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  • STW Chub Club 2017
  • RobHilton
    Free Member

    Bang on target this morning, but can’t help thinking I *could* have shed another lb with a bit more effort.

    The successes other are having are quite inspiring! Keep up the good work chubstars 🙂

    Free Member

    168 lbs his morning, 3lbs down over the 2 weeks, I think it’s 9 lbs down in total. Myfitnesspal is set for a 1 lb a week loss, so it looks like things are settling down to that. About a stone to go.

    Full Member

    Lost 9 lbs here, well on target. 100% down to dry Jan, I’ve not really got to grips with a diet – but no booze-crazed snacking must help a lot.

    Not sure about going dry Feb, but a massive reining in of the ale is obviously key to weight loss for me.

    Got a good cycling target to aim for with the Fred Whitton – floated an entry on a whim, and got in. Way out of my comfort zone, do zero on the road outside of commuting, so hopefully get some good training done for it.

    Well done everyone else on the weight loss!

    Full Member

    17lbs !!! down (since 01/01/17)

    Pleased with that, was a bit more but suspect I was dehydrated, not going to grumble though 😆

    (although in context it is only 8% of my body weight off & another 25lbs to go to just nudge into the normal BMI range, which i suspect will be much much harder to shift)

    Full Member

    Only 0.5kg this time but this week has been hectic at work so lots of eating crap as I’ve travelled around which would have undone the good work from the week before.

    But on the plus side I’ve finished building up the new build so my motivation to go out is improving.

    Free Member

    I’ve stayed the same, which I’m actually quite pleased with since I’ve had a terrible week with illness, lack of exercise and bad food choices. Still gives me a 1 lb/week loss, so I’m happy enough.

    Free Member

    One pound gained again 🙁 still getting pain from the torn intercostal muscles hopefully going start exercising on Monday again

    Full Member

    181lbs, same as last week so only 1lb less than the last weigh in. 3lbs lost overall, just behind target, but haven’t made any radical changes, just been more careful with choices and portions, which I hope will be more sustainable longer term.

    I know when I fell off the wagon this week, so need to make sure I don’t fall off again next week! Got my first audax of the year the weekend of the next weigh in, so another couple of lbs before then hopefully.

    Free Member

    Not a single ounce lost in the last two weeks.


    Free Member

    162lbs. The 1.5-2lbs a week drop continues. Just been doing it via MFP and walking about 5-10miles a day. So given my hobnob wobble last weekend, it seems one day a week where things go sideways is recoverable.

    I got to say my Garmin Vivoactive HR, while probably not brutally accurate, has got me moving about more. Currently on a 11 day streak for my steps, and it keeps raising the target.

    Free Member

    225.2 just about in target but its been one of those weeks

    back at it hard next week

    Full Member

    The play opens tomorrow so I’ve been short on time and big on stress, the wheels have definitely fallen off so I’m back up to 240 (that’s four pounds back on THIS WEEK!:( ). Once we get started I reckon I’ve got a fighting chance of getting back on plan – good luck everybody!

    Free Member

    To those who are disappointed with their results so far. Something I use with my team at work when we’re on a big project and it seems we’re still miles away from the goal – just take time and turn around and look at how far you have come already.

    Even if you’re 25% off the end Jan goal you set; you’re still 75% further forward than if you hadn’t started, and that’s got to be good.

    And to the occasional lapsers. Just as a day of being fabulous won’t rescue a week of eating like a glutton, so the other is true; a day of hobnob excess won’t spoil a week or fortnight of sticking with it. What will spoil it is if you think it does and make tomorrow a hobnob day as well because there’s no **** point anymore.

    Free Member

    I was doing great until I started taking diet advice from Binners.

    143 packets of Quavers, 219 packets of Skips and 79 packets of Monster Munch this week.

    I’m beginning to think they’re not the miracle cure I was promised.

    Full Member

    Only a pound off, not great, but eaten out way too much and not enough exercise. OH doesn’t do veg so meals are difficult. Seems antisocial and wasteful not to eat meals she prepares, but they’re generally not v. healthy.

    I’ve surely lost a pound since I weighed though, at least, big turn out.

    Free Member

    What makes dieting a bit easier for me is being a hermit. Without the social pressures, it’s quite easy to live off cuttlefish.

    Free Member

    I have been keeping my daily intake to between 1800 and 1900 calories, and although this week has been bad from the commuting and exercise front, I have not lost a single ounce since last weigh-in.

    Granted, I have also been trying to build some muscle again – doing chin-ups and stuff – but I would have thought I might have at least dropped something.

    Harumph. 😕

    Full Member

    To all those who struggle with work travelling – that had always been my hardest struggle. I’m a long haul airline pilot, so spend a lot of time eating in hotels/restaurants, as well as unhealthy airline food. Add to that no regular working pattern and nights out of bed flying if can be a killer.

    That’s the main reason I chose my low-(processed)carb approach. When flying I know I can’t stick to 800Kcal/day, but I do resist all sugar/bread/potatoes/pasta. I also carry s little pack of blueberries/raspberries that I pop every now and then as s boredom snack. So far it’s making sure that over the course of a 4 day trip, I don’t fall off the wagon. I hope that helps someone suffering in similar situations.

    Free Member

    Down to 111.9kg now, that’s 246.6 lbs down from 261 at the start.

    Only 4 and a bit lbs off my 3 month goal now – I can’t believe how well it’s going, but then again thinking back over the last 3 weeks there have been some very hungry days and some very hard commutes!

    SaxonRider, Keep at it, I’m sure you will have lost fat and gained muscle, but maybe try less cals a day? I’m on 1600 and commute giving me an extra 900ish to play with a day. Some days (Fridays mostly) I’ll eat half or all of the earned 900 as a treat, but most days I just stick as close to 1600 as possible.

    Free Member

    To those wondering/moaning about not losing large amounts of weight – don’t worry!

    Most of us have a target weight. It doesn’t matter for this discussion what it is but typically it will be a weight we remember from some time between leaving school and our early to mid twenties. Now think how long ago that was, in my case it’s close to forty years. This means it’s taken many years to drift from my target/ideal weight to where I am now and my body and subconscious have become accustomed to that weight, it is now “normal”. Any rapid attempt on our part to lose weight causes the body to kick in its “famine” response so it lays down fat for the hard times it thinks it sees coming in the next few weeks/months. This is why crash diets invariably fail and the dieter ends up weighing more than they did when they started dieting.

    Now this doesn’t mean that your weight loss should take ten years or whatever but even 100g a week ends up being over 5Kg in a year, 500g a week for a year is 25Kg. At these sorts of rates you are much more likely to succeed.

    There was a study of all the various diets such as the Atkins diet, etc. and the one thing they had in common was that they introduced a calorie deficit. It didn’t matter whether you avoided carbs or high fats or whatever, so long as “calories out was greater than calories in” you lost weight.

    Free Member

    Is it too late to join? I have been making an effort to shift the weight gained after being banned from riding by the doctors last august. Hoping to be back on a bike in some capacity soon which will help but any motivation right now would appreciated

    Free Member

    I broadly agree but the myth of going immediately into survival mode is exactly that, a myth. Google the Minnesota experiment.

    What you are dead right with is that crash dieting is far less likely to be sustainable long term (same with eating nothing but cabbage soup, or stuff you scavenge from hedges, or whatever else) and hence more important to find a regime that is sustainable than one that moves the flab fast.

    Free Member

    @ adjustable – no; send me an email with today’s weight in lbs, and where you want to be by end March and end Jun and I’ll add you to the list.

    Full Member

    I seem to have settled down to my target loss of 2lbs a week. 283.3 lbs as of this morning so still along way to go but exceeded my 1 month target of 288 so I’m happy its going the right way.

    After signing up for a triathlon at the end of May I tried simulating it in the gym last night and nearly died! However, based on last years result I wouldn’t have been last so have made that my target for now.

    Full Member

    I think a target event is a good idea as it gives you focus. From experience, keeping it up post event is much harder!

    Free Member

    hobnob wobble

    The new dance sensation sweeping the land.

    Still 242lb and just over a 15lb loss. Tomorrow has been designated as breakfast day, a big buffet breakfast to get things rolling and going out later for fancy waffles as a meal replacement.

    Full Member

    176.6lb down 12lb from 1st Jan and only 0.6lb from March target. But a big meal out tomorrow may set me back a bit.

    Thanks to Jonv for organising this. Having gone from 89kg to 71kg for the Pru ride in 2015 I knew I was getting/ had got porky again. I was always intending to reduce work canteen and vending machine trips, but never did. This has been the impetus needed.

    Full Member

    Erm, no change since the last weigh-in.

    One bad week and one good, must have cancelled each other out – bit surprised though as I was feeling a bit lighter and faster on the bike.

    Full Member

    2lb off.

    I was away for 6 days in the last two weeks with endless conferences. Diet mainly consisted of cured red meat, processed red meat, and endless mini lemon tarts and chocolate muffins.

    Not quite what I had intended.

    Free Member

    Im down 9lbs, so dead chuffed

    helped by smaller portions and loads more veg with meals

    wife is full veggie and does my dinner

    so tonight had tuna steak with courgettes, cauliflower, carrots, baby tomatoes and baby sweetcorn, and a few boiled tats

    thats about as healthy as i get
    off to belgium next weekend, and pain weekend after, so a bit of beer will have to be drunk. but will try not to fuel myself on haribo (standard road trip fodder)

    Free Member

    @dan and @greno congrats some big numbers

    I was pleasantly surprised to be down another 1lb. Ahead of very modest target, time to start measuring my food out. Doing 3 physio sessions a week now, 15 mins easy static bike and 30 mins of sweat inducing knee work on the hydraulic Cybex machine.

    Full Member

    I’m 2lb heavier, tough week at work, lost focus.

    Free Member

    still 3.5lbs lighter than your Jan target, so the last week doesn’t matter – keep playing a long game.

    Free Member

    5lbs lost so far – bang on target. Not noticed the difference round my middle yet, but climbing on the bike is starting to feel a touch easier.

    Free Member

    Something strange seems to have happened over the last week . . . .

    I’m down almost 5lbs in total so far, which is OK – I did plan on going the “slow and steady” route and I’m not hugely overweight to start with.

    For the first three weeks I:

    1) Tried to stop eating whole packets of biscuits and/or sweets whenever I felt like it.

    2) Stopped eating “everything Mrs Spekkie cooked”. Now I just have a normal portion at meal time and the rest is “left-overs” for another meal.

    3) Replaced Toast & Jam for breakfast with an apple.

    I still take sugar in my tea, drink coke with my eve meal and we eat a varied diet, which includes some “dodgy stuff” I suppose, but I’m OK with that.

    First two weeks were hard – struggled to break the habits but I got there.

    Third week was fine – stuck to the new routine and even began enjoying it as the weight slowly came off.

    Fourth week – everything changed. – I’m just not hungry. Cup of tea for breakfast, something very small at lunchtime – a small piece of ham and a piece of bread generally (we live in Spain) and then a proper meal in the evening, by which time I am am hungry.

    I’m active during the day on our neighbours farm (trail building/cutting firewood etc) I just don’t get hungry.

    It’s kind of nice, but I’m also a bit worried ‘cos it’s not normal?

    Also, my toilet habits have changed from “regular and predictable” to “spasmodic”?

    Mrs S suggests the cut down on Sugar has slowed my tummy action down?

    Anyone else with similar happening to them?

    Free Member

    I now poo every other day, and quite happy not eating till 6pm.

    Oddly, if I eat earlier it actually makes me more hungrier.


    Full Member

    Have I mentioned where I’m going tonight and what I’ll be eating?……

    Just back from a ten mile walk over Lantrigg, and psychologically preparing myself for my first pastry based food item of 2017, in the cathedral to pie that is the George Hotel. Bow down before the cow pie chub clubbers!! 😀

    Free Member

    Clubbers? I’m up for necking a load of 80s whizz and losing weight that way.

    Not looking forward to the day after tho…

    Free Member

    Clubbers? I’m up for necking a load of 80s whizz and losing weight that way.

    Not looking forward to the day after tho…

    Pretty much how I’m feeling today… Wouldn’t recommend it. Got to bed at 8:30 this morning and have lost 2lbs since Friday*.

    Hopefully fish, chips, curry sauce and stout** will make me feel something like normal again.

    *Feels like it was all water

    **Not all in the same bucket

    Free Member

    Quick tot up, and as predicted the initial enthusiasm of 74 members has waned somewhat, with ‘only’ 58 providing weigh-in 2 info. That means 16 ‘fallers’ but of those two didn’t even give weigh-in 1 info.

    That said – the 58 still with us, collectively we’ve lost 457 lbs = nearly 33 stone (or 206kg) which is about 60lbs ahead of target so far.

    Some have smashed it so far – don’t get disheartened if the losses slow in the coming weeks. And if you haven’t smashed it yet, remember that slow and steady is what we’re aiming for.

    Great job so far!!

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