will check the original email but shouldn’t be an error, as they were all c&p’ed in
For avoidance of doubt
weigh in’s (in lbs) on every other friday, starting tomorrow – exception is end Mar (because there are 13 weeks in a quarter and we want a 3mo check) when there will be an extra weigh in. I will post a reminder on here and by email although not sure all emails are getting through.
If you can email me with a subject line of <YOUR STW NAME> xxxlbs – eg: theotherjonv 200lbs then i don’t have to ‘read’ 70 emails.
Feel free to post up on here as well with thoughts on how it’s going, what’s working (or not), etc. It’s here the magic and motivation happens, I’m just keeping score.
If i don’t get an email from you I’ll just roll over your old weight. No expulsions for not sending data in, but obvs if you want to be removed let me know.
Updates won’t be instantaneous on the s/sheet, but I’ll aim to have them totaled and done by sunday eve.