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  • spot on testicle
  • tails
    Free Member

    sorry for the friday night topic. I have a spot rather than lump on my bits now as far as i can tell it is not attached to the rugby ball bit but rather the bag!! Am i right in thinking the big C would be a lump on the rugby ball?

    Now I would go to the doc but I went last week for some ongoing (1 year) undiagnosed body pain, last year after 3 visits he sent me to neurologist who reckons it is just muscle pain/spasm. So getting him to act is often a multiple visit job which is not great.

    Free Member

    Am i right in thinking the big C would be a lump on the rugby ball?

    spot bollock correct

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Get it checked out. Seriously. If you find anything that wasn't there before get it looked at. If you're just being a bit of a worrier the worst you'll get is rolled eyes and a tut from your GP. The consequences of ignoring something like that are way worse.

    Free Member

    A pimple on skin is unlikely to be cancer.
    See your GP if it doesn't go away.

    Free Member

    What a topic…

    Might be a hair root what's got infected a bit. Bung some Germolene or something on it. Wash regularly, and wear clean pants every day. Nice sweaty area that germs find a perfect home. Could have been caused by chaffing incorporating hair-stretch*.

    As said, if it don't go away, get thissen to a physician asap. If you're not confident about your current GP, you can request to see another.

    *©Reeves and Mortimer.

    Free Member

    Cyst? But get it checked anyway if you're worried.

    PS. Cysts are not usually bad I don't think… But get it checked anyway. (I'm not a doctor)

    Free Member

    Bung some Germolene or something on it.

    At first glance, I read that as Guacamole.

    Free Member


    That's a bit of an extreme measure to get rid of a spot 😕

    Full Member

    Don't worry about the doc tails i've got a (2 year) undiagnosed foot problem and I still see him for other problems. If your worried see the doc they would rather just say it's nothing than for you to leave it and it is something that could get rapidly worse.

    I found a lump on a testicle a few years ago saw the doc and was having an ultra sound scan and chest x-ray within the week. Luckily it wasn't cancer and nothing serious.

    Free Member

    At first glance, I read that as Guacamole.

    nachos anyone, no i thought not. 😆

    The placing is unfortunate as I'm a dab hand at home surgery, but I'm not risking that!

    Free Member

    This thread is useless without pictures.

    Hope it's nothing BTW

    Free Member

    This thread is useless without pictures.

    Free Member

    i found a cist in the stringy bits 4 years ago, much worry etc, did the docs then specalist route, even had my balls ultra sounded in front of most of the ultra sound department 😯

    turned out to be a ordinary cist, know of three other people who have the same, so don't worry yourself but at the same time get it seen to put your mind at rest,

    most important don't bloody google it or self diagnose 😉

    Free Member

    I found a lump in my sac earlier this year (not attached to anything, just like floating in there alongside). Doc said it's absolutely nothing to be worried about, it's still in there.

    p.s. Why do some of you want to see pictures of peoples nuts? There's other websites for that sort of thing 😆

    Free Member

    forgot to add, mines still there i think !

    Free Member

    RE-Edited version

    tails – Member
    sorry for the friday night topic. I have a spot rather than lump on my SCROTUM now as far as i can tell it is not attached to the TESTICLE but rather the SCROTAL SAC!! Am i right in thinking that TESTICULAR CANCER would be a lump on the TESTICLE?

    Posted 57 minutes ago # Report-Post

    Why apologise for asking a male health related question that is worrying you, and why the use of childrens playground names for parts of your body, we are all designed the same.

    Dont self diagnose as the results may scare you even more and you may get it wrong.

    Best wishes with the DR, but it may well be worth asking to se another GP,for a change.

    Embarassing but theyve seen and felt most parts of the body,and they will put your mind at rest.

    Free Member

    sounds like an infected hair follicle MrSpottyballs, go see your doctor just to be sure, remember he's spent years looking at peoples uglys, its his job, unless its a her then I'd recommend not using the "hey doctor, SURPRISE!!" approach again.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I suppose the traditional man response of "give it a good squeeze" will only risk the approbrium of the forum users, but it worked for me in the past…..

    Seriously, theres no reason why you can't/wont get a boil in that chaffing, sweaty place, when your camelbak will give you one to the shoulder for exactly the same reason.

    Seriously though, I managed to get a 3 ft squeeze shot from shoulder to bathroom mirror one night with a boil… was accurate too!

    (awaits a telling off from a medical person).

    Free Member

    Think about joining a union. 😆

    Free Member

    approbrium ……….it's opprobium,………good word though! 😀

    Free Member

    I got a cyst sheet me up got it scanned no worries see a dr

    Free Member

    Bollock cancer is on the bollock itself, not the sac. It's probably a spot, but see a doctor if you're worried.

    Free Member

    Thought this was a thread about a commendable bollock. Had a zit on my sack once, i squeezed it and i had tears from the pain. I doubt child birth hurt as much.

    Free Member

    Sounds like you've got a spot on your balls. You know like one on your face, but on your balls. First time I checked my bollocks, I thought I found a lump. Turns out it was that bit that attaches your bollock to the rest of you. Shoulda paid more attention in biology

    Free Member

    Folliculitis..sp?…infected hair follicle…pretty common amongst sweaty cyclists..prob nowt to worry about but you pay NI?…then use your GP 😉

    Free Member

    The mrs says my testicles are spot on…..

    Full Member

    Sack rot. Best to wear tight fitting underwear so you hang on to all the bits when it gives way.

    Free Member

    Mr Nutt may be able to offer some advice at his comunal gym changing room.

    Free Member

    Does sound like an infected hair follicle. I've had a couple of those in the past. Also had a lump on one of my nuts that I found when I was about 13. I was too scared to get my stones out for the doc and just put up with it, reasonably convinced I might die as a result of it. At about 18 I decided enough was enough and went to the docs. No big deal, doc had a bit of a grope and quickly told me it was an epididdimal cyst..
    Get to the docs to make sure mate but if its on the ballbag its probably very superficial and nothing serious. I'm sure you'll find the doc professional and considerate. Docs love checking bollocks out.

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