I’d (wrongly) assumed that camping at SSWC would be just like pretty much any other event but it’s just been pointed out to me that I’ll have to pay 22 Euros per night to camp … WTF is that about, are the Irish goverment using SSWC to help add to their bail out fund?
I’ve bailed.
seems to me to be getting rather expensive,ferry £440,fuel £75ish,three nights camping £xxx,food,and BEER £xxx,
+ whatever else thay decide to charge for when you’re there,toilets ? showers,etc….. ?
mmmm,is it me,or is it not really ‘in the spirit of SS’ any more ?
As a contrast SSEC was about £45 inc a t shirt,a free beer,TWO meals,three nights camping,loads of stickers an stuff and a fookin great atmosphere !
They are taking the pish!!.Was planning on making a week of it with my girls but @ 46 euros a night they can @@@@ right off. Anyone offering to organise a unofficial worlds SS something nice and cheap!
Me and tazzy were having the same conversation at the weekend- totally against the ss ethos so sod em !!
However up for any alternative unofficial stuff as I have the pass stamped 😛
yep, I had a lovely email which was basically, “the irish economy is stuffed, so we are going to make as much money out of you lot as humanly possible”
I was expecting to have to pay a “niche tax” on every item on the bike which was non standard and a beard import fee as well.
knackers to ’em I’m thinking of planning a big old booze up with some monster riding thrown in. I know a couple of ace campsites that’ll be more than happy to put up with a bunch of drunken idiots on bikes for a weekend so if anyone fancies joining us lot you’re more than welcome
igm- that might possibly be me and there may be a slight chance that you may have seen some tazzy nipple action at last years SSUK for a lovely bottle opener headset spacer thingymebobbins courtesy of CTBM 😳
Ooo that’s the third time they’ve done the “we’re working on getting free camping” usually followed a couple of weeks later by an email from them showing some lovely b&b’s and a price for camping. Last email a couple of days ago was that they never promised free camping they just said they were looking into it. Call me a cynic but I think they’re just stalling hoping to get enough entries that are willing to pay camping fees etc….
SSWC 2011 Hi everyone, just to let you know we have taken your posts about the camping in Kilfinane seriously and are looking into the prices for the camping for the SSWC. We were led to believe that we needed to have certain Facilities which bumped the cost up big time, we have now been advised differently and are going to be able to adjust our prices for you, we still want you to have a really comfortable stay and I promise we aren’t trying to rip anyone off, we know everyone has a budget and things are tight for a lot of people at the moment. We’ll try and be back with revised prices in the next 24 hours or so.
Most importantly how much will a pint be? There seems to be a lot of negativity about it which is a shame, I on the other hand cannot wait, any excuse to drink gallons of guinness
Sorry Mr. Sparkle, I have no control over Irish Ferries or Stena etc. etc. and Ringo, I’m a voddie drinker myself but I know that there’s great entertainment packages being put together that weekend around Kilfinane and we’re delighted to have visitors!
So at least £30 on beer a night then, better start saving can’t even take owt with me as I cycling there, might have to take a bottle of the hard stuff with me
In response to Yokaiser’s request, please go to the following Facebook page for more info and details of the entertainment planned for SSWC weekend in Kilfinane: RockyMayhem Sswc
I went to Kilarney a few months ago, expecting to be stung for 6 euros a pint, actually 3-4 euros a pint….. but i dont care, I cant go because my Wife will have just had a baby, so i hope its rubbish…… ;o)