You’d imagine they’ve an album in the pipeline and this is just the worst song put out there as a teaser. Well you’d hope its something like that and there’s better to come.
Quite dissappointing though, as the stone roses stuff is good, personally I much prefer browns solo stuff though, but you’d think, given that, they would try something different and a bit more nuanced and have a much more developed sound instead of trying to hark back to an era. (sounds like they had a meeting to discuss the type of sound they want to go for rather than just go and jam and develop tunes naturally, it sounds overly contrived,)
I’ll final reserve judgement till I hear what other stuff they’ve got out.
Don’t hold out much hope mind you, I don’t think this new stuff 20 years down the line works very well. The Pixies new stuff was a bit crap anawl.