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  • Strava Athlete Intelligence…
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    Full Member

    Have we done this yet?

    Just uploaded my latest ride and now Strava is blowing smoke up my arse. Have I been chosen for some random beta programme or does everyone see this?


    Full Member

    Apologies for the humblebrag if everyone else is getting a bollocking for not trying hard enough ;-)

    Full Member

    Mine talked about « scenic views and historical landmarks at a low speed compared to my recent average. »   Which is true, but so what.

    Seems like another case of AI doing what AI does, even if it isn’t very useful in real life.

    Full Member

    It’s hilarious – they even adjusted for Australia.


    Full Member

    Go me…Screenshot_20241006_060610_Strava

    Full Member

    Have I been chosen for some random beta programme or does everyone see this?

    It is a beta programme but all subscribers get it. Mine is struggling to work out why I’m doing fewer miles this week compared to last week and keeps telling me to get back out there and “crush it”.

    It clearly hasn’t worked out that last week I was on a cycling holiday in Spain and this week I’m at home and have to do a normal job…

    Free Member

    Looks like they love the word “crush” meaning I will be turning it off as soon as possible.

    Full Member

    I quite like that you can track activity in, multiple disciplines over the last week, month year etc. Although it still can’t tell you how far you’ve walked this calendar year.


    Full Member

    What’s the opposite of FOMO? That.

    Full Member

    Thanks Strava, I hate it. Luckily you can opt out for now, maybe if enough people do they’ll reconsider the feature.


    Can I opt out of Athlete Intelligence?

    Yes, from your activity details page, tap “Say More” then click “Share Feedback” and then “Leave the Beta.”

    Full Member

    Yeah I was congratulated yesterday for “pushing myself to the limit” on my 60k road ride. In fact I spent the whole 2hrs cruising round flat lanes chatting to my mate. But, I have had time off due to illness lately so if it was comparing yesterday’s effort to the last few weeks, I guess it may have seemed like a big one.

    I’m not necessarily against it in principle- Trainerroad uses AI in its coaching more and more and seems to work pretty well.

    I guess the Strava AI could get a lot better in time, the more people use it? Maybe its too early to judge, IMO.

    Full Member

    This isn’t particularly wrong, but neither is it useful in any way. Maybe it will get better with more training.


    Full Member

    It’s a shame they waste resource on this, and not a highly popular suggestion for personal results filtered by bike.

    Opted out once I found out how

    Full Member

    Feels like they felt they had to add something AI, but couldn’t find anything useful it could do….

    Full Member

    This isn’t particularly wrong, but neither is it useful in any way. Maybe it will get better with more training.

    This describes both many applications of LLMs and the optimism wildly inflating the bubble.

    Full Member

    It doesn’t offend me like some but it’s a bit pointless and the over hyped nature of the wording is naff.

    It’s not that insightful about performance, I certainly don’t need to be told what I did in terms of pace and sprints, I know that. Telling me about how effectively I’m recovering from efforts mid ride might be useful but it doesn’t do much more than tell me what I can read from the graphs anyway.

    Full Member

    In reality, I bumbled round Wetopia in a state of half-arsed apathetic grumpiness and was solidly in zone 2 at pretty much all times. It’s also factually incorrect, unless ‘the last month’ actually means ‘so far this month’ in AI world, in that I’ve done rides over twice the distance.

    I didn’t know it was there until I read this thread and I kind of wished I’d stayed that way. Pointless gimmickry and utterly useless to me.


    Full Member

    Opted out once I found out how

    For anyone who wants to opt out, under the pointless word soup there’s a button that says “Give Feedback”, tap that and you get a list of options with “Leave the beta” as the last one. Choose that.

    Ah, just noticed that’s already been posted above.

    Full Member

    Because of my stupid walk title, it thinks my dog is called Moretti. It should tell me I’m a lush. And high heart rate on an amble…..nah


    Free Member

    What’s the opposite of FOMO? That.

    FOMI I think.

    Full Member

    I did a ride with a friend yesterday, someone a fair bit slower than me. We bimbled round on our gravel bikes , had coffee and cake and then Strava informed me that my ride showed a dip in speed and distance compared to normal.

    I’m not sure I needed AI to tell me that…

    Free Member

    “AI”  just keeps on disappointing…This is going to take over the world?

    Full Member

    “AI”  just keeps on disappointing…This is going to take over the world?

    I’m looking forward to a STW forum AI posting engine, which asks you roughly what you want to post then churns out a missive containing a variety of classic STW cliches.

    Short-cuts like ‘disagree vehemently with the previous poster’ / ‘say that whatever I use – insert name of component / item here – is ‘the bestest’ / etc. What could possibly go wrong? And think of the time saved.

    Full Member

    It’s just dismal, isn’t it? You can’t even turn off the existing congratulatory notifications, why would I want more of these amazing insights? Hopefully it will go rogue and start hurling out random insults:

    “You live in Preston? God, what a dump, no wonder you’ve just posted your fastest ever 10Kms riding away from it! Make sure you lock up your bike properly when you get back!”

    Full Member

    Saw this on Saturday. It seems an utterly pointless application of an LLM – it took my activity title & description and regurgitated it back to me using 100 words.

    Full Member

    This feature isn’t for users, it’s to appease internal stakeholders who think Strava should be embracing AI.

    Free Member

    Maybe this will become some sort of AI personal coach that you will have to pay for!

    Full Member

    Maybe this will become some sort of AI personal coach that you will have to pay for!

    Not with the level of insight it’s providing at the moment.

    Full Member

    half-arsed apathetic grumpiness

    You’ve just described me to a T :-(

    Full Member

     It seems an utterly pointless application of an LLM – it took my activity title & description and regurgitated it back to me using 100 words.

    Probably burned more watts of power generating that than I did in the ride.

    Full Member

    As it seems to be just Strava Athletes that get this then you already are paying for this…

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