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  • So how close were we to guns pulled yesterday?
  • breatheeasy
    Free Member

    Just looking at the damage to Charles and Camillas car. Fairly smashed window considering I assume it’s bullet proof/protected in some way.

    There must have been at least one armed officer with his hand in his dinner jacket and the sound of the click to fully automatic option in the car/van behind.

    Free Member

    I wondered that too, there must come a point where somebody pulls a gun & fires… how far away from that were they? Must have been a few close protection guys praying it didnt go any further I think.

    Free Member

    I know we sometimes appear to be going backwards at an alarming rate in terms of civilised behaviour, but I still reckon Britain is probably a long way off being the sort of country in which plain clothed security agents open fire on crowds because of a perceived threat to the monarch’s son. Let’s hope so anyway.

    Free Member

    I would imagine the first course of action would be to fire shots in the air to disperse the crowd rather than start popping caps in asses.

    Full Member

    not close enough………imho

    Full Member

    Monarchs aren’t what they used to be are they? Surely there’s a proud tradition in this country of the glorious leader gleefully defending oneself from the common peasantry.

    In the good old days, surely Charlie would have had a handy broadsword to lop the head off any of his subjects who offended his delicate aesthetic sensibilities

    Tsk. Is it any wonder the country is in the state its in

    Free Member

    Very far away, the cops aren’t daft and its not America/Russia/Africa/<insert other bandit country/region>

    nb – and the Roller’s probably armoured/protected

    Free Member

    It was ok, the armed police used ‘restraint’ I heard it on R4 so it must be all right.

    Full Member

    Do Charles and Camilla really get 24/7 armed protection?

    I’m not so sure.

    Free Member

    You wanted protesters shot did you Ton?

    Free Member

    Only so that he could roast one for the xmas dinner…

    Free Member

    not close enough………imho


    Edit: Just to add – I would agree with more robust policing for those that were trashing property if that means ‘caps in asses’ so be it. Why has this country gone softly softly?

    Free Member

    I would imagine the first course of action would be to fire shots in the air to disperse the crowd

    More likely imo to cause a panic induced stampede in which people, including children, are trampled to death.

    Full Member

    ourkidsam………….if it were to be a threat to our future monarch, then yes.

    Free Member

    Do Charles and Camilla really get 24/7 armed protection?

    I’m not so sure.

    Course they do when they’re in public. That’s what the royal protection squad do. Esp when they’re on their way to a previous announced high profile engagement (i.e. Royal Variety Performance).

    Free Member

    Had to laugh at the Mash:

    The Duchess said: “I’m fine, thank you. At least the driver wasn’t shit-faced.”

    Full Member

    ourkidsam………….if it were to be a threat to our future monarch, then yes.

    Which it wasn’t. It was Charles.


    Full Member


    Free Member

    You have to be careful firing into the air. What goes up, must come down. If you draw a weapon, it’s because you need to use it.

    Free Member

    Ernie +1

    Free Member

    What level of threat requires summary execution? Was it the paint on the car or the cracked window?!

    Full Member

    idiocy on behalf of the police or direct provocation to take the royal convoy into hundreds of protestors (or was the lead driver a secret republican)

    i mean what better symbol of inequality and overpriveledge than our future king who failed his degree in history but had it awarded to him anyway
    to taunt the protestors with

    this isnt entirely unprecednted i was at uni in aberystwyth when some militant welsh students forced the queens rolls off the road when she was there to open the national library of wales


    Full Member

    I mistakenly thought I had stumbled upon a thread of fellow republicans, and the reference was to doing the decent thing and slaying a couple of members of the sponging classes.

    Sadly, there are a lot of people who get a semi at the thought of steel-minded security “personnel” killing off members of the public who were having the temerity to push back the balance of power for an afternoon.

    We know whose side you lot would have been on at Peterloo…

    Free Member

    What level of threat requires summary execution?

    Well if Charles had tried to get out and kick off with the protesters then yeah, I’d have said “Take him down”.

    Free Member

    if it were to be a threat to our future monarch, then yes

    There isn’t enough of that sort of patriotism these days, gawd bless you mate. Like you, I see the Royal Family as “My Family”. Unfortunately I reckon that pulling a gun out in a heaving chaotic crowd, and then firing shots willy-nilly during the ensuing mayhem, is rather more likely to put the heir to the throne’s life in danger, than preserve it.

    Free Member

    ourkidsam………….if it were to be a threat to our future monarch, then yes.

    I don’t think that the parasite and his current squeeze were under much threat do you?

    Free Member

    Got to question the stupidity, given the particular situation, to send C+C out in a big flashy car, through an area full of people who may resort to violence. Why not use a simple inconspicuous vehicle like a mini-vayn, which would probbly have gone unnoticed?

    Oh no; the Heir to the Throne simply must have a big spensive car to transport he and his good lady wife to the Thee-etter, darlings.

    Pft. The nation faces uncertain times, and probable mass civil unrest, and Charles and Camilla are off to see a play. Sums up just how valid the monarchy is, really.

    Full Member

    Its yet another thing the French are considerably better than us at. The whole Royal Family thing

    The English way – Disrupt their trip to watch some second rate comedians with a bit of Paint.

    The French way – Heads on spikes outside the Palace

    I know which gets my vote

    Free Member

    I would imagine the first course of action would be to fire shots in the air to disperse the crowd

    They should only ever open fire if they perceive an “imminent threat to human life”, and kids throwing paint at an armoured car is hardly that… However, mistakes happen (bloody sunday, anyone?) and these protestors/idiots are playing with fire if they are prepared to put on this kind of performance around armed police.

    Do Charles and Camilla really get 24/7 armed protection?


    Free Member

    if it were to be a threat to our future monarch, then yes.

    Unless you look at it as a public sector cut with no massive redundancy payment.
    PLUS we’d probably all get a holiday
    PLUS the floral wreath industry would receive a much needed boost
    AND another Elton John classsic in the making
    NOT TO MENTION more conspiracy theories than a WikiLeaks show trial

    Free Member

    They should only ever open fire if they perceive an “imminent threat to human life”, no reporters or cameras in the immediate vicinity and a clearly visible dark skinned target


    Full Member

    just a quick q……….why were some of the rioters students wearing masks/hoodies/scarves to hide their faces??

    Full Member

    because they are worried that the violent thugs in uniforms will hunt them down and persecute them for exorcising their right to protest

    Full Member


    Free Member

    I think there was probably one hand on a butt somewhere in that convoy, & I don’t means Chas’s on Cammie’s in the back of the limmo either!

    Free Member

    Chas on the driver ?

    Free Member

    Chas on Dave?

    Full Member

    or ton did u mean these guys?

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    because they are worried that the violent thugs in uniforms civil law enforcement agencies will hunt them down and persecute prosecute them for exorcising their right to protestcommit criminal damage and assault members of the civil law enforcement agencies

    fixed it for you

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