Time to shake off the winter torpor and stretch the legs on a long, pleasant meander from one coast to the other and back to the first coast again. Ullapool to Bonar Bridge and back to Ullapool via the haunting glass etchings at Croick church[/url].
Weekend of 10/11 April.
Initial plan:
[*]Meet in Ullapool on Friday evening 9/4/10
Set off early Saturday morning 10/4/10 bound for Bonar Bridge.
Ritualistic behaviour upon reaching Bonar Bridge.
Turn round and ride back into the setting sun* like the fabled heroes of the Old West.
Ritualistic behaviour upon reaching the sea at Ullapool (probably involving nakedness).
The route is a fairly non-technical ride of around 120km with about 1600m of climbing overall. Generally on fire road/estate tracks and tarmac with a couple of options for the outward and return legs. I'll post maps here in the next day or two. I'll also investigate accommodation options though each rider is responsible for organising their own.
There is also the option of starting in Bonar Bridge on Saturday and doing the route over two days with an overnight in Ullapool.
Post here if you are on for this early season opener – more to follow later in the year!
*Expect heavy rain throughout