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  • Stainburn – Descent Line Damage
  • nobtwidler
    Free Member

    Day off yesterday so spent some time at Stainburn. Much fun to be had but at the top of the Descent Line someone had managed to smash up a load of glass and dig it into the ground! It must have been intentional as it was only in avery small area and exactly inline with the start.
    I spent a good 10minutes picking out as much as possible – If anyone is up there watch out for it!
    Also all that boardwark is very slimey!! (apart from the new supper grippy stuff on the cole chute) suffering with cuts and brusies this morning!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the heads up, it’s dig day on Sunday, so we’ll attempt to clean the glass up.
    The grippy stuff on the Coal Chute was put in only a few weeks ago to test whether that material will stand up to heavy use, so I think it might be left for a while before we are satisfied enough to put it everywhere. We are also hoping that it will be a solution for the north shore at Dalby, which is pretty much unridable for most of the year.

    coal chute pics[/url]

    Free Member

    agreed the new grippy stuff helps.
    also loving the carving into the log on the other side .looks great & offers loads of grip.

    any plans over the other side of the road ,there has been a lot of tree felling right up on the top there.

    Free Member

    Aye, cheers for the heads up. Generally speaking the trails there have been fairly vandal / user conflict proof. Mostly because there were few / no previous users. Some twonk kept pulling out and flinging around the markers on the Norwood side several years ago but paint markers stopped that and (I think) they got bored / accepted it.

    Norwood (where all the felling and thinning has been done recently) has plans. FE backed away from a previous agreement for a formal trail on that side nearly two years ago (it was always part of SingletrAction’s intentions and the Management Plan we prepared though). Thanks to some passionate negotiation at the time and a lot of lobbying since we were able to firstly keep the trail and secondly reclaim it after disturbance.

    We have permission to reclaim it now after the latest forestry works and hope that, in the process, it will expand and improve. There’s still a bunch of finessing to do through FE for all this to happen but initial reclamation work will probably have its first *day* on 7th Feb. Keep an eye on the STA forum / site at http://singletraction.frankencrank.com/phpBB2/index.php

    The timber work on the Cole Chute (to give its sponsor, Cole Construction, proper recognition 😉 is a trial run and it’s good to hear it’s holding up so well, so far. Time will tell. Thanks to Andy at Amogen for the generous support so far (he provided all the timber gratis).

    Shame to see in that gallery that the numpty picture of the Chairman falling on his arse isn’t there 😉

    Free Member

    Oh, found it:

    Free Member

    Carving into the wood is ‘Knackerisation’

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