I partly agree with sharkaattack here in that it’s maybe not knowing the value of what they are stealing (custom made DH bikes that they or anybody else won’t be able to ride at any proper DH venue because they are too unique), but more that it’s they don’t know or care about the value of what they are in effect destroying.
The ebikes can maybe go to some scummy drug dealer types for cruising the estate, the suspension components and tools split and sold on FB marketplace? That would net them what, £3k tops. When its probably £30k retail or £20k insider cost for Neko to replace, added to any damage to the van. Plus the possible career detrement to the riders if this hampers their next race.
But the scummers don’t care about that. They will do this, they will smash a £2k patio door just to steal a second hand ipad, break a car window just for some sunglasses the pennies in the ash tray. They are either too ignorant of the effects or too un-empathetic to it, and I think thats what annoys me most.