’re fine and do the job though I think I’ll go for something with a bit more padding next time.

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