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  • Sue Perkins
  • jon1973
    Free Member

    Moral of the story: Think before you open your mouth.

    But that would reduce the activity on this forum by about 90%.

    Free Member

    Is she supposed to be funny?? Wow!

    Full Member

    I reckon this thread has strayed enough (or perhaps not strayed enough) from its original post. The retrospective ‘It’s only a joke’ excuse doesn’t work either… There are few enough mountain bike women around without the keyboard warriors reminding them why they don’t post on here very often…

    Thread closing in 3… 2… 1…

    Free Member

    Right, it was a joke? Well, that’s alright then. Some advice travellingman, don’t give up the day job, ok? Right this isn’t a rant I’m going to try to explain calmly and carefully and this is meant in a spirit of friendliness, sp don’t bite my head off. Thing is this hasn’t bothered you at all, it’s me that’s been fretting and bittering about this. We’re given two roles in society one is a hetro wet dream; witness the barman in the pub we were at yesterday who was literally drooling because we happened to be holding hands and smiling dopily at each other. Or the other role is man hating rad fem witness the bloke at cymcarn in the summer who called me a “**** dyke” for overtaking him. I don’t need or want your respect for just being who I am ok? And I don’t want to have to justify myself on a forum where all I want to do is talk a bit of nonsense about bikes and banter a bit, ok?

    Your les joke is shit, here’s a better one. What did the lesbian frog say to the other lesbian frog? Hey, we really do taste of chicken!!

    Friends now?

    Free Member

    If you want to get offended about my mleh post about jahwobble, up to you, I again think you are overreacting.

    See that is your view it is up to to the person to be offended or not rather than things actually being offensive to start with. Seems a strange to view the victim of abuse as to blame for being annoyed at being abused – nothing in this thread has been abusive- perhaps ill concieved- and TBH I have no idea what you did or did not say on that MLEH thread but it was in bad taste [though it had a point] well it would not have been Ok on here.
    I think we just need to rememeber this is a public forum and we cannot always tell when someone means or does not mean what they say. I cannot recall you ever offending me FWIW.

    What Emsz said as well Amusing and insightful and sorry for my reference in the other thread The 😳 makes more sense now

    Free Member

    TBH I have no idea what you did or did not say on that MLEH thread but it was in bad taste

    WTF? FAIL!

    Free Member

    sorry the entire thread was in bad taste – fair point not the clearest post [ or probably the worst] I have done – Al I am not trying to have a dig at you I have no particualr beef or axe to grind with you. i tend to enjoy your posts. Exit thread left to stop a way OT diversion

    Free Member

    Now we’re insulting lesbian frogs? I’ve seen it all!


    Full Member

    We’re given two roles in society

    Actually, I’m offended at your rash generalisation.

    I don’t care if you’re straight, gay, bi, confused, whatever. One of my best friends thinks he’s a f’king polar bear, for crying out loud. You’d need to go a lot further than ‘liking girls’ for me to raise an eyebrow. Liking wheelbarrows, perhaps.

    I’m sorry that some of ‘society’ is still adjusting to the idea, but please don’t tar everyone with the same brush.

    Free Member

    @Junkyard – it takes a lot to say sorry sometimes and know why you’re saying it. Thanks


    Free Member

    I don’t need or want your respect for just being who I am ok? And I don’t want to have to justify myself on a forum where all I want to do is talk a bit of nonsense about bikes and banter a bit, ok?

    So why did you feel the need to come into a thread about Sue Perkins and tell us in great detail about your sexuality then 😕

    Fair enough if you thought the comment was unfunny or in bad taste (it struck me as neither tbh), but what did that have to do with you justifying yourself?

    Full Member

    This thread is useless without Tazzymtb.

    why may I ask?

    I’m not a fan of sue perkins as I find her about as funny as sticking my danglies in a bucket of rabid badgers. She also looks like harry potter. I’m sure that a lot of the chaps getting all excited about her and inadvertently causing offense are probably so far back in the closet that Aslan is a close personal friend.

    Is saying that some is wasted because they are not of the same sexual orientation as you offensive? Personally I think it depends, if you are particularly sensitive I’m sure you can find things to be outraged about in nearly every thread ever stated on this forum. 😕
    Some folks even seem to find great delight by being vicariously offended on someone else’s behalf.

    I’ve had gay friends say it “what a waste” about me (just goes to show that the stereotype about gay men having great taste isn’t always true) should I now punch them out in the pub next time I see them?

    a little bit of forethought about the phrasing by the OP may well have given the same message that he finds her attractive without causing so much stress to people.

    Lets all have a nice group hug and cup of herbal tea and promise to think a wee bit more.

    Sorry TSY I’ll be a daft fecker on another thread.

    Full Member

    Seems to me that some people are just attention-whoring …

    Frankly, if you post on a Forum that pretty much male dominated, then you just have to know what and what-not to post.

    It doesn’t take much to fuel some people’s fantasies.

    Common sense, IMO.

    Full Member

    hmmmmmm older women 😉

    sorry I’ll get my coat

    Free Member

    So why did you feel the need to come into a thread about Sue Perkins and tell us in great detail about your sexuality then

    Did she?

    Free Member

    in a roundabout way, yeah, over two threads, ecshurlee

    Full Member

    hmmmmmm older women

    You better believe it 😉

    I’ll just get my plastic rainhat.

    Free Member

    Do you not wonder why all the heterosexuals on here had to make their sexuality so obvious as well?

    Free Member

    no she didn’t. She just demonstrated that in no way is Sue Perkins being gay a waste – just different strokes for different folks.

    And there is no reason why she should have to self censor just to meet the expectations of a bunch of paunchy MTBers who don’t seem to realise which century we live in.

    Full Member

    You better believe it

    I’ll just get my plastic rainhat.


    you really are a loon but I love you

    Full Member

    That’s just being ridiculous Junkyard.

    Free Member

    why ? Men saying whether they fancied her /would sleep with her/could convert her was not flouting their heterosexuality ?

    Full Member

    I think chipps should have seized his chance.

    Free Member

    I’m confused.

    Is anyone still having a go at me? 😀

    Free Member

    Do you want us too?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    It’s a while since I have been bullied.

    Full Member

    Junkyard – I’ve put up with stick on here, even had one saying I was on day release from the old folks home. Do I get upset? No, just laugh it off.

    Thing is, if you post on a Forum, at some point you may be offended. If you choose to be. In life one sometimes needs a thick skin and this place is no exception.

    As an (older) woman, I’ve posted on here for a good few years now and I learnt pretty quickly what topics to stay away from or what comments not to make. As I said, common sense.

    I’ve ridden with a shed load of people off here and they have all been really nice people, even the shouty ones.

    Full Member

    Chance seized. Time for everyone to argue about something else now…

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