Yes, the Schiehallion was very nice. The Coors was not.
Now thinking about something darker for tomorrow evening. Remember many years ago enjoying more than a few pints of Draft Young’s double chocolate stout in a pub called The Britannia in Kensington and getting into a heated discussion with some guy called Brian Sewell…whoever he was. I sense my NE ‘teuchter’ accent was a challenge for him.
Orkney? Skull splitter- no false advertising there.
Was drinking Staropramen tonight- nice.
Any of the West beers are good but not sure if you can get them bottled!
A pale, strongly hopped session bitter with about 3.8 is what you seem to need. Get a bottle of Copper Dragon’s very excellent Golden Pippin or Moorhouses superb Blonde Witch. This kind of beer-heading-towards-lager-territory is very fashionable at the moment and most brewers have produced one, usually they have a name like Dizzy Blonde or similar.
If you can find a mama shop in an area where there are lots of Africans you ought to try some of Africa’s greatest lagers, Star and Gulder from Nigeria and Tusker or Whitecap from Kenya are superb.
Either of the Calvors Suffolk lagers the 3.8 is a good session beer, the 5.0 is a good pint too. I found the dark and amber versions a bit cack though.
A brewed in Germany Bier is also good at thirst quenching.
The two best I have had recently are the Mikkeller Czechet Pilsner and the Goller Kellerbier. Both very nice. I am a big fan of Vienna style lagers and the Thornbridge Kill Your Darlings is the best I have tried for a while.
Peroni’s my favourite lager, they really should start making it in tins! If not Peroni then Stella of course, then Carlsberg Export. I also enjoy Leffe and Erdinger.
Lovely lovely lager, down my neck, yum yum yum!
Latitude and northern light are good Pale Ales, as is the Cairngorm Tradewinds mentioned already. If you like that style there are heaps to try, including Brewdog Dead Pony Club. American style pale ales tend to be hoppier and I really like that.
Badger Golden Glory and Golden Champion are lovely light summery beers that are quite lager like… interesting flavours and worth a try.