Roof boards on and gaps taped to keep some wet out
20200218_152640 by davetheblade[/url], on Flickr
Progress halted a bit due to crappy weather…
20200308_140915 by davetheblade[/url], on Flickr
Floor and insulation going down. Wasn’t sure whether to put some sort of damp membrane here, but it doesn’t state that you should.
20200308_140929 by davetheblade[/url], on Flickr
Floor’s down and I’ve fitted the roof insulation – chipboard backed insulation sheets, laid on top of the roof boards – cut to instruction, but even if the gaps weren’t present on the boards, these measurements would be out. Take your own measurements. Anyway, all gaps filled with expanding foam and waterproof membrane fitted. Shingles tomorrow – will update to completion. Probably taken about 4 days so far on my own – I get distracted and end up doing other things