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  • Some 'Freeride' god had dug holes in my trails!
  • Mugboo
    Full Member

    That’ll be the place Pennine. Any ideas?

    And part of my point was that these trails have gone from ‘under the radar’ to glaringly obvious and have now attracted the local misery gutsclub!

    Full Member

    TBH it does read a bit like the OP has pruned some hedges, buggered off for 6 months and is now all afronted that some younguns whose “Vision” diverges from his own have started to try and build some trails along the runs he previously cleared and left…

    I do understand the sentiment, I’ve gotten a bit over sensitive about other people changing trails I liked as they were, but actually those doing it are likely to be motivated by a love of riding bikes and not actively trying to ruin “your” trails…

    Cheeky trails grow, it’s the nature of them, I’ve got similar concerns over “Dog walkist visibility” for my own local woods but those of us who do the digging have all agreed it’s better to have challenging and interesting trails for all to ride, which might not be there next week than a Safe, low key “yawn fest”… Basically we’ll face the challenges if/when we get them, who really want to take the default appologist position?

    The fact is you’ll not stop other MTBers from wanting to build if the area has posibilities, perhaps getting them organised and dealing on some level with the FC could help…

    Free Member

    Just to put a few things straight, and I’m by no means trying, in any way shape or form, to justify this to TJ, because I don’t care what he thinks tbh, it’s just for info.
    a)The land manager/owner permits cycling on the Moor/wood (I think the phrase they use in the management plan is, tolerates) and I’m quite certain he has no problem with sensible pruning and clearing.
    b) This particular line started off as a very faint sheep/deer path or virtually nothing in the undergrowth on a very steep, unused, wooded part of the moor. We visited it a few times and discussed clearing it. Then mugboo started clearing the undergrowth and pruning to create a better line, then we both did some moving around of rocks, but it was all very low key and you wouldn’t otherwise know it was cleared for bikes.

    What we found last night was a mess, dangerous and very blatant. On top of that, a bit saddening for mugboo (I don’t claim to have done more than just assist, that’s what I’ll be telling the judge anyway).

    Chris Akrigg found one of the two lines (name dropper, me?!)

    Free Member

    …..and have now attracted the local misery gutsclub!

    Form an orderly queue behind the local golf club members 😉

    Full Member


    It’s ridden regularly enough.


    If you intended to keep the line as it is but add a berm, would you dig a large hole in a down slope for material then dig another hole to fill your first one?

    I’m all for live and let live and I spend plenty of time improving boggy sections for anybody who uses the local woods.

    And as for TJ, it must be very hard to live in such a black & White world. Without a little grey it’s almost impossible for us all to rub along.

    And if anybody knows who’s building I am more than happy to have a chat. You never know, it could be the Mr Akrigg? Nah, the new lines not that daft 🙂

    Free Member

    Does this come off the moor and head down into the little valley with the river?

    I looked at something down there in the autumn and it looked pretty abandoned, with logs and branches across it. If its the same one they probably thought it was fair game and it will be a work in progress. No one is going to be stupid enough to leave big holes on the entry to a berm. There seems to be loads of kids on big bikes around Harden/St Ives nowadays, if they are encouraged they might build us a bike park 🙂

    Free Member

    Some ‘Freeride’ god had dug holes in my trails!

    Do you live in East Lothian?

    Full Member

    Theres 3 lines Ian

    The first by the wall is well used by everybody. The second is just after it and someone started trying to spoil it with logs this year 🙁 (this is the one in Chris’s photo. When you see the landing, you will wonder how?)

    The third is closer to the gate that leads back on to the BW. This is the one with the large hole. Nip up and have a look. As I say, bit odd to dig a hole to then dig another to fill it back in?

    I’ll not be losing sleep over it. Fingers crossed your right and it’s a work in progress…

    Could it be that mad old bugger called Geoff ‘get off my moor!’

    Free Member

    Edit: just scrubbed my comment, noticed it’s been named now. Slapped wrist IanV.
    Santa might send his elves in the New Year. 😉

    Free Member

    I thought this was going to be an Elbry thread……..

    Full Member

    Hole fixed 🙂

    We went up there in the monsoon last night (couldn’t face riding). Turns out, it was, as suspected, defo not a work in progress, just a yoof digging a hole in a trail to create a berm!
    We’ve kept the lip/drop that the yoof had added but filled the hole with a couple of large rocks so you can now roll it. Still confused by the berm as its not even on a corner or on the line.

    At this rate it should be dry enough to ride by summer 2013!!

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