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  • Strava Privacy…strange goings-on
  • DickBarton
    Full Member

    I’ve got a number of postcodes set up on Strava for Privacy, basically it blocks a large area around my work and house…however, the start/end point of my rides seems to differ…I have about 10 rides starting from each point, but none of them have the same start/end points…they seem to varying from the outer edge of my Privacy block to about 200 yards from the centre of the point.

    How do I make sure the blocked area is actually blocked? I’ve now reduced the number of postcodes to just 5 and increased the distance of the block to cover the same area as before, but that hasn’t made any difference either.

    My concern is that it would be rather easy to work out where I am so make targeting potential theft easier.

    Not normally paranoid but as I’m not posting up rides and stuff from regular places I’m a bit more concerned about chancers.

    Anyone else noticed this irregularity? If so, how have you got round it?

    Free Member

    are you looking at your routes on strava when you are logged out so you see what someone else will see..or when you are logged in..when you will see what you see!!

    Full Member

    My settings are set to only allow logged in users to see my routes…thing is, I’m getting different start/end points for each ride – 1 ride is right on the boundary of my limit, another is about 200 yards from the house and the rest seem to vary between the 2 – but all (apart from 1) are being shown to me within my boundary but not the same point – if it was down to me being the owner of the route then I’d expect to see the start/end at my house not randomly somewhere within my privacy boundary.

    Looking at the Strava support site, it appears there have been a few issues with creating segments and having the start/end points within a privacy field…so it might be a temporary glitch…

    Free Member

    I share the paranoia but get round it another way

    Instead of using the auto zone I make sure I take the same route in and out from home (or work) and then use the crop function to make it look like I live in the derelict plot about 500m round the corner

    A bit of a pain if Im going in the opposite direction to double back but it works for me


    Full Member

    Is your gps not picking up the location until you’ve been riding for a bit. Has any other logged in user (not you) noted the same pattern?

    Free Member

    What bikes have you got?

    Free Member

    isn’t that the point? by varying where start and ends of rides are it is difficult to ascertain where you actually live?

    Full Member

    Possibly fontmoss but it has a Privacy area that means no start/end point should finish within it…if the rides starts/ends in that boundary then the ride shows the start/end points on the boundary.

    Can’t see anyone else reporting this issue and for the life of me I can’t work out how to open a ticket…so don’t know how to ask…

    GW, I don’t have bikes…no point, I can only ride 1 at a time and if I was given the choice I’d waste time trying to decide…

    wwaswas – Nope, I make sure the GPS is picking up signal before I start recording the ride, so when I leave, the track is being logged/tracked…I have noticed a couple of times that if I don’t wait until it is logging, then the start point can be up to 2 miles down the road…normally I’m feeling up for a pedal so tend to be going faster…then I’m annoyed that it failed to record the first bits of the ride as it means my distance isn’t as far as it should be!

    Free Member

    If all the traces started exactly 500m from your house/work/whatever, wouldn’t it be very easy to work out where that is?

    Can you not just start the GPS going 500m after you start riding? Does it have to be recording to get a GPS signal? When using Endomondo, I just pressed the record button at the end of my street.

    Full Member

    I guess it depends on where you live…if there is 1 way in to your house (which is the only house in a 1Km circle), then it is going to be easy to work out where the bike is…

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