Hi all, It seems i have parental responsibility to insure there is enough hot water for my girls to be able to shower before school now they are growing up, so thats me the wife & two kids all fighting for the shower in the morning. We have a power shower that obviously uses more water than strictly needed, but I do love it & would hate to lose it, our main problem is the water runs out after 2 showers, the water is obviously recovering in to the tank & diluting the remaining water so its tepid at best by the third shower.
As I see it we have three options, one getting a bigger hot water tank, two switch to an electric shower, or three go the whole hog & get a combi.
So any advice from anyone who has had the same problem?
What sort of money should I expect to pay for having a combi fitted?
And finally can anyone recommend a decent plumber in hertfordshire?
Many thanks in advance, & sorry about the dullness of the question.