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  • SPD shoes
  • hotcharge
    Free Member

    Need some advice, running Spesh MTB SPDs BG Sport and my feet recently ( i know its been real cold) have been getting really cold esp the toes. I wore some thin merino socks and Seal Skinz and no difference. I dont really want to buy another pair of shoes but i am interested in some flat shoes that are a bit warmer but can also add SPDs as well? Any ideas. All my buddies ride Five 10s but I dont want to ride flats…. I am stuck. Can anyone save my pinkies??

    Free Member

    Invest in a pair of winter booties – I can recommend Northwave celcius been amazing over the winter down to -5 degrees, if you want a halfway house my specialized buzzsaw boots have more coverage than the bg sport but are by no means a winter boot.

    Free Member

    yup spesh bg are good but damn dont your toes get frozen.
    i bought mw80’s to combat the problem.
    maybe you could just put some windproof overshoes over the top

    look at it this way, you wont have to buy cool new summer shoes later in the year because you wore them out during the winter months

    Free Member

    As above, try some overshoes – Shimano do some cheapish ones that you won’t mind trashing. Even better, get some winter boots. I think mine are Shimano’s MT50 boots and they keep my feet warm and dry.

    Free Member

    so overboots and some cool summer shoes or winter boots? I wouldnt mind some reasonable “trainer type ” shoes, i have seen some Shimano ones but they are white…only good for the summer. Anyone used the Overshoes??

    Free Member

    yeah i was gonna say overshoes,
    i wear them and they keep my feet warm,
    must create a layer of warmnt

    wiggle/dhb do cheap overshoes, they will keep your feet dry aswell bonus

    Full Member

    Overshoes are shite for winter MTB, you’ll rip them to shreds in minutes. Give your feet room to move, wear a couple of pairs of thinish socks, you’ll be better.

    Free Member

    Put a thin layer of clear silicon sealant over all the mesh areas. A wet finger works wonders and you can make a remarkably clean job of it. I did my pearl Izumi’s today. After i bought and tore the zip open on a pair of Endura overshoes. POS.

    Difference? well after 3 hours of riding my feet weren’t solid stiff and white cold like they were yesterday, and yesterday was a degree or so warmer.

    The mesh bits allow the warm air to get sucked out as you pedal robbing you of that much needed heat.

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