Ladies and gents I give you….
Thought it best to post a small pic to avoid distress!
It happened on a training day at GT, I hoped I would be better after Arnica tabs and cream but I spent the whole of last week standing at work. Maybe flat pedals not clips are a good idea to practice Manuals, so when the bike loops and you don't cover the back brake fast enough, you don't get dumped on a stoney forest track like a sack of spuds…… Twice. Doc says that the clotted blood should re absorb over a bit of time but my coccyx still feels like I have been kicked really hard up the ringpiece, hence the problem sitting.
I am sorry guys, I'm out. I know how much goes into sorting these things but I cant ride…. It sounds like a great weekend and a chance to eat pizza look at girls meet forum folk as well as a cracking, bold route late in the year. Also apologies on the transport front too. Waiting painfully for the write up….. and pics.
**** **** ****.