What's everyones thoughts on the new activity feed in Strava?
Gone has the chronological order of activities. In comes some algorithm that bases activities on whether they are "interesting" or not. Makes the feed look like a jumbled mess.
Hopefully a Tory style U-turn to revert it back or at least an option to display chronologically
You can give your feedback to them via this online poll they've set up.
It's crap. Commutes out of order, hiding races in between old activities etc.
[url= https://support.strava.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000086764-Feedback-for-the-updated-Strava-feed ]Strava feedback[/url]
[url= https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NewStravaFeed ]Survey[/url]
Mine is still chronological for the moment. It was the different layout that caught my eye at first. Not sure that each activity needs to be so big on screen, I can only get 1 and a bit activity on screen at a time.
What's the betting they'll offer a user-selectable feed order [i]for Premium subscribers[/i]?
Imagine having to pay for functionality...
It'll never catch on.
Hate the cluttered new look. Any suggestions for an alternative.
Bloody Awful.
There was nothing wrong with the original layout. Well it was better than this "upgrade" anyway.
Still no way to filter out people’s commutes or indoor training?
Still no way to filter out people’s commutes or indoor training?
A premium account should allow me to bin all this daft zwift shit and also access everyone's routes as a gpx.
Looks better though, that’s the main thing...
It's shit, just like facebook
If you know Andy Barlow, his post err sorry activity is good.
There's a petition....
Yuck, that's nasty
Haze - Member
Still no way to filter out people’s commutes or indoor training?
This ^^^
Damn do i get sick of seeing peoples Zwift activities especially through the winter.
However, I quite like the look of the new layout but it should always be in chronological order IMO.
Pathetic attempt to look all "Facebook" while once again not addressing a single thing the support forums have been demanding for ages.
Primarily for me...
* UK units of measurement (Celsius NOT Fahrenheit with feet, miles etc).
* Mountain biking as an activity and distinguishing segments from road and vice versa, MTB challenges distinguished from road.
* Proper privacy so even if on a leaderboard but enhanced privacy set, you can't view that persons ride without being an approved follower.
* Sharing private rides amongst friends or groups without making public.
* Closed groups where rides are private to the group only, get their own leaderboard but group rides not on public leaderboards (particularly for sensitive trails, events on private land etc).
* Management and moderation of segments and sensitive trails by trail maintainers, land owners, etc. Like Trailforks.
* Fix broken sharing to Facebook etc from web.
* Ability for users to unmatch segments. Handles bad segment matches instead of getting ride flagged by someone and having to send request to support to unmatch segments or otherwise make ride private.
* Moving components between bikes to keep history of their mileage, unretiring components, etc.
All stuff been demanded for ages, and we get nothing but fluff, bugs, roadie challenges, and Zwift garbage.
I think the Stravastix plugin for chrome on PC allows you to block zwift rides
I too was subjected to the awful new feed today - a feature that no-one wanted, and harder to implement than some of the many small filtering options that have been requested.
Stopped my premium about 18 months ago, and if anything they are going further away from getting me to restart than drawing me back.
Yup, another hater here.
Mine still appears to be chronological. I’m premium
mine appears new format, but still chronological.
Had the new format last night, opened Strava this morning to find its reverted back to the old format
Still the new format with me (non Premium member)
I noticed with my rides at the weekend that segments I'd never ridden before now get a PB straight away rather than having to ride them again and then get either a PB or a second best time.
New format here too, looks OK but I would prefer not to have a third of the screen taken up with all the find friends, create a blog post, join a challenge guff on the right hand side.
Can't see much difference here.
Wonder why they are so reluctant to allow Zwift blocking. Do they anticipate a backlash from the special snowflakes upset that they're being marginalised?
New format, survey filled in and a message sent. I have no issue with the new feed as some people may like it, but I do want the option to turn it off.
I like it
All they need to do now is default to the 'You' tab because I don't follow anyone
chakaping - Member
Can't see much difference here.Wonder why they are so reluctant to allow Zwift blocking. Do they anticipate a backlash from the special snowflakes upset that they're being marginalised?
TBH the non-Zwifters seem more precious than the Zwifters. It's not our fault our training is indoors, it doesn't suddenly make it less valid, or make it less important just because it's not outdoors. Why can't you non-Zwifters just accept, it's what some people do
All they need to do now is default to the 'You' tab because I don't follow anyone
Wouldn't the two tabs look the same in that case?
Not bothered about Zwift but it's a turbo session so why does it need a map of where you haven't been?
The 'Following' tab doesn't show your weekly mileage/goals etc and it's such hardship to swipe leftWouldn't the two tabs look the same in that case?
Still the old version for me on mobile. The only Strava thing I've ever been puzzled about is why the iPad app version is so awful compared to the android version.
It's not our fault our training is indoors, it doesn't suddenly make it less valid, or make it less important just because it's not outdoors. Why can't you non-Zwifters just accept, it's what some people do
Got nothing against Zwifters, I log plenty of turbo sessions myself - but I don't actually expect anyone other than me to be interested in them.
Fundamentally, 25 laps of the volcano is just less interesting to most (i'm sure there are some exceptions) than seeing you went out and did your local loop in a gale on Tuesday night.
Commutes on the other hand, should probably be filtered by default - no-one wants to see athlete X doing the same 7.63mi twice a day every day...
It's the E-Zwifters I can't abide.
@fifeandy - the commute thing is odd. There's a check box to mark a ride as a commute but it appears to do next to sod all.
What's weird is people giving you kudos for each and every commute? Then again, weird is a suitable description of those who comment/give kudos on mine
Commutes on the other hand, should probably be filtered by default - no-one wants to see athlete X doing the same 7.63mi twice a day every day...
Not everyone does though. When does a commute transmute into a ride?
When whoever uploads it thinks its of sufficient interest and different enough from normal to not check the commute box.Not everyone does though. When does a commute transmutes into a ride?
If Mr 7.63mi decides to try a new route and ends up taking 12.4mi and getting lost I definitely want to see that. But not the next day when he returns to same old same old.
I could tolerate the facepuke-like-feed in the app while the website still made sense. But now... not so much. Cancelled my subscription.
Chrono order went out of the window on my feed about a month ago. Wonder if many have only just noticed as the new skin on the feed is also now live.
The new look I don't mind and I'm sure I'll get used to.
The absence of chronological ordering though is bonkers.
I'm not sure middle class men being upset about the order of activities in their strava feed is the kind of thing change.org was created for, but I guess it says something about the world we live in.
I have always thought that people who do stuff like this are being overly dramatic but I think I actually will cancel mine now (been Premium since 2012) because it's shit and people have been telling them it's shit for the best part of 6 months with apparently zero effect! Do they offer a feedback form when you cancel?I could tolerate the facepuke-like-feed in the app while the website still made sense. But now... not so much. Cancelled my subscription.
My worry with the new post/blog thing is it's opened up the idea of new, unrelated things in the activity feed. How long until we get ads from bike manufacturers etc... showing up in there.
If you use strava more as a training tool than sharing tool, it's rubbish.
The order will be back to chronological soon is my guess.
I mainly use Strava for logging rides, [i]some[/i] of the features are useful:
flyby - Who was it who shouted "Hi!" as I was screaming "STRAAAAVAAA!!!" in a vain attempt to get a KOM?
Explore/heatmap - is that dotted line on the map (I'm looking at you Scotland) sweet singletrack or a bog fest?
I use VeloViewer for better analysis and annoyingly arcane games/challenges. Eddington number, Explorer square, etc. I can get a list of Strava segments I've done ordered how I like: position; time behind leader and so on.
If you do quit Strava what are the alternatives though?
Not so bothered about the new feed view, the chronological order is a bit annoying though, it seems to be based on when they uploaded them rather than putting them back in date order. What annoys me more is just lately strava flags up PRs but doesnt tell me the position on the leaderboard. I keep having to recompute the ride to get it to fix. I dont mind seeing myself and other peoples zwift because the few friends that do use it as well I like to give them extra encourgament for riding in the winter where previously they haven't bothered. I can see why other people would want the ability to hide them though!
I'm using Runtastic MTB pro. Just started so still using Strava but I'm fed up with the KOM crap and just want a yearly record of how much I've done. I believe Runtastic has a tracker function via Facebook which will be handy for my other half.
Well, there's no shortage of alternative activity trackers! I'm the opposite though - no interest in an annual mileage figure (don't even bother logging all rides/commutes), specific ride data/analysis is what I want, and there isn't really a decent alternative to Strava IMO. I'll keep using it but probably cancel my paid membership.
Golden Cheetah is very good for data analysis of rides if you have all your rides in a suitable format (ie .fit from Garmin sports devices) on a hard drive somewhere. Bit of a learning curve. Very good for tagging rides with keywords so you can later find them easily or compare etc.
Not particularly a fan of the new layout so far, but using the free Strava with free Stravistix plugin tells me a lot about my rides/segments.
Only extra thing I would really like at the mo is personal segment records for different bikes, so if I for instance beat my PB on the Wazoo going up a hill, it would tell me... All things being equal, my Cube road bike should slaughter the Wazoo (but not by as much as I'd expect, ~50secs slower up "Old Winchester to the top").