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  • Spring clean
  • montgomery
    Free Member

    I compartmentalise it to stop it turning into a full time job. Generally don’t do it systematically on bike rides, saving it for walks instead – either specifically going out with a bag and grabber or building it into the point of the trip, e.g a local woodland bivi two weeks ago when I walked out from the door in the evening, then retraced my steps in the morning, cleaning out all the crap along the way.

    I have to say, though, that the litter situation where I am now (South Wales) is so apocalyptic that it’s contributed to me deciding ‘**** this’ and I will shortly be relocating to Calderdale…

    Too big for my 70l rucsac, so I tied it under the straps for the walk home.

    Full Member

    Good work fellow ‘pickers – your local environment thanks you👍

    Free Member

    Red Bull. Red Bull. Red Bull.

    Of course its anecdotal, but red Bull cans are by far the most prolific litter I see from local trails to motorways to Highland road sides.

    I nearly wrote pretty much the same thing a couple of weeks back.
    I’m not sure if it’s just the colour scheme catching my eye or a bit of bias but I was sure there were more Red Bull cans than anything else making up the litter around me.
    I went out with my other half last week on the bikes and on a local road climb I counted 29 Red Bull cans in the verge. I’d go back and pick them up but it a 50mph road where the locals like to tear up the hill at silly speeds so I’ll be giving it a miss.

    Full Member

    Red Bull, Monster, McD’s, Costa are my usuals in no particular order – it’s never Fortnum & Masons or Waitrose own brand……

    Full Member

    Last week the missus and I were walking along the TPT near Barnsley when we spotted a teenage lad emerging from some trees. My first thoughts were not positive but he was actually collecting litter on his walk. Top lad. We plan to do the same over the next few weeks.

    Full Member

    Quick walk round the block (Bert in doggo daycare today)

    1 bag.

    Full Member

    Some friends got this little gift in their farm drive entrance last night.
    Ain’t people great?

    The contents suggest the clearing out of a dope farm apparently.
    The council will collect it and say it costs them a grand each time..

    Full Member


    1bag and an abandoned golf club(!) collected on this morning’s doggo walk.
    Left at local bin along with the other days bag for the council to collect.

    Full Member

    Morning walk – 1bag at local bin.

    Found this fella motionless for quite awhile in the street outside house last night. Quick check for ticks (the last one was covered and later died despite the efforts of the hedgehog rescue centre I took it to).
    Put it back outside near our garden and left it a little Bert food and water. Was gone later when I took Bert out.

    Full Member

    Half a bag collected this morning.

    Anyone else?

    Full Member

    Rubbish start to the day (no pun intended) local hedgehog – probably the one from the post above found squished this morning at the end of our road😞

    Otherwise it was a 2 bagger – usual Mcwankers and Monstermouthbreathers litter.

    Full Member

    Poor hog 😭
    Ordered another folding picker to keep in my manbag.
    Good work Bert.

    Free Member

    Poor fella had guts. Probably looking for his flat mate.

    Full Member

    MrsRNP out today, Bert going doggo daycare – so quick walk round the block without my litter picker this morning.

    Which soon turns into an impromptu litter pick!
    Discarded JD sports bag filled followed by a few plastic bottles into the nearest bins.
    All to try and balance out against dog owners who leave turds right in middle of the pavement.

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    Full Member

    Monday morning clear up, McScroats win again in today’s litter lottery. 1 bag left with other Civic Pride gardening and litter bags

    Runner up prize to the scroats who ripped up the newly planted sapling supports. Good work!

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    Full Member

    spotted dozens of large NOS cylinders dumped on nice grassed area last night, binned a few and collected the rest this morning.
    Picked another dogs shit up along with Berts.
    Dragged a dumped Tesco trolley back to store.
    Hand picked some litter.

    Full Member

    Had a week off from picking up other people’s shit as I just couldn’t be arsed anymore. Conscience got the better of me again though.

    This morning’s double bagger.

    Full Member

    The world needs more people like you Rusty – keep up the good work

    Full Member


    I picked up a wake of McDonald’s packaging around a bin in park this morning, moaning to a passing lady about humans.

    She pointed out that it was usually foxes routing about overnight.

    Fox throbbers 😡 🐺

    Full Member

    No bag or picker this morning but still plenty of litter to pick up.

    ….and if I did as much NOS as these brain dead **** I’d be embarrassed as well and fly tip the empties.

    Full Member

    Monday morning Maccys mayhem. McShit everywhere – mainly cups.

    Overflowing park bins.
    On the upside I did see a world’s first!!!! An empty Monster energy drink had been attempted to be put in a litter bin!!!!!

    Full Member

    Carnage this morning in local park from last night’s piss up including Amelia leaving her blazer behind. Grammar school education has taught her well.

    Full Member

    One bag of self entitlement collected this morning. No photo but I’m sure you can image a bin bag of litter next to a bin!

    Full Member

    Should have taken the blazer back to the school saying you found it amongst a shed load of litter.

    I’ve taken to confronting groups of yoot in the park when I see them.
    The hot weather means every morning you see a wake of litter in the places they were congregated. Does my mofo nut in 😡

    There was a big group at the weekend sat amongst what looked like a bin explosion carpeting the ground all around them.
    I asked if they’d pick it up later, and they said yes.
    So I imagine it all got picked up then.

    Saw a fly-tipped baby car seat yesterday and thought there was a beautiful irony in someone simultaneously caring for the next generation by strapping them into a safety harness whilst also basically symbolically shitting on their future. 🙄

    Full Member

    Should have taken the blazer back to the school saying you found it amongst a shed load of litter.

    I contacted them via FB, no reply.
    The school motto is ‘toil and labour’ – for people in their wake.

    Full Member

    A bit of hand-picking on my afternoon dog walk today. To be fair, it’s not usually too bad around here (certainly I’d struggle to fill a green bag like Bert’s) but the sheer idoicy of it just being dumped on the roadside still makes my weewee boil too.
    One beer bottle, several extra bags of dog-shite in addition to the ones mine were responsible for generating, the remains of a cardboard box (doughnuts or similar) and a couple of discarded fag packets. Oh, and something that had some icecream in it, once upon a time.
    People? Can’t we just shoot the flinking lot of them?

    Full Member

    A $12.6bn company yet McDonald’s can’t educate their customers to put their finished packaging in a bin.

    A full bag collected on the short distance between a McDonald’s and the local park.

    Full Member

    Short 20minute poo-walk as Bert in doggo daycare today.

    Another full bag. I must live in a really shit area

    Full Member

    You do seem to get pretty full bags for sure! 😕

    Full Member

    You are doing a great job, it’s a shame that it is needed, but well done for making a difference

    Full Member

    Not much along the local river at the weekend. Harold isn’t too impressed, but I suppose it’s a good thing 😊

    Full Member

    🤣 good work Harold – he’s right to look unimpressed! 👍

    No ‘proper’ litter picking this morning – had a big day yesterday so only did a short walk round the block this morning and hand picked a few bottles/cans.


    Full Member

    Mower mayhem – litter confetti everywhere after the council mowing session.
    One bag collected.

    look for photos online[/url]

    Full Member

    10minute walk round the block last night and Monday morning double bagger one of which was added to the fellow Rawtenstall Civicpride litter picked mountain of bags ready for council collection.

    Full Member

    Dead and dying plants collected from local supermarket – dropped off with fellow Civicpride member for watering and rejuvenation to be then planted in the town’s many Civicpride flower beds.

    Full Member

    Trash Free Trails is collecting data on what is found and where, and then using it to challenge the companies responsible to help address the problem. One way of tracking what’s found is to use komoot – you track your walk, then geotag photos of the litter as you find it along the way. The idea is it helps build up a picture of behaviour – eg, rubbish on a trail at a viewpoint, or a certain distance away from a fast food outlet – so that bins can be provided in useful places, or marketing on products used to encourage responsible disposal, and so on. https://www.trashfreetrails.org/dio-toolkit

    Full Member

    There are plenty of bins around – it’s just that nobody can be arsed using them!

    I regularly pick takeaway litter up from a bus stop bench that has a bin right next to it🤷‍♂️


    Full Member

    What’s this morning’s mega exciting post going to be about?
    Oh, maybe not…. another bag of litter collected.

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