I’ve got a number of postcodes set up on Strava for Privacy, basically it blocks a large area around my work and house…however, the start/end point of my rides seems to differ…I have about 10 rides starting from each point, but none of them have the same start/end points…they seem to varying from the outer edge of my Privacy block to about 200 yards from the centre of the point.
How do I make sure the blocked area is actually blocked? I’ve now reduced the number of postcodes to just 5 and increased the distance of the block to cover the same area as before, but that hasn’t made any difference either.
My concern is that it would be rather easy to work out where I am so make targeting potential theft easier.
Not normally paranoid but as I’m not posting up rides and stuff from regular places I’m a bit more concerned about chancers.
Anyone else noticed this irregularity? If so, how have you got round it?