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  • So how OCD are you?
  • sharkbait
    Free Member

    I don’t consider myself as being at all OCD (you just need to see my office for proof of that), but some things just need to be tidy in my eyes.
    For example, tins of soup, beans, etc need to be stacked together and with the labels facing forwards so you can see what’s in them – mugs should all be stored either facing up or facing down (down for me) but not mixed otherwise it’s tricky to stack them.

    I regard this as just being reasonably tidy – or am I verging on OCD?

    edit: Good mate is a forensic psychiatrist and his wife is a mental nurse (she’s not mental) – they take the p1ss every now and then!

    Full Member

    I’m CDO.

    That’s like OCD but all the letters are in the right order!

    FWIW, I don’t think that actually counts as OCD, which is a much more serious condition. I stack pint tumblers up-down-up because I can get more space in the cupboards that way and it annoys me when the Mrs doesn’t!

    Free Member

    Definitely a bit OCD.

    Full Member

    depends what you class as OCD.. None of the above.

    But i clean motorbikes and pushbikes obsessivley…. My garage is cleaner than most peoples living rooms and has it’s own hoover and paper roll dispensers.

    Free Member

    I cannot stand three letter acronyms.

    Full Member

    I don’t think you can be ‘a bit OCD’ – You either have an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or you don’t. You can be a fussy bastard, or you can be a bit particular about the way certain things are, or you can like things neat and tidy, but that’s not OCD.

    Full Member

    You’re OK with OCD then?

    Free Member

    Knowing people who have actual OCD, these type of threads make me wince a bit. Liking things to have a bit of order, or be tidy is not really the same thing.

    Sorry for being a killjoy.

    Free Member

    I cannot stand three letter acronyms

    OMG! Me too!

    Full Member

    Not OCD but fussy-bastardness. I have a thing about everything being at perfect right angles, and being in line.

    At one place I worked, if my colleagues (the bastards!) knew I was having a meeting, they’d nip into the meeting room beforehand and just knock the pictures on the walls a couple of degrees out. They knew full-well that this would absolutely drive me up the wall, and once I’d noticed I’d have to put them right before I could continue

    Yes… I know its tragic, but thats my life…..

    Free Member

    Knowing people who have actual OCD, these type of threads make me wince a bit.

    yeah this. We wouldn’t say ‘I’m a bit spastic – I dropped a carton of milk the other day’ but plenty of people are happy to say ‘I’m a bit OCD because my CDs are in alphabetical order’…

    Free Member

    I also don’t think you can be a bit OCD.

    If you believe that your family will die if the soup is not stacked correctly and you have checked the soup can alignment multiple times today you mane have and OCD.

    Full Member

    We wouldn’t say ‘I’m a bit spastic – I dropped a carton of milk the other day’

    we wouldn’t ?

    I call people Spacko all the time when they do stuff like that. My boy gets called Spacko or Spango all the time.

    Full Member

    I see the professionally offended are out in force today. Perhaps you should start a petition?

    Free Member

    matt_outandabout – Member
    I cannot stand three letter acronyms.

    I hate TLAs as well.

    OCD? When I peg washing, pegs have to match in style and colour. Socks must be paired on the line which is achieved by having coloured dots sewn into socks so same brand/colour/style can be kept as pairs.

    But I don’t think I have OCD.

    Free Member

    I see the professionally offended are out in force today. Perhaps you should start a petition?

    I expected better from you, Binners 🙁

    Full Member

    Just a fussy bastard, but only when I want to be.

    When I lived on my own my mates used to subtly rearrange stuff just to see how long it would take me to notice and move them back.

    Books in alphabetical order, and by genre.
    Vinyl and CD’s too.

    Shirts by colour, outdoor stuff by type then thickness, then colour.

    Just helped Mrs S place buttons on a baby jacket – two rows, so an alternating stronger and weaker shade on each,
    colours dictated by their places on the colour wheel.
    Anything else would just look odd.

    Only certain things, quite enjoy it sometimes.

    Full Member

    Certain things are worth getting upset about. Most aren’t. Its not like he’s started a thread mocking people with OCD, or that anyone’s doing that. In that case it’d be worth getting upset about. Otherwise…. like… whatevs….

    We could rename the thread are you a fussy ****? I’d be happy with that


    Free Member

    Who is upset, tho? Merely stating a counter-point. Which, apparently, one is unable to do without being called professionally offended.

    I’m not angry….just disappointed 8)

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Not very fussy at all really (which is what we’re actually discussing, right?)

    I have routines, but I don’t care about CD lining up, or books or whatever. I’m neat and tidy, but not to the point that if I notice it’s out of line or whatever I don’t have to stop what I’m doing to sort it out.

    Used to work for a fella that had toys sorry ‘models’ of various bits of plant in his office, the back-hoes were all together and all in colour order and so on. He was a fussy bugger and we would take it in turns to move them about and see how long it took him to notice, the side bets were more fun that the meetings, he was an a**ehole though (Edit: sorry Mods I thought that would star out)

    Free Member

    My garage is cleaner than most peoples living rooms and has it’s own hoover and paper roll dispensers.

    Mine too 🙂

    I’m definitely not OCD, I’m tidy, I like order, I like things lined up and neat but its not an obsession.

    Full Member

    Oh don’t get me wrong, there are certain things that have to be done a certain way – The cutlery rack in the dishwasher, for example, has to have only one type of implement per compartment – but that’s a logical consideration to ease putting things away, borne from too many years working in kitchens. I might get a bit grumpy about it if people don’t stick to it, it might make me twitch a little, but it sure as hell isn’t OCD.

    I’ve watched a patient with OCD be completely, pathologically, unable to pass through a doorway without touching the sides and top of the door frame three times each, in a specific order, within a certain time sequence. If anyone passed him while he was counting, he had to start again. Getting through each and every door took a good half minute.

    Wanting CDs in alphabetic order isn’t even close.

    Free Member

    Brilliant, a chap who i once worked with always arranged his pencils on his desk facing away from him, all in line. A girl in the office always turned them round whenever he left his desk, oh how we laughed….

    Pictures a few degrees out really annoy me.

    Full Member

    has to have only one type of implement per compartment – but that’s a logical consideration to ease putting things away,

    interestingly (or not) most dishwasher instructions tell you not to do this, as the results are better if you mix them up.

    Free Member

    I am very tidy/neat..Everything has it’s place etc..Several years in the Military didn’t help with that either 🙂

    Full Member

    has to have only one type of implement per compartment – but that’s a logical consideration to ease putting things away,

    interestingly (or not) most dishwasher instructions tell you not to do this, as the results are better if you mix them up.[/quote]

    Dishwashers have instructions? 😐

    Every kitchen I’ve ever worked in, mixing them up would get you shot.

    Full Member

    Every kitchen I’ve ever worked in, mixing them up would get you shot.

    haha, I can imagine 😆

    I was thinking more home use, once you’ve into a habit though…

    Full Member

    Fortunately there’s only me and the missus, and it seems the concept of ‘putting dishes in dishwasher’ has bypassed her consciousness entirely, so I can be as habitual as I like…

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Pyro – Member
    Dishwashers have instructions?

    Every kitchen I’ve ever worked in, mixing them up would get you shot.

    They do! Domestic dishwashers also take >1h per run, not the <10 mins a commercial one would. Therefore there isn’t the pressure to turn around a domestic appliance to get the next load in as there is in a commercial kitchen.

    No matter what the wife says.

    Free Member

    If I am adjusting the volume on the T.V. I HAVE to leave it on an even number.Having said that 5`s are ok, like 15 or 25 because they are exactly half way between x0 and x0.
    All other odd numbers are right out, 13, 27 etc, i cannot have the volume set on that. 29 is the worst, its only one more click for an oh so satisfying 30.

    Full Member

    haha trailwagger, my boss always resets my car temp zones to matching even numbers when he gets in…

    Free Member

    Liking things to be neat and tidy isn’t Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), it is a perfectly sensible sane and rational approach to life, and maximising enjoyment of life. This is coming from somebody who gave up and bought a round coffee table, in order to watch TV in peace. The remote controls can’t be crooked on a round table.

    Being unable to leave the house until you have counted all the floorboards, is OCD. I don’t do that. I do have to check several times that the coffee thing isn’t on the gas stove top. That is again based on rational thought processes – I tried to burn my flatmate’s house down once.

    Full Member

    I tried to burn my flatmate’s house down once.


    Free Member


    My wife and I agreed on this in a conversation on our first date.

    I need to have air vents in the car lined up pointing directly backwards. This includes the ones in the back for the rear passengers.

    Free Member

    Anyone else reading burn as bum?

    Free Member

    If I am adjusting the volume on the T.V. I HAVE to leave it on an even number.Having said that 5`s are ok, like 15 or 25 because they are exactly half way between x0 and x0.
    All other odd numbers are right out, 13, 27 etc, i cannot have the volume set on that. 29 is the worst, its only one more click for an oh so satisfying 30.

    This is the exact system I use. 13 is the worst for me, anything with a 7 in it a close second.

    My friend was explaining, with disbelief, how they didn’t number any houses no.13 on the new estate she lives on; I had to admit I was one of those nutters that would never even think about living in a no.13.

    Free Member

    I’m very similar with the cruise control. I hate odd numbers for some reason. The radio being at 10 is a given.

    Free Member

    Anybody else drill additional holes in the saucepan handles so they drain correctly when upside down in the dishwasher?

    …no?.. just me?… 🙁

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