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  • Speed Vest
  • samuri
    Free Member
    Free Member

    That is bloody brilliant and I want one!

    Free Member

    Yes it is cool, but a total waste of time. Its true that most car users find it difficult to judge the speed of an average cyclist, let alone a competant one, but in the same breath most car users cant even judge there own speed (sorry officer, I didnt realise I was doing 40 in a 30 zone)
    Whats needed is education:
    There are plenty of people on the road that took there driving test 40+ years ago and have never done an up date or refresher since! Its crazy when you think that in most proffessions an update of a certificate or qualification is needed every 3-10 years. Take a first aid certificate. It is usually only current for 3 years, yet some one can hold a driving licence for 50years and only ever take one test. Also the driving conditions were so different then. There should be a refresher/update every 10yrs.
    The same applies for cyclist. I did a cycling proficency test when I was at junior school. People coming back to cyclist after a break of a few years should be offered some form of road awareness training.


    Free Member

    People coming back to cyclist after a break of a few years should be offered some form of road awareness training.

    A lot of councils offer adult cycle training.

    Free Member

    Made by yanks – bet it’s in rubbish mph. Do people not realise it’s not the middle ages any more?

    Free Member

    Why is mph rubbish?

    Anyway I want one for commuting just for the sheer geekiness of it. I’d like one where I can add a message too.

    Free Member

    Only any good on a sit up and beg, where you’re not going that fast. For a racer you need speed shorts 😉

    Full Member

    might be more effective if it had a small radar gun built in and showed the car driver the speed they were doing as they approached you?

    Free Member
    Full Member

    The light lane has just brought our office to a standstill.

    I like the speed vest idea – maybe needs to consider the positioning of the numbers for those on road bikes, but in principle, I like it.

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