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  • Suggest me a good flipknife…
  • matt_outandabout
    Free Member

    I have always been a fan of fixed blades, the folding under pressure worries me, and a few of our chaps who have Petzl Spatha’s or the Edelrid (mine) have had a couple of near misses.
    Depending on what you want, a Mora field knife of one model or other is superb. I and my kids have them, and general consensus on the buschcraft forums is it is hard (other than ‘bling’) to find a better knife, even ignoring the low cost. Mine is a rubbery handle, not as good in wet as the plain plastic of the kids. Even better, they cost £10-15….

    Full Member

    bruneep – How easy to use are Leatherman tools though?

    Lummox – That’s a good point about taking out the edges of the window with the hammer, never really thought about it. My dad worked on the rescue tender down here for some years so I’ll ask him what they used…

    Where are you both based?

    Aye easy to spot the new trainees 😉 pockets full of tools

    Not sure what you mean, but never had a issue using a leatherman. Gloves can come off.

    There is normally a big truck full of tools close by so anything can be had reasonably quickly. There are many other things to be done prior to glass management.

    Our guys use hacksaw blade and just tap the glass. Cheap and cheerful doesn’t matter if it gets lost.


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    Stupid name, but this would appear to tick every box you had. http://www.heinnie.com/Tactical-Rescue-Model/p-0-0-7283/%5B/url%5D

    Cheap too.

    I bought one of these…[/url] specifically for sticking on Osprey or on my belt in case I needed to cut any belts or small lines. I use an Ontario RAT with a part-serrated blade for everything else.

    Full Member

    Bruneep you should see my Rtc belt kit then 😉

    Gloves come off but then you contaminate your blood gloves and the leather fire gloves are a sod to put back on wet, each to their own.

    O.p I’m at Winchester, Hampshire.

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    Bedmaker, those utility knives are great work knives, I’ve got a Rolson one that I use every day at work, for cutting up cardboard boxes, pallet strapping, opening envelopes, etc, but utility blades are fragile, and there’s no way I’d be using one in an emergency situation for cutting rope or seat belts near a casualty. I’ve snapped blades off just hacking through brambles. A blunt ended serrated blade is the safest thing to use.

    Free Member

    Boker Magnum EMS Rescue Knife? 01LL472?. Boker magnum series. Rescue knives for paramedics. Overall length: 8 1/8″?.

    Full Member

    Petzl Spatha, 2 choices, short and serrated (better for cutting rope etc)or long and straight (better for making butties). Both have a large hole for clipping to an oval carabiner or tieing some cord to. Easy to use whilst wearing thick gloves.

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    Free Member

    My station just bought in some which would fit the bill. Serrated section on blade, integrated belt cutter and window stud in the handle. Locking blade and easy to open even with fire gloves. Seem like pretty good quality but not sure of brand – will check for you

    Full Member

    I’ve got a Kershaw OD-1[/url] which i carry when i’m on my mates farm, very handy and i can open it one handed in a split second when needed – holds a very sharp blade for a long time despite being used and abused on the farm for numerous jobs, for all other times when a 3″ blade is a bit ott i tend to carry it’s little brother the OD-2[/url], still a good knife but not quite as good a quality steel blade but perfectly acceptable for a small unobtrusive pocket knife

    Free Member

    I use one of these when sailing – can he released from it’s sheath and cut ropes singlehanded (don’t have to hold the rope with your other hand) – rounded tip makes it safe.

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